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The Last Dash

The snapping that was going on in my mouth was far from comforting. I didn't like it.   But it had to be done.   I was waiting for more than a year for this day to come.   I'd never thought it'd be this tedious.     The orthodontist patiently worked.     Suddenly, there was a lack of tension in my mouth, tension that I had grown accustomed to for a year.   And a rather putrid stench wafted.     The orthodontist told me that I had to brush my teeth before she could continue.   I closed my



Spin Me A Web: First Weave

I now had a better thought of this little ghost-story project: I don't think I'll mind if there's an audience or not, even if replies are nice to get. It's all in the name of fun, and to flex my writing skills a little more. Besides, I need to write a new story for the Creative Writer's Club.   Here's Tale number one. Please, may I warn you, these tales are entirely fictional! All right, I may say that some of the living mortals in here are true 'cause I met them, but what happened to them here



Kick-start The Holidays

The holidays have come upon me, during the time when others are still at work and school.   Oooh, how much fun you can poke others with this bit of news.   Ignoring that, I've purposely set myself a few targets and a few more activities to do during this break. As all our lecturers mentioned and repeated over and over again, this was the LAST time we're going to have a good break during our academic stay with the education institute.   The next holiday will be no holiday - it will be work, wo



An Update

- The Epic Critics Club experienced a sudden jumpstart. Now, it's lagging because I haven't touched it. Yet. I will - once the week's over!   - There're two weeks left of the school term and my time as a second-year student. Ack, the assignments are killing me! I've an avant-garde piece to create out of home recordings, a business to launch and an online portfolio to boot up before the end of the term.   - I'm nervous about my internship placement. It may not have been a wise idea to leave it



The Entertainer

The first thing I said into the mic was, "Mic test, mic test."   Typical of an audio technology student, after the first mic failed me with a dead battery.   The sea of students before me looked at me with lazy eyes.   "Are you guys asleep?"     I was invited back to to my alma mater as a guest speaker for its Career Fair 2007. Other panel members were a Tiffany and Christina, Steffi and Clarissa. These students were all from junior college.   I was the only student from polytechnic.   T



The Harmless Creative Writing Workshop

I was wrong: it actually was harmful.   I felt like passing out after the 'harmless' creative writing workshop, session number two, was done and I reached home.   This time, I was the first to arrive at the designated venue, which was confirmed last night.   Assisting the lecturer-in-charge, Suan, to organise the place a bit, I mentioned to her that I had an idea of a short story and it was brooding in my head for a week, and I had planned to get it down today in the workshop.   She stoppe




From HH's blog, months ago, but still fun to revisit and try. I will have weird answers - trust me.   Le Soundtrack of a <dd> movie -as told by Windows Media Player-: Opening Credits: 'Trash The Camp' - Phil Collins & N*SYNC, OST Tarzan (A very quirky way to start the show, and very creative use of syllables. ) Waking Up: Nocturne - Secret Garden (Now we wake up in the middle of the night?!), Father Christmas - OST Chronicles of Narnia (Now this is more I like it! I love the movie's



League Of Pen Pals

The main reason I signed up for the creative writing workshop, the real reason behind my daring of taking on a course alone (no friends, no family, nadda. Just my miserable self and butt) was that I was doing it on a whim.   Face it, three consecutive weeks of boredom - 'stuck at home, on a laptop all day' kind of boredom - got to me good.   So, when I saw the words 'Creative Writing Workshop' on the front page of my polytechnic student web's, I was immediately enticed by the bait, and I wou



Gpa Results - Again?!

Looking at the laptop screen at 1am at night, I was wondering why on earth was I going to such extremes for my results.   The exam results were released by email on Wednesday, but it seemed like everyone else had the same idea as I to start logging into their account at the stroke of 12.   And hence I was still trying to log in at 1 in the morning.   But, truth be told, I was nervous. Dead nervous. I recalled my lecturers taking me aside and telling me that either, 1) My performance was up t



A Little Doggie

This is Lucky. Lucky, say "Hi" to all the nice readers!   Lucky had a haircut.   He doesn't look like himself anymore, with all that cropped hair, and I miss running my hands through that semi-coarse fur.   But now it's silky soft.   Besides, Lucky is still Lucky. His antics are forever the same.   He reminded us, recently, of why animals are considered to be dumb, at times.   A few nights ago, Annie the maid was heating up Lucky's everyday dinner of rice and chicken stew. He loves it, a




I was absent for a bit, but I've got good reason!   It seems like it's been a spate of sick-season over here. The dengue scare alert is up in code red, and my grandma got it. She's still recovering, but at least she's back from the hospital.   A day after she got warded, my uncle was found with a blood clot and was hospitalized too - one ward away from her. He has returned home too.   And back at home ground, my puppy Lucky ate something that didn't agree with him - don't know what - and he g



Warning: Rant Dead Ahead!

This is the post where the word 'rantings' has its true meaning shown in its ugliest state.   The bulk of the post is hidden in the spoiler. Be wary of it. If you are sure you won't get a brain freeze by reading a bulk of words that lean to the 'emo' side of this teen-bebop world, go on right ahead.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « When I stepped out of the assessment room, the fog in my head was more than palpable. It had been such a bane during the Ear Training Assessmen



A Virtual Tribute

We all have heard, not too long ago (factually on September the 4th) of a really tragic occurrence.   Animal hero Steve Irwin passed away in an accident with a stingray.   Now, no one can blame either party: Steve's incident is being scanned by the authority, and the animal was just trying to protect itself, even if it was hardly provoked. I was going to muse that it was an angsty femme that just wanted alone time and along came the Crocodile Hunter.   Well, this post goes out to Steve-fans l




Recently, I've been given a whole lot more responsibilities, tasks and the sort. A lot more than I bargained for, really.   I'm now part of a Student Portal Conceptual Design committee in the polytechnic, or the school in the polytechnic. I don't know how the teachers picked me to represent DMAT, but here I am. The Creative Writer's Club gave me a bit of news: It's not really a club, it's really an informal gathering - for now. Decisions are being made whether it would be a club or not. It s



First Times Are Good Times

Yes, if you are working, for the first time, in an intensive office job.   There were a few rules that I had to learn and iron out into my schedule and attitude. Here are a few that I found most positive.   1) Never mind if the staff and people around you are apathetic and cold. They're scared of you. Really. They won't talk to you until you've passed The Second Week mark. How I discovered that? After two weeks did the guy who sat behind me in the office cubicle offer his tapioca chips to me,



Curry Flavour

If you could guess, on a tiny island, anybody would know anybody.   I met with my parent's good old friend who orginated from UK, but now lived in US (Boston). But, he used to live in the country and he and my parents would have extreme eating sessions.   He liked curry fish head.   So did I.   So, when he finally returned to this country of office, my mother whisked him to eat one of his favourite dishes. Wouldn't you know it, I followed along to - to see if this friend of my mother's is wo



Packing Up

The performance went all-right. The mistakes I made weren't too obvious, thank goodness. The teacher-singer I had enlisted as my partner in crime did a splendid rendition of 'Girl From Ipanema' to 'Boy From Ipanema' in English and Portugese.   But, that aside, I'm heading to the US on Monday - and arriving on Northwest-American soil on Monday. No thanks to the Greenwich line and the Median line (My geography is rusty), I may suffer from serious jetlag when I return (next Wednesday), and I fores



Cats And Dogs

Do you ever wonder why cats hate dogs, and vice versa?   That question ran past my head when my dog displayed the most bizarre reaction to the television - something he ignored on an everyday basis.     My sister and I were watching an animal documentary about cats - a colony of cats that lived in Rome. They were all so fluffy and cute, especially the kittens. Lucky didn't find them so appealing. He laid in my lap, relaxed and breathing softly.   Suddenly, his ears pricked up and became agita



Woes Of... Co Curricular Activities?

Most of the members here have an active role of some society made by the school, or at least supervised by the school or the community, which sounds interesting and fun. I don't mind the Scouts tales, and manga clubs, music clubs (oh, they're the most interesting).   I would not be lying that I am turning a bit green. With envy, not sickness.   I'm in a bit of a limbo right now, considering my co curricular activity to participate in during my time as a polytechnic student.   I had, at first,



Hilarious Sisterhood

No, it's no spoof of the Sister's Act.     It's, quite literally, the relationship between my sisters and me.     There were times I wondered how it was like to be a single child, and thinking of it as something better than my current situation.   Now I hardly think of that anymore.   Reason being?     Right now my little sister is 'whining' and screaming, whining as the class realised that she was ticklish and she was ticklish because my twin sister and I are guilty of tickling her every n



Too Many Ideas

For someone who percolates as much as I do, maybe letting a blog sit and fallow for a long while would not be good for his/her mental well-being.   Putting it down straight, I've had too many ideas on what I wanted to blog about. I also partly blame the strange hours I've been returning home from polytechnic for the past week - evening/night time. I rarely do that - it's detrimental to my physical well-being - but it happened. My brain shorts out at night, and hence I feel hardly inclined to bl



Ship, Ahoy!

'Cap'n! What gives? We don't care about your jar o' dirt or money, we just wanna see the ship!'   The aforementioned man, in his leather hat, billowing white shirt and tanned pants, swayed slightly aboard the ship, and took another swig from his bottle of rum.   'You,' he started, staggered slightly and caught himself from tumbling overboard, 'ain't steppin' on this deck.'   'We don't want your ship either,' the other girl beside the first one added in.   'Ya ain't comin' up.'   'Well, watc




I was stressed.   The lack of sleep two nights ago, no thanks to a sudden urge to do a search-spree on DeviantArt for Transformers fan-art pictures (and becoming scarred and scared by some of them since I can't draw) had contributed to the nasty mood, but that did not spark it. It was the adults around me who sparked it.   Snapping at this I like puppy dogs and trying her patience does not bode well with her.   Despite my rather light username and the often frisky and light attitude does



Spin Me A Web: Halloween Tales?

Well, the day's fast approaching for many to keep the cobwebs, to find all the black and orange paint, to find large pumpkins and prepare a good stash of candy to give trick-or-treaters or to give your haunted house a good prep and run-through.   I don't celebrate it, but I find it really fun. Even if I miss out on the action, and Singapore really doesn't dig Halloween so much as some big exams occur right after it. (For those in the know, it's the A Levels and O Levels, all important to get y



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