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Weekly Update - 1/1

Intro Another holiday, and another Weekly Update. It's been a quick week with the holidays, but stuff's still been going on.   Updates Another review went up this week, this time it was the Rahkshi, looked at by Shannara. Not many sets left, unfortunately. But keep checking for more.   Speaking of 2010 sets, we posted a reminder about our Leaked Image Policy. To make sure it's clear, this applies to all LEGO 2010 Summer sets. You cannot post pictures, link to pictures, or discuss pictures (o

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 8/22

Intro I'm at BrickFair right now, and three hours late on my update, sorry.   Updates So I really need to go to bed, but I'll just tell you that BrickFair is awesome. Shout outs go to: Darth Vader Smeagol4 Janus Levahk Lah Kohaku InnerRayg Chocolate Frogs Senjo Friar Tuck Hahli Husky Nikira Alsru Emzee Anyone else I've forgotten.   You guys all rock and we still have two more awesome days ahead of us!   Mailbag 1. I listened to The Wall on the way down to BrickFair. 2. Yes

Black Six

Black Six

Black Six Vs U S P S - Round 1

So, I'm sure you were expecting my next entry to be about BrickFair, and in a way this is. Today I made a trip to the Post Office carrying a large stack of boxes I could barely see over. It's a good thing it's less than a block away.   The contents of the boxes were all the awesome MOCs that BZPower members sent in to be displayed at BrickFair this year. The majority of them were sent Priority Mail, so the builders should have those by the end of the week. The rest should make it to their homes

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 8/7

Intro Another week spent offline. It makes me sad.   Updates This week was full of milestones for me. On Sunday I celebrated my eighth anniversary of joining BZPower. Wednesday was my 22nd birthday. Yesterday I celebrated my eighth year as a staff member of this fine site. Darn I'm old...   So other than the forums being offline still, we did manage to get two set reviews posted. Shannara took a look at Kiina and Bfahome shared his thoughts on Skopio. We have a couple more reviews in the pi

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 10/24

Intro It's Weekly Update time! Nothing too big, as per usual. Let's see what's inside.   Updates So, at least one review will be going up this weekend, two if I have time. We should also be getting some coverage from the BrickCon event that took place a little bit ago (no word yet on the rest of our BrickFair coverage, does anyone really care at this point?).   So this year's story gets closer and closer to ending, and details of next year begin to emerge. So let me remind you that you shoul

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 10/3

Intro So I was sitting at my computer after enjoying the premier of Sanctuary and wondering, 'what should I do now?' when it suddenly dawned on me that I had forgotten the weekly update! But I was not too late, so here it is!   Updates If you haven't read this yet, do it NOW! Some people like being surprised, please respect that.   Hopefully we'll have another set review getting posted tomorrow, getting closer to finishing the 2008 lineup.   I received some information this week about ToyFa

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 10/15

Intro It's still Thursday as I'm writing this, but Friday is going to be super-busy so I'm starting early. Don't expect much this week.   Updates If you preordered the game, LEGO Universe is live right now! Everyone else still has to wait a bit. Personally I've barely had enough time these past few months to play Xbox, let alone an MMO, so I'm passing for the time being. I hope it does well though!   You might have noticed that LEGO.com got overhauled earlier this week. It's a brand new desi

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 3/5

Intro Sometimes the weeks go by so fast I feel like someone installed a flux capacitor in my car. Well, here goes nothing!   Updates I'm sure everyone's favorite news item this past week was Smeagol4's review of the Large Pink Box. I told him he was crazy for doing it, but he just laughed and kept right on going. But hey, it's LEGO and we're a LEGO fansite, so you guys will have to learn to live with some interesting reviews here and there.   Of course since it's March now that means the Fe

Black Six

Black Six

My Trip To Enfield, Or Why Steve Witt Rocks

So at BrickFair this year Steve Witt told me I should take a visit to LEGO Headquarters in Enfield, Connecticut. Today I took him up on that offer and made the approximately three hour drive up. I got caught in some traffic thanks to an accident, but I made it there in one piece. We had a quick lunch and then went to the employee store, which is pretty awesome, since everything's pretty cheap. I had been talking to Steve about getting some prizes for BZPower contests and giveaways and he was awe

Black Six

Black Six

The Spirit

So it's New Years Eve and all that fun stuff, sure, but that's not what I'm here about today.   So yesterday I saw The Spirit, and was quite surprised by how decent it was. It was incredibly over-the-top to the point where it was making fun of itself, but that just made it better.   I haven't read the comics, so I can't comment on how close it was to the original, but the story was interesting. A mix of some science fiction and a little fantasy with a lot of action thrown in. There were a few

Black Six

Black Six

One More Brickfair Entry..

Last one, I swear (ok, maybe not). I just received an email from Todd Webb, the guy behind Brickfair 2008, thanking everyone that attended. Here's an excerpt you might all enjoy: As I mentioned before, Bionicle was a huge hit, and we hope to come back in style next year.   Brickfair 2009, here we come!

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 7/17

Intro Thank goodness it's Friday. Although that does mean I have to write one of these updates   Updates If you haven't check it out yet, there's a new The Legend Reborn teaser on Bionicle.com. It's Worf-alicious. It's a bit hard for me to take his part in this movie seriously, if you haven't noticed.   Next, go take a survey for LEGO if you haven't already. They're looking for feedback, and they want it from you!   We finally got another summer set review up. Check out Smeagol4's thoughts

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 12/11

Intro Another week done, another update come.   Updates So, as always, I'm a fan of plugging the wonderful RPG Contests going on over in the Bionicle RPG forum. We're giving out prizes this time, so all the more reason to create an awesome entry and submit it.   If you haven't yet, got get the awesome Mata Nui picture by entering an exclusive BIO Code. Remember, Kelly rocks!   Other than that, the holidays have been keeping things busy and news is slow.   Mailbag I'm glad someone uses i

Black Six

Black Six

Twitter And Bzpower

So yesterday I announced a new feature on BZPower, the ability to integrate Twitter anywhere you can use BBCode. This feature really has a lot of potential in my opinion, and I look forward to see how people use it. It seems though, that many people haven't heard about Twitter or don't know how to use it. So I'm going to try to explain some stuff about it.   First off, you can think of Twitter as a miniature blog. Your entry is limited to a maximum of 140 characters, meaning you have to be conc

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 10/17

Intro Welcome, readers, to yet another edition of the Weekly Update. Boy have we got a lot in store for you. No, not really.   Updates So, the Bionicle websites have seen a bunch of updates this week, with two new serial entries appearing and the always present Takanuva Blog fleshing things out. Lots of story content if that's your thing, as the year, and the world we know, comes to a close.   We should be getting another set review up this weekend, only a few more before we're done with th

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 4/18

Intro Doctor Who season premier on SciFi tonight, so I better get this done quickly! A lot of people are really busy this time of year, what with taxes, and semesters ending, and AP tests approaching, so don't be surprised by the lack of activity.   Updates One piece of news I'm happen to report on is that is all goes well we should have a new set review up tomorrow! You'll have to wait to see what the set is, but there aren't very many options at this point.   The setting for the calendar h

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 4/11

Intro Another week, another update. Not very much exciting to discuss, but read what you will and enjoy.   Updates We're looking into getting the calendar started up and populated with events soon by our staff members. And maybe we'll let you guys add some events at some point. If we do they'll be moderated so we have to approve them before they're live. If you can think of any types of things you want to see on the calendar, let us know so we can include them.   LAMLradio #33 was posted the

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 1/9

Intro So this week's update should be on time, but whether or not it's as informative as last week's is another matter.   Updates Three big stories this week, I suppose:   First, Pekel returns and weighs in on Metus. Be sure to read it if you like reviews that make you laugh while telling you everything you need to know about the set. He's one funny guy that Pekel...   Next up, an announcement was made about entertainment company Digital Blue partnering with Lego to create Lego and Bionicle

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 12/7

Intro Another week done, another update to post. I wanted to try to post this a few hours ago, but a little game called Mass Effect sucked me in. It's a great game I recommend to all Xbox 360 owners. Anyway, time to look at this past week on BZPower.   Updates So obviously the biggest news this past week is that RPG Contest 8 has begun. Ok, maybe it's not the most important thing, but it's pretty exciting, and if you have any interest in RPGs you should take a look and consider entering. We h

Black Six

Black Six

Winter Break

My break is unfortunately coming to an end and soon it will be time to go back to classes. It's been a fun few weeks though, I've been able to hang out with my friends a lot and catch up from the past semester. But now it's come to saying goodbyes again. Only a few of us are left, and I go back this coming weekend. It will be a change, getting used to a semi-rigid schedule again, we'll see how it goes.   While I'm not enjoying the company of my compadres I've been enjoying a bunch of other thin

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 10/10

Intro So, today is Friday, and that means it's time for another Weekly Update. What's been updated, you ask? Well there's only one way to find out...   Updates And the answer is, not a huge amount. Sorry to disappoint yet again.   There have been some interesting story updates recently, with a new video appearing as well as the music video for this year's song. I personally found some of the comments about Cryoshell's lead singer odd, considering there weren't very many good shots of her in

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 10/9

Intro Time for this week's update. What do we have in store? Read on to find out.   Updates Shannara shared his thoughts on Thornatus V9 this past week. You should check it out if you haven't already. Hopefully we'll have some more review-like content this weekend, whatever that means.   If you have a Toys 'R' Us nearby, you should check it out to get your free Bricktober bricks. Seems like a really cool promotion. And the Ambassadors may or may not have had a hand in it...   Speaking of Am

Black Six

Black Six

New App To Play With

So I was looking through my blog settings recently and noticed something about being able to turn on support for metaweblog clients or some crazy thing like that and I got curious. Apparently, with the right program and some fidgeting with the settings you can use an external program to add entries to your BZPower Blog.   I'm testing this right now with MarsEdit for Mac OS X. It seems ok, and possibly more convenient than making the entry on BZPower. I haven't been able to find a way to set cat

Black Six

Black Six

Blog Update

So I decided to move my content blocks around a little, and added a new one. Before I start getting hate mail, it's a reference to the US TV show The Office (not to be confused with the British one). Also, click the link, it's not really a trash can.

Black Six

Black Six

Ramblings Of An Admin

I feel the need to make a new entry here, but I'm not entirely sure of what to say. So we'll ramble a bit and see what happens.   The Bionicle Reference Center was released this past week, finally. Over the past few months members would tell us how our reference section was out of date or ask what it was Reference Keepers do, and all I could say is that there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes. It takes a lot to organize all of that data, especially with key resources like BS01 being o

Black Six

Black Six

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