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I dunno what's up lately. Not complaining or anything, but up here in Washington it's feeling like April/May instead of the second month of the year. Clear skies, higher temps, tons o' sun glare . . . I think our clouds have gone on vacation, people.   (Not trying to rub it in, you folks on the East Coast )

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Mystery Dungeon

Zen was playing Pokemon Mystery Dungon: Blue Rescue Team (he recently got it for $11 =P), and since I had nothing to do until our parents came back from an errand, I hung over his shoulder and made jokes at his expence while he struggled with Magma Cavern. Two made frequent appearances:   Me: What's Groudon's power level? Zen: IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND!   And, after the aforementioned Legendary kicks his butt:   Zen: THIS IS *censored* Me: Actually, this is Magma Cavern.  

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword


I really need to make a Catagory for Music, considering how many times it crops up in my entries.   Anyhoo, I'm now hooked on that new single of Rihanna's, "Rude Boy". I gotta admit, I can apply this song to a lot of my characters, including (but not limited to): Lauren Adrastos and Alexandria (Kingdom Gaeabionta) Amphitrite (to a point) (Lightning Strikes Twice) Stara (mostly because she had a similar attitude for a good part of her life) (Heroes and Halflings series)

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Round Eleven

Tifosi 92 wins! Taken right from his mouth:   Answer: The French rigged crooked pictures with explosives so that when the Germans came into the houses and straightened them, they would detonate. The Germans, as you said, had a reputation for being neat, and couldn't stand the sight of crooked pictures.   Rules: Don't share answers with each other, even answers you know aren't right. Doing so will get you disqualified for that round. This also applies for stealing another person's answer when y

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword


I never realized just how interesting I apparently am to some people. Ever since I got that letter from Willamette University, I've gotten stuff from four other colleges, ranging from the University of La Verne to the University of Miami.   *slumps in chair* It's never gonna end, is it? ._.   EDIT: Add another to the list. Now the University of Portland wants me.

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword


I had an interesting day, even if it wasn't an ideal one. Zen's friends Jared and Nick came over again, and for over two hours they were swapping remotes and nunchuks while they played Super Mario Bros on our Wii, yelling at each other in hilariously bad Italian accents.

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Valentine's Day

*surprise glomp as you enter my blog*   Happy V-Day, guys! =D *gives the obligtory heart-shaped boxes of candy to all concerned*   Well, I've got some stuff other than e-candy, though. For a Bionicle-themed special, I have Beautiful Nightmares (a songfic that lost the song part of it ), and I wrote a poem for CoT as well: High School Romance.   And if romance isn't your thing and you want some action, blood, and death, well, Creeping In My Soul is just the thing. (It's the opposite of Beauti

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Steam Vents, Iron Shoes, And Nationals

My brother and I have been making good use of Day 1 of our five-day weekend (=P), mostly by getting to Death Mountain of Twilight Princess. My brother got stumped by the steam vents blocking the path to the mines, but since I had been paying attention in the Twilight Realm, I just made Link put on his Iron Boots and walk through it without getting hurt. This is a sum-up of the reaction:   Zen (my brother): Me: Zen: :angry: Me:     Oh, and there's a possibility that I'll be going with m

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Round Ten

Sumiki won again!   Answer: The police put up a sign warning people about pickpockets. When people looked though their pockets and bags for their valuables because of the sign, the criminals knew exactly where those items were so they could steal them.   Rules: Don't share answers with each other, even answers you know aren't right. Doing so will get you disqualified for that round. This also applies for stealing another person's answer when you didn't come up with it yourself. You may, howev

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Good News And Bad News

Well, the good news is that I'm no longer addicted to Super Smash Bros. Brawl. At long last.   The bad news? Well, the bad news is that the reason my addiction to SSBB broke is that I'm now addicted to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword


For some reason, the new-topic thing thinks I have a BBCode error, even though I don't.   How the heck am I supposed to post this new story? Ohwait, I found the problem. Fixed and posted.

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword


*is considering asking Lady K for a HB Stara. Assuming I can cough up the cash for it, that is*   Make that a definite. Screw the Cryoshell album; I want a picture of Stara in the flesh, and I can't draw it myself since I lack the skills.

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Week Of Love

'Nother Spirit Week. >.> Monday(today): Twin Day (didn't do this because I forgot, and I don't want to be anyone's twin) Pajama Day (I'll do this one, since its warmer than it should be and I have some good PJ's ) Wear Your Crush Day (don't ask, cuz' I have no idea) Hug Tag Day (I'll explain later) We only have four days since we get Friday off.   And at the moment, I'm having fun writing a really bloody story. Nothing like blood and guts to make V-Day vibes go 'poof'.

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword


Yay Saints.   Though then again, I haven't followed football for a while, now . . . the last time I've really paid attention to the sport was when my school won the homecoming game.   I'm actually finding more entertainment in reading all the blog entries cheering or moaning the results.

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Rant And Rave

This is a two-part entry: the rant and the rave. Actually, make that three: a rant and two raves (or one rave and what passes for a rave in my book ).   Rant: Last night I was poking around Biosector, since the server was lagging (), and I saw something on the Lightning page: I was like "waht?"   I mean, seriously. Blue and white? Where did that come from?   I admit my own Lightning color scheme -- yellow/gold and grey/silver -- is a bit uncreative, but it makes sense! The gold/yellow is l

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Songs I Need To Write Fics To

"Photograph" by Nickelback Some song by Owl City; probably "Umbrella Beach" or "Hello Seattle" "Murky" by Cryoshell "Hands Held High" by Linkin Park "Soul Meets Body" by Death Cab for Cutie "May It Be" by Enya "Move Along" by the All-American Rejects I'll update the list when I remember the other songs I want to do.

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

I Can't Dally Anymore

Since we've gone weeks without a new vote, I'll be announcing the new Second-in-Command for the Toa Seneca. Kini won by a landslide (and is really the most active member out of the nominees ), so he is replacing Akaku. Akaku himself won't be taken off the list, but he'll be mentioned in a part that says "Goodbye".   With that handled, I have something else to think about. I really wanted to keep with the theme of seven for the Seneca, but the original group are a tight bunch.   What do you gu

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword


My throat is sore and it feels like the Sahara, even though I must've drunk two liters of liquid yesterday to try and remedy that.   Hopefully, this cough drop I'm sucking on right now will fix that little problem, though I still feel sucky. -.- (I can probably attribute that to the taste, though. Cherry and eucalyptus *ick*)

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Round Nine

Sumiki got the closest answer, so he's this week's winner!   Answer: The German spies wore identical hats with secret information hidden inside the hatband. They entered the restaurant at slightly different times and placed their hats on the hatrack where they would see them. They left at different times -- each taking the other's hat.   Rules: Don't share answers with each other, even answers you know aren't right. Doing so will get you disqualified for that round. This also applies for steal

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword


Apparently, the book Night by Elie Wiesel is required reading material for tenth graders in my school district, despite the fact a good handful of my English class have read it back in elementary school.   It's not a big book -- barely hits 110 pages -- so I managed to read it today, after getting it yesterday (probably would've read it faster, but I had more homework yesterday). I have to say, it's probably the most depressing book I've ever read (and I've read the Series of Unfortunate Event

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Night Owls

A little while ago (about last Thursday or so), I started typing up a random thing for the MAS comic I'm currently starring in, NightOwls (which is really, really cool, lemme tell you). It just fits in with Comic #2, but in no way should it be considered authentic; it's just something I wrote.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « I took a bit of liberty with my own lines in the second part; they weren't the same as the lines I had in the actual comic, but Inferna doesn't do st

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

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