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Epic Movie

Title doesn't really say all, unless you've been able to derive from said title what I'm about to say. That would be weird. Of course, you chould already know that would have typed that, so it was not weird to you. You may take offense to the fact that I just called you weird, and you may be, right now, rushing to you PM box to write me an angry letter.   .....   No, I'm not getting any PMs right now. Yeah. So, back to the title. In about 15 minutes, we're going to dinner, then to EPIC MOVIE

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Phyoorhii, You Have Helped Me.

Yes, Phyoorhii. His idea of "RANDOM BZP MEMBER OF THE WEEK" has given me an idea. RANDOM BZP MEMBER OF THE DAY. See. It's different.   Today's random member is: electricitynuva

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Here's A Dalek, There's A Dalek....

Yup. Daleks. Those lovable strange killer death machines from Skaro. Yes, the monotone voices, eggbeater weapons, extermination, and x-ray blaster are only some of the amazing things to expect from a Dalek. You would not, however, expect them to appear in my dream. It started out as any dream should: travelling inside killer robots through a jungle and blasting anything you see with a machine gun. *Sigh*. Then it got slightly stranger. I'm in the desert, above it, really. I'm on an enormous s

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Terrible... Just Terrible.....

I have come home from a terrible day at school. 1. Didn't leave the house until past 8. 2. Didn't know what the heck anyone was talking about 1st period. 3. 2nd period. It's math. What're you gonna do? 4. Lunch. My maccaroni got stuck in the thermos, so it took my 15 minutes just to get it out. The rest of Lunch was okay, I guess. I had time to write a blog entry.... 5. Gym. Got in trouble for not having my uniform, then got my pinkey finger crushed in a door. It still hurts, I can barely t

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


I am at school. Right now. In the computer lab. During lunch. It's not much fun, school. I just came from Math, boring ol' Math. Same old angles, same old equations.... *Sigh*. Next up is English. Working on Public Speaking..... Yeah..... I really don't like school.... Most of it, anyway.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Grah They're dragging me to school! I don't know if I can even finish this blog--

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Bob, The Pyromaniac Squirrel

Intersting title, innit? Anywho, whenever I come out with a drawing at school, I run it by my friends. Today, one friend said: "Hey, NP*, you don't draw Squirrels. Let's have a Squirrel with a rocket launcher!"   So I said, "okay".   This is what I drew:   Yeah. Whadya think?     *Well, they called me by my real name. But I won't say it.   Oh- and by the by, please rate my blog, if you have a chance.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

I Verbed The Blog.

Well, I'm back! Not so much of an absence.... But blogging is cool. See what I did? I verbed the word "blog". Try to verb words. I greened the blue box. See! It's easy, and funning. Huzzah!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Welcome, Victims-- Uh, "guests"

Today is the day I launch my blog. I slowly reach for the keyboard, my hands trembling with each letter. Well, not really. If my hands were shaking, my writing would be all like: fhjdsuigew9865 v389598'. Yeah. I'm actually typing normally, believe it or not. *Sigh*. What to write... What to write..... I've got a Geography project due tomorrow. That's something. And an English paper. Whoopie. Yeah. I'm sorta new to the "BLOG" system. So, please... If I'm doing anything wrong, please tell me. O

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

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