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Ball's In Whose Court?

Honestly, I don't know what sport the people who use this phrase play/watch, but I'm pretty sure the ball stays in one court throughout a single game. They have some serve/pass if they're getting the ball all the way to another court... or they're aim is way off. I don't think I've ever actually used this phrase; at least, I don't recall doing that.  You lost the metaphor.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Back From Hungary!

So I got back from Hungary this past Sunday (I wanna go back), and I basically hit the ground running almost non-stop. One task after another. Haha.   I went to lunch with a friend of mine yesterday to talk about some stuff, and he ended up getting me a job doing data entry for another company that shares office space with his. Now that's the kind of friend everyone should have. It's not a lasting job at the moment, due to being based on a current project, but things could pick up. I wasn't eve



B Z Power Brick

I still have those BZPower bricks I mentioned, but I'll be at the LEGO Store tomorrow if anyone wants one. (I have two to spare.) Just look for me with an orange Matatu hanging from my neck, if I'm not tucked away working on LEGO bricks again. This time I plan to be there for the whole day, though I did have to leave early today because of other plans this evening.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Attention, People!

There is no such thing as an ATM machine or ISBN numbers.   That is all.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



Are You On The List?

Don't worry; I don't want your super powers.   As said in this entry, I was planning something. For whatever reason, I never officially revealed what it was, but if you know what the entry dealt with and hang around COT, I'm sure you already noticed.   While RPGs are by no means exempt from the revival rule, I wanted to keep them all in one convenient place, so I made this. If an RPG is not on the list, it was either overlooked at some point or not approved.   As stated before, drop a PM and



Are People Really That Bored?

I'll probably never understand why people try to break certain records that are so very pointless (and some are just nasty, such as longest fingernails). Some of these records are set by people doing stupid and often dangerous stuff; others win a bunch of awards and hold the record for having that many awards. (For things such as movies and television, it really doesn't even matter who won what award in what category in what year.) People set records that aren't even seemingly impossible to br



Apples To Apples

I like that game, and it's not just because I won the first time I played it either (though I'm sure that didn't hurt). That game is just fun, plain and simple. Of course, it's mostly about reading other people and figuring what they'll guess, but at the same time giving an answer you might pick. Basically, it's a game that involves thinking, but it can still be wacky.   Oh, it's definitely a game that needs several people.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Apartment Life

is rockin' my socks. I have a decent car and job. Life is good.   Another semester of school starts Tuesday.   Hello, 2011. Time for a new color.   ©1984-2011 Toaraga EAM



Another Milestone Achieved

I've been a Forum Leader for a year now, and I must say it's not always easy ("no one ever said it would be"), but it has it's moments.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Another Countdown Day

Month ##, Day ##, Year ##   In that format, not another one until November 10 of next year.   10-09-08   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



And Yet, But Yet, And The Yeti!

Gah, as a quasi-grammar freak (I'm too lazy to be a full-fledged grammar freak), there is one thing that irks me a bit (besides the obvious misuse of the word "irony," but you knew that part already).   Anyway, some reason people like to say "and yet" or "but yet" when speaking, and I've seen it in an occasional writing or two. Do people not realize that "yet" is a conjunction, in and of itself? (It's also an adverb, but that's not today's lesson.) The word "yet" has the right to be used of it



American Idol...

...As chosen by a British judge.   Irony much?   No, I'm not a fan of the show, just noting the irony.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



All Books End The Same

I offer no spoilers for the books you haven't read, and I tell you no secrets from the stories you haven't finished. I won't answer any questions that might have arisen in your pursuit to finish that exciting novel of mystery, nor will what I tell you help you with that dreaded reading assignment when school starts. I won't give you any clues to solve or a solution to some elaborate, profound puzzle, nor will I expand your knowledge of the unknown.   After all, what I'm about to tell you is co



Ah, Basic Functionality

Wow, my own blog, I feel so special... until I realize I'm not the only one who can do this. I feel less special, or do I? And "blog," what's up with that name? It's short for "weblog," so two letters have been cut off. Did we learn nothing from basic grammar; shouldn't it have an apostrophe at the beginning if that's the case. It might look pretty silly though, so why don't we call it what it really is... a "wog"? Of course, Elmer Fudd might want his speech pwoblem back.   You just know the m



Aesop's Arboretum

As per my usual Wednesday morning custom, I was working at my local arboretum.   How it normally works is we have different stations to teach different things to children; at one of the stations, we had a turtle for the children to see when they got there. Anyway, toward the end of my time there Wednesday, a rabbit was noticed at the same station. Needless to say, it was kind of like being in a fable... if only they had raced.   Now I'm just looking for some ants and a grasshopper.   ©198




So I have an Adobe suite (woohoo), but I don't have the license key yet, so it's currently just a trial (boohoo). It was easier to get Microsoft Office 2007 set up.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Abbreviated Circumstances

Okay, for some reason, "Net Speak" has become so prominent and so confusing, that it (like the English language) is often incorrect what one person is saying and another is understanding. We use acronyms and initials for everything from video games to music to television shows (MP3, anyone?); what it should really be called is "Lazy Man's Conversation."   While there are a few acronyms that are so unique they can only stand for one group of words, there are also a lot of other acronyms that can



Aang Drawings

I drew this first one in Flash from scratch:     This one I drew not so much from scratch, but I had a drawing tablet I wanted to familiarize myself with. I basically used Photoshop to "trace" and color a pre-existing image, alternating between the tablet and mouse as need be.     ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM



A-bored Show

Remember this and this. (Man, that's terrible photo quality... lousy 3 mega pixels.)   I still stand by it... I hate awards shows. Like I'll care or remember who won what and for what and how great they did. My life doesn't revolve around celebrities... it revolves around the sun.   But wasn't that a great moment when that awesome event happened during that one point? I'll always remember how it went. Yeah, it rocked like a concert.   Speaking of memory, I wonder if elephants can get amnesia



A Riddle

The more you take, the less you have. What is it?   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Time  ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



A Funny Entry

I was looking at images I had on my computer, and I came across a few somewhat funny ones.       I even found a quote I had saved: "Comas are used in taking breaks in speech."   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM




Today, my dad turns 60. We did the real celebrating on Saturday with a surprise party, which was so much fun (party was okay, but surprising him was fun). I got to see family members that I don't get to see or talk to often, and a good time was had by all... except for that slide show snafu.   Today's "festivities" are pretty much just a family thing, but I don't hate doing things with just my immediate family.   Speaking of my family, we celebrate some milestone-esque years: dad turns 60,



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