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Short Story Complete!

LIEK ZOMG!   I actually finished the story!   *Is proud of self* I kind of like this story, some flaws, some grammar trouble...But enjoy to those who want to read it, unlike my darkish epic, this one is rather emotional.   ...And now that I have finished that, I can now have peace of mind to go to sleep.     .....Reviews would be nice...err, *cough*

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

In Trouble.

I got in trouble for talking to LH yesterday, and I would like to tell him it wasn’t his fault. Dad asked who I was talking to and I said a friend of mine on BZP, he then asked what's his name/where he lives and I couldn't answer that because I forgot. >> Then dad said I shouldn't be talking to people I don't know because I cannot trust them.   So I dunno what I will do, that means I am in trouble on MSN/Yahoo/AIM, and probably being on BZP too. ;_;   Let me tell you though, that my mo

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

My Creative Brain Has Returned To Me!

Hey look, I actually updated my epic! Read if you wish. =D This chapter is fairly long, but mainly is just an action-battling scene since I haven't had much of those.   And I started drawing this utterly awesome picture of Zaktan, IMO. Let us hope it will do good, I am about to ink and color. And once I get a new sketchbook, I can start working on other pieces of art. ^^;   On another note of writing, I went back to finishing some SS, so look out for those!

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

I Really Need To Stop Dying.

Yeah, I might lurk around for about 10 minutes but that's all I have been doing really, which I want to get active again....But I have been busy working on another site, and then school is getting back in full force.   Good news, I am actually done with the next chapter in my story! Though I will post it when I finish a drawing it. Which is unknown how long that will take, because my scanner is being stupid. T_T   Even better news, I am actually drawing a really good Piraka! It might come out

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Silly School. ;_;

We started to school today, and let me tell you I wasen't happy at all. The whole time I thought we were doing school next week(Which is cool as far as school goes), but then suddenly dad proclaims school the day after new years. *Sighs*   I guess I can handle it, just wasen't really ready to start school.   And I keep on wanting to get active on BZP again, and I have had the time(Though still a bit busy), guess I got out of the habbit.   ...Need to post art. And add another chapter in my epi

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone and to all a good night! I was kind of mad BZP was down for awhile, sure I spent time with my family, but by 10 and playing with all my pressies I was like...Dude I am bored. O_O   Well, it wasn't so bad, I got to play with my....   NEW MINI AMPLIFIER! (Best present)   NEW ART SUPPLIES!   RANDOM JUNK!   CHOCOLATE!   ....But one of the bestest, and I was almost in tears... (No seriously)   Was a Kopaka Nuva that my sister got!   I am sure you all think I have mi

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


Hey, I am going to go see Eragon today.   ...One problem...   WAS I SUPPOSED TO MEET KIE AND TOMIKU TODAY OR TOMMOROW?? *Freaks out* The two said on the 17th, but the also said a Saterday? Saterday is on the 16th...   Eek.

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Dancing Brothers Are Amusing...

I'm watching my brother dance around in the kitchen while making a sandwich. I have Relient K going...Does he know I am watching him? Or does he care?   FINALLY got to see Cars, we got in Netflix today, and it is awesome, totally funny and the whole nine yards. Mom is watching it with the family now, because they went Christmas shopping today...And I have no clue what they got me!   I asked for a video game...Mom said no video games.   I asked for a Amplifier...To much money and mom said n

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Why Did I Say That?!

What the heck was I doing last night? Was I druck or something. O.o Why did I go all emo on everyone and scare you to death?? I dunno...But I hate getting deppressed and getting all worked over nothing. *Sighs and shakes head*   Firstly I am NOT leaving, dear lord I would be crazy, though I might take a week or two off from BZP to get a better time managment plan and catch up with school.   *Decides to quote all these great members that helped me out when I was being down and stupid.*   I

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Oh Gosh...

I am contemplating if I want to leave BZP.   Seriously.   I mean...I love BZP and of course Bionicle, but I just feel that my life which lately has been really rough on me and my family, and I have been less active, loosing the attention of my writing, art and even friends. It makes me feel so guilty that I can't reply to PMs as fast as I should be, but I dunno...   I am in a kind of emo mood about this; I am fine, just not about this.   My artwork is slacking, I don't write as much as I wan

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


I'm having fun at the moment playing 'dad' today; as he is off to Georgia teaching classes (Arc? Forestry? I forgot) He is giving me the duty to take over some of his work while he is away. So far I have gotten 5 phone calls in the last 30 minutes, most of which was something about a report, from all over the south.   And I have just spent the last hour trying to find some bloody files that I need to burn to CD's. Dad has all his drives confused...and not to mention his desktop. I would seriou

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


I got own'd by Kex and Dr. B bad yesterday. ><   *Shakes fist at Swert*   Least I learned that Kex likes Flyleaf. ^.^   Anyhow got some good/bad news:   1.I gots a cold. =(   2. Got our (Real--no fake, fake is silly) Christmas tree up. To bad I can't smell* it. >< (Happy now?)   3. Christmas Party tomorrow at our house, whoot!   4. No cable for meh, I miss Avatar. ;_;   5. And the bestest....   I MIGHT MEET KIE AND TOMIKU!   ...   Yeah, they are coming to my local mall for

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Trying To Stay Alive Here

MUST...NOT...DIE...   I actually have been very active on the computer...But being gone from BZP has made me even more dead. I need something to refresh me here.   *Sees angry mob*   Oh right. I could update my art.   BTW, new obbsession=Avatar the Last Airbender. <3

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Kind Of Back...

Whoot I am back, I am back!! And there might be a chance that my computer will stay in my room! Yay!   Tennessee was wonderful, oh I just love my dads side of the family. Oh man, and the food, it was awesome. *dies*   Though about art....Didn't get any Bionicle art done...I sorry, I really did try, but the pictures would always mess up or it didn't look good. I believe I am failing in my Bionicle artwork. I mean, I want to do more Bionicle art, but...   Though, I did get a lot of art done f

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Will Be On Hiatus For Awhile!

Computer is moving out of my room and into the living room or something. T_T Mom and Dad thinks I am not doing well enough in school and is blaming the computer and me drawing all the time. They also think I am not social enough, and do not have enough responsibility.   ...I do partly agree with them that the computer is the blame, it is terribly hard to do school when a computer is staring at you...and yes, I am getting a little behind in school.   But they expect me to do all the school work

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Gumbo Baby!

*Decides to blog before she must go to bed*   Ok, mega awesome day today! I will try my best to keep it simple. XD   Ok, after a sleepover we had on Friday night (btw, awesome), we left for the veterans parade. Let me tell you it was small, but really fun to watch. Candy goes everywhere, big marching bands, horses....Oh and old guys driving go-carts. No seriously.   It was fun, and then after the parade, we went over to a local place called the 'Kent House', where everything and everyone(wor

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

[/in An Artist Mood]

Ok, I didn't murder it, I organized it. So hopefully I'll be able to reply to PM's faster and stuff...Yeah. So everyone, glomp me with PM's. Because it really feels that I was so bad at not replying to PM's earlier, I've might have hurt people’s feelings. ;_;   Let me see how I can make this a decent post without killing everyone with my longwinded entries...   On an art note, I am really glad everyone enjoyed the new art update. I really wasn’t expecting my new Indy Toa picture to be that go

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

*murders Pm Box*

Um, I was cleaning out my PM box so I could actually do some good in the world, and I deleted all the PM's I still needed to reply to.   So um. Could you guys PLEASE PM me whenever you able on PM's that I didn't reply to or any of the sort, this would be a good time now that I have more time to reply to PM's.   Sorry.

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


I was going to update my art today. Seriously. No really. I have like...3 new drawings along with 2 requets.   But um, I kind of got caught up with playing Guild Wars, working on some GIS stuff for dad, and I am now just working on my SS entry. But alas, now that I have art to show, I will only have to scan and stuff! I will try my best to do that tomorrow.   But yes, I am entering the Short Story Contest #3. For awhile I was not going to enter due to me winning the S&T, but what the heck.

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

1 Year Speech (overdue)

This ere' is my long and useless speech for my 1 year. Over due yes, but eehhhh I am doing it just to annoy you.   I remember joining BZP...Well actually I tried many times, but my parent control got grouchy when I tried to join, but finally got it working. A quick trivia, did you know I was going to call myself Lady Lhikan? And before I had 'Lady Kopaka', I was called Toa Sahkanii? After finally discovering that my account started working (Pointed out I believe by my good friend Violet Tonk

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

*cough, Wheeze, Sneeze*

This will be a short entry since I am sick(AGAIN ><) and tired...and I need to work on my epic/artwork.   Yay for me! Yesterday was my 1 year at BZP, once I get my big art pic up(Thank you Swert for the idea), and update my epic...I'll make a nice long post saying a nice long speech on the one year here. But once agian, sorry for me being kind of dead lately....Or I guess not dead as I am still rather active here, but I haven't updated any art in awhile...So forgive me. Life is hard at ti

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Yay For Costume!

Whoot! I just tried out all my costume for Indy Jones, so far everything looks A-OK! All I need now is to find a green satchel (I think I can get one from Wal-Mart), and....a fedora. Lord, I have no idea where I am going to find one. *cries* If I cannot find one in time, I have a dark cowboy hat that will do OK for a replacement. But everything looks fine, so whoopy do. And I also 'tested' it outside with my brothers....They were the Germans, I was Indy...You know where this is going huh?   A

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Autumn Cleaning And More With Gis

Eeks, 4 more days till I have been here a year! I need to hurry and finish a short story and my surprise art. ^^   Today is fall cleaning. Which means we sort out our old clothing and decide who needs new coats, etc for the winter. I also have undergone a major clean-room day, which I am about 70% done. And sometime today, I'm going to go through and organize and clean up my computer....and also find a little bugger spyware hiding in my mists.   KIE just PM'd telling me there will be a ArcGIS

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

I'm Freezing!

I'm freezing....And it's great! =D   I'm on a posting rampage here on BZP....Why? Well I am trying to make 2000 post before the 28th. What's the 28th? Well my 1 year anniversary of course! Yes this year has gone really fast, it still feels like I have only been here a few months. *Dreams of purdy Vahi* I'm going to either have to write a cool SS or do a good drawing for my 1 year...maybe both?   I seriously need to update my epic. When I started it, I had time to work it, now suddenly the wo

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

The Fair!

Ahh yes the fair, with rides, big rides...the kind that makes you want to get sick.   We entered stuff into our fair, ya know, lots of crafts, paintings, projects, and then of course they have shows for Horses, dogs, rabbits, and so on. Though I entered my 1st place Titanic painting (XD, from another contest) and then a newly sketched picture I did of Indiana Jones, I finished in one day in a few hours, so I think it ended fairly well. Though will have to see what happens, the judging is tod

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

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