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Still Very Cold Out...

...Not cold enough to close schools, but it's definitely gonna be chilly out... I suspect more cold weather's coming anyways... I'll have to grab a ride on the creaky metal clump of bolts soon... I mean, the bus...



Am I Awake?

...That's the title of the They Might Be Giants song I'm listening to right now. Very good... So here are the lyrics... --"Am I awake", by They Might Be Giants.   I recommend you all go search for it. Hint hint. *nudges BK*   I just got inspiration for a Lovecraftian Bionicle Songfic... The wonders of BLOG! can do that for you. BLOG! allows the user to successfully detail or jot down emotions thoughts and ideas to be disseminated throughout the world.   [insults Removed]



Back From The Concrete Death Trap...

Aye, the one that was built to mindlessly shove an alleged 'education' into our skulls and make us 'smarter'. My day only gave me a minor urge to go on a psychotic rampage, I'd have to count that as good. Hoo-ray...   The little gnomes in my head say hi- I mean, um, uh, er, heh, erm... YOU SAW NOTHING!



Meeeeeep... Awakeness.

...Yeah. I'm up... And tired of course... I had a weird dream about school, shoe-shaped fire-alarms, alien teacher things... It was just plain wacked out. I also dreamed I was dreaming and I woke up at 5:40 AM kinda before going back to bed because I had thought the alarm clock went off in my dreams so it was a very confusing thing... Nur... My head hurts.



Future Weapons

Just watched two episodes on the Discovery channel, and I set the TiVo to record some Mythbusters episodes. Hoo-ray. More usage of electricity. My oh my what a dedicated environmentalist I am.     I have some more art in the works, I've created a character accidentally... Originally I just made him to be an object in the foreground to help me test my background making skills, but now he's a character........ Not that it's a bad thing.........



Nnn... Just Woke Up...

I had the weirdest dream: I was Patrick the starfish, from Spongebob Squarepants, and my voice sounded like Squidward's. I was trying to get some sort of magic wish or something to create an imitation of Squidward's house on top of a giant spire and take over Squidward's life or something. And in the end the real squidward was begging and it was just strange... Not as strange as my odder dreams... Then it shifted to a dream I was in my school. The classrooms were different, the halls were dark a




When snow comes, comes with it shoveling said snow out of driveway. I had to shovel the front walk, and my fingers froze. It was super cold, obviously, and hard. Gah, I'm still cold and sniffling. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatever...



Update In My Cot Art Topic!

Two new updates! Yeah, go check it out...... Some of you who I keep in contact with may know I've been talking about this one art piece I was drawing, but I didn't post it... There's an explanation in the topic if you're confused why it isn't there.



A Curse?

Have you ever noticed when people talk about their ratings in their blog, it's like some sort of psychic message is sent out to people to give it a low rating? It's happened every time somebody blogged about their ratings, whether to complain about them or brag about them. The ratings take a dip in the ice-cold river and get dragged in by the current. It's one of the nastiest phenomena I've ever witnessed. I don't actually care about my ratings- They're stupid yellow stars up in the corner of my



Wow... The Snow...

I woke up like twelve minutes ago and I have to say the snow is absolutely incredible. It's st wonderful. Another reason I love winter. I find it ironic it snowed on Groundhog Day, when we got predictions of an early spring... Whatever I'm just glad to have some snow... Of course our ugly chemicals and mud will dirty it up fast, sadly.



It's Snowing! For Real!

YES! SNOW! It's really coming down, and not just wimpy bits of snow like before, SNOW! YES! It's so beautiful out there, the snow coating the trees in the night, barely lit... Wow it makes me feel nostalgic... SOME GOOD SNOW IS FINALLY COMING! YES! It's falling pretty fast and it's wonderful... What a magnificent, once in a lifetime sight, it's incredible... The dark night making such a perfect backdrop to the flakes as they hug the ground and trees and everything, and it's that sort of night th



My Post Was Eaten!

I was posting a really long post in the Dead RPG, and I had worked on it for ages. I felt I'd really done well with it, I liked how I used BK's description of Horeod to make parts of it more melodramatic. But suddenly, my Mozilla Firefox browser freezes up and I have to close it and restart my computer, and I lose what I was writing, forcing me to start from scratch. ARGH! And I still know life's unfair, but I'm just logging my dismay at the event. So my computer froze up and ruined what I would




Yeah, so it's Friday night and I'm just sitting around... Feels nice to have some down time. I don't really have much to say...     I know life is unfair, I'm just trying to make everybody else miserable.



More Captions?

Yeah I made some more, hoo-ray. Don't sue me. And put down that pitchfork, will you?   Henry knew he was doing something wrong when they kept laughing after the warning shot. Perhaps it was the clown suit.   Somebody had left the door to the next dimension open again.   Really, the toast was getting tired of these incredible adventures through time and space.   The death badgers had returned.   The villagers did run run run as fast as they could but they were no match for the Ninjabrea



Modern Technology Makes Me Feel Old

No, seriously. I know I'm only thirteen and yet I feel old. Weird. Look at this topic. Makes me feel even older. I can remember a good chunk of my life without any DVDs and lots of videos. Tons of them in fact. TV shows, movies, whatever, it was all on tape. I also still have a bunch of taped Pokemon episodes dutifully gathering dust in the basement. I'm just thirteen and yet all this technology makes me dizzy. I shouldn't even blink about it and yet I feel olllllllld. Plus I have plenty nostalg



Hoo-ray I Have To Drag Myself To School

Sleepy again, anxious to get the day over with, and unsure what'll happen today. Will I be working at a steady and okay pace in Math when the assistant teacher mentioned before intrudes and ruins the class? Or will my egotistic English teacher find some minor, trivial detail of our class' homework to harp on hatefully to the point we hate her a thousandfold more than before? Maybe my French teacher will nag me to the point that the sound of her voice makes my ears hurt. Hoo-ray, boy, the day is



Gotta Go To Bed Now...

Yeah, gotta go get some sleep so I don't snap and go berserk in class tomorrow... Not that I wouldn't like doing it, but that whole 'life sentence' thing just doesn't appeal to me. Then again, hardly anything does.




My day was filled with intrusions by the moronic things called teachers... Gack... I sat at several cold, machine-made desks, having alleged 'facts' being crammed into my mind although they'll likely be outdated by the time I graduate, all for the purpose of my so-called 'education', in an aging heap of concrete just waiting for a single incident to topple it horribly. Pfft. So my first three classes went moderately okay, but when I got to Social Studies, it went downhill. Everything was fine fo



Just Some Thoughts...

Yeah, a very long entry, yay. Anyways, Bahrag Kal, as I've already said before, hosts the Dead RPG 2. So that's one RPG. It's got an incredibly developed storyline and it's pretty unique. So when BK started the Hidden War RPG and he found out he could only have one RPG at a time, it was easy to chose between the Dead RPG and the new, not very progressed Hidden War RPG. It's interesting to see it go, it was closed, as I wonder what would have happened if it had stayed open. I don't really think i




Lemme explain how I got the chance to get in a blog entry, and this one too, in my school library, on one of its usually inaccessible computers. See, some dopes were messing around in the library and mistreating the computers and messing around with them, and such, so the principal decided that we can't play games on computers until next Monday and can only do homework, and if we don't improve our behavior we won't be allowed to play games on the library computers for the rest of the school year




Well, I didn't get in a blog entry at home, so now I'm in the school library so... Victory? *does little arm wavey thing*



Wow... This Is Just Plain Weird...

That's kinda crazy... Just wow... I mean, suing over that? What next? "You owe me fifty million in damages because the air felt wrong!" Wait, no, "Your product emotionally damaged me when I realized two molecules happened to be misaligned!" Or "I was horribly injured when I put that can of soup in the toaster so that's why you microwave owners should be punished!" Wait, wait, "Officer, this man existed at me!" "He harassed me by breathing the same air!" Lovely how absurd the world keeps getting,




First, I must open this entry with an observation: When I was in the locker room before gym, I saw in the window of my PE teacher's office a sign that said "Character is who you are when nobody's watching." And we all know people who are absolutely nasty when not being watched, so this means that that must be their character showing. And everybody's suffered one of those "character-building" excerises, but what if they actually work? Thus, an explanation for half the things that are wrong in the




Gack, I'm so tired... I was sleeping peacefully, but of course the stupid alarm clock can't let that happen, can it? Bleeping alarm clock gnomes. Or was it the insomnia monkeys in my head? ._. Doooooooooom. I'm still drowsy, very yawny... Gagh, I feel like I need to go back to bed stat... Nur... And why did nobody comment on my latest dialogue? Did you all suddenly interpret it as a code ordering you to eat babies or something? Sheesh.



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