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Meta Sboog Building Contest

Busy day in Boxtus...anyways, I've pretty much ended up making MoCs for every major character that I came up with in TBTTRAH series(MT, Vecolity, Super Bohrok, Reveldon Z10, Original Sboog) except for Sboog's second form that was used briefly in TBTTRAH and far more in Aftermath, where he is one of the central villains. Anyways, the contest here is to build a Meta Sboog MoC...and I'll give some descriptions on how that's supposed to go.   The contest winner gets....I'm not sure yet. If any peop

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Video Game Review: Metroid Prime Trilogy

Welcome to my Good Lord knows how many video game review, but the first one I've posted on BZPower since Halo 3 came out way back in 2007. I guess this may not really count as a video game review, since there are 3 video games involved and they're all ones that have come out before, but this needs to have one anyways.   Presentation:   It's tin. It's tin! THE BOX IS TIN!!!!!! FINALLY METROID GETS ONE OF THESE. Anyways, the box is tin(did I mention that?) and it comes with a see through slip th

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor


No, it's not from the Zehvor. It's from another Toa team.   Some of you, such as Tarakavarbiter and Sonu, knew this already, but a couple months ago I more or less secretly joined the "Toa Rojos" in an attempt to find the main site of the MiB so we could potentially report it to BZP and they would be able to do something from there. But we were never able to find it.(at least, the current one. There was an abandoned one that ended up getting flooded with spam from angry BZPers.) Anyways, since

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Want An Moc Done? Post Requests Here..

Here's where we'll be taking requests for the newly formed Omega Turtle Studios MoC team. Post any request here, and we'll try to get on it. If you post it here and we don't seem to get on it, then contact one of the below members....   Tarakavarbiter Mesonak Makuta of Comedy Mocman72 Blackout(aka Toa of Shadows 97)   at 1-800-PM. We do reserve the right to not fulfill any request for any reason. We also reserve the right to steal your food. (Actually, we don't, but we do reserve the first

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Formation Of Omega Turtle Studios

Well, after getting fed up with Anon's stupid new "religion," and hearing a ton of stuff about people wanting Omega Turtle back, I've decided to bring everyone's favorite Bruce Lee caliber coffee loving turtle back in a huge way. And it all starts with the creation of Omega Turtle Studios, or OTS. Right now Omega Turtle Studios includes just myself and my brother, who doesn't have an account on here in the first place but some of you know him as "Little MT." Anyways, Omega Turtle Studios gets cr

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Mt Report: July 2009

Thanks to the stupid hackers, this has been delayed for quite some time. Anyways, here is the belated July 2009 edition of the MT Report.   Who's HOT   GEOMETRY TEACHERS: At least, the one I have now. One of the nicest guys ever, gives completion grades on homework, and the class is fairly easy. Plus, his last name is Bacon. What I don't get is why there is no Mrs. Sausage to go along with him. Can I call his children Bacon bits or something?   METROID: Metroid Prime Trilogy=3 of the greates

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

My Poor Leg

Anyone remember last year when I broke my finger? The curse of early school year injuries has struck again.   This time, it's my left leg that suffered. I was running earlier today, and, from what I can tell, gathering information from what the medical people said, I ripped some of the tissue that connects the muscle to the hip bone. This one'll take a while to heal.   Thankfully, it doesn't hurt too bad anymore. This trend is starting to get crazier than my random final days of semester fev

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

It's Back


MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

In Florida

Sorry about the warning on such short notice(oh, wait, I didn't give any warnings. Ah well), but I am in Fort Lauterdale(close to Miami), Florida. Very nice here, it's 90 degrees, super humid, and there's people with their cars driven into canals. Reminds me of home. Except that no one drives cars into canals in Georgia.   Anyways, this internet is working as well as I remember it, so...I may not be on as often as I like.   One more thing: The seeming dissapearance of Aftermath has been due to

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

More Zehvor Stuff: New Arbiter Announced + New Member

A few days earlier I said that before Sunday I would have picked the new arbiter. I have, and the choice is...   (drumroll)   Brenmac, who was also the 1st arbiter. Burnmad will be his assistant, and the one who will take over if Brenmac resigns the position.   So that takes care of that problem. The only other one remaining is that we are now down one member. Without TA, the roster looks like this:   Zehvor: MT(leader), Sonu,(deputy), Brenmac(arbiter), Levacius(lieutenant+warrior), Dakama(w

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Zehvor, I Have Some Very Bad News

(This is no prank)   Tarakavarbiter has recently announced, that due to uncontrollable circumstances, he will be gone for the next TWO YEARS. I hope that he comes back sooner, but I can't count on it. So let's take a moment and wish TA the best as his parting gift...hopefully, the Zehvor will still be around in two years to greet him when he gets back...if he does.   (silence)   You will be sorely missed, TA.   Now, that brings up another problem. With TA's sudden disappearance, we have one

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Reign Of "darkness" Continues...

More info on the unfolding story of Yami's return.   Earlier today, Yami was on his way to sabotage the BZP server, the next step in his plan to take over BZPower. However, not all went as he planned. He was cornered by Akaku and Johnuva, who shapeshifted into Transformers and began attacking Yami. Yami had demolished Johnuva and was ready to take down Akaku when Levacius stepped in, and Akaku, disguised as Rapid Fire, assumed he was here to help. With this extra glimmer of hope, the two Transf

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Return Of Yami...and Mami

After being defeated and then stuck in a freezer by Sonu, Yami wasn't feeling too happy.   However, the dark(and yummy) forces conspired together and freed Yami, causing evil to be released on the world.   Now Yami is back, but he has brought some reinforcements...   His brother, MUMMY MAMI. Who is a Mummy except on Sundays and Holidays and then he is...not a mummy.   Run for your lives.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Calling All Zehvor: Rise Of The Toa Ventorus And How It Effects Us

Apparently following some event last night, Mesonak, previous leader of the Kendan, has disbanded the team.   KTM, planning with Mesonak, formed the Toa Vetorus as the replacement for the Kendan. The Kendan members still in this alliance are somewhat in shock or something...so we'll see what happens there.   KTM has this to say on the matter:     Apparently Mesonak listens to his deputy more than I ever listen to Sonu...(JK)   Anyways, this is the new lineup for the Ken, er, Ventorus.  

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Mt Report: June 2009

Already one full month into summer....*Sigh* Anyways, here's the high and lows of June, and what to look forward to in July.   EPIC WIN: Raid on Vulcanus. Awesomest book in a really long time. Especially how Greg portrayed the worries and concerns of Glatorian who are loyal to their village and the ones who just work for money. (STRAKK) Definitely worth checking out, especially the ending excerpt from the movie novelization. Makes me really want to see the movie   Other wins:   Ackar: Greates

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

All Zehvor Pm Me

Title says it all. Tarakavarbiter is exempt from this, as he already knows what's going on.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Mile High Blog, Day 7: Birthday Tomorrow

Last day as a fourteen year old. Tomorrow is my birthday...so....yay me.   Went to the Rocky Mountain National Park today(parents totally ignored my warning about the rain cloud, so we got soaked)...and that really wasn't fun. Went to the Alpine National Park next (I stayed in the car for the most part), and then we went back. Not very exciting, except for a horrible Louisiana restraunt and and pretty good hamburger on the way back. Oh, and then there was the crazy balloon hat I got that robbed

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Mile High Blog, Day 6: Pickup Truck 1, Mt 0

Today was a....very interesting day.   Spent the morning watching Sports Center and playing MIA in chess, soon after I got talked into going on a bike trip to Colorado University. On the way there, there was a really steep hill hat I was going down, and that's where the "fun" started. The bike's chain came off, and there was a truck near the side of the road (parked, thankfully). I tried to brake, couldn't stop in time, rammed the truck, got knocked off the bike(I'm giving up any hopes of being

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Mile High Blog, Days 4 & 5

Day 4: Started off early today, headed out with family and I thought Mata Nui(but it turns out I had left him back at our friend's house, no worries, we were going back there after the short 2 day mini vacation to Colorado Springs).   Stronius came along instead, though he didn't get any pictures taken. The only real attraction we went to was "Focus on the Family," where I got this awesome T-Shirt and an awesome milk shake....and a pretty cool tour as well, although most of it was scaled down

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Mile High Blog, Day 3

Maybe we should make that the two miles high blog.   Ackar and I set off today with the rest of my family to Georgetown Colorado. (They should've been happy with the one in Maryland) We got on a train and went to a silver mine, which kind of raised my expectations. But I was let down yet again. There was hardly in there, the place had been abandoned (by the miners) a long time ago, and...it was really cold and wet.   At least there weren't any rats. Got some good pictures from the train ride t

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Mile High Blog, Day 2

2nd day blogging from Boulder, Colorado. Didn't really do anything today besides go to Church and a Rockies game. As for highlights, I'm sure all of them can be found on ESPN, except for the ridiculous prices and hilarious sounds being made by the PBPA. Pretty good experience overall...although I still think they could've done something to make it a little cheaper.   I guess that's major league sports, though.   Yami(YES, I'M LOOKING AT YOU, SONU) is super NOT yummy today, due to it being a Su

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Mile High Blog, Day 1

I am in Colorado now....and I have computer access!! (yay)   No pictures today(forgot the camera), but then again, there wasn't anything worth seeing. Some stupid air show and a flipping tea brewery(I never get a say in things we get to go see)...   Tomorrow is looking promising. Father's day is always fun, and (I lied earlier) we get to see a Rockies' game after church...got pretty good seats, but the only problem is my brother is coming, and he always makes us leave after about 5 innings. Th

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Yummy Yami

YUMMY YAMI IS YUMMY   (Except on Sundays and Holidays. Then he tastes terrible)   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Who Goes With Me?

Some of you may know already, some may not, but I am leaving for Colorado in 2 days, so, it's up to you to decide who goes with me (and gets pictures taken of them and stuff)   Here are the choices:   MT(my self moc)   Ackar   Mata Nui   Tahu   Tahu Nuva   Any Mistika or Phantoka   And potentially another Glatorian Legend if I get to go to a TRU before we leave.   Pick TWO.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

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