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A Very Long Day.

Oh boy. Let's start with Lost. I'm terribly confused. That episode did not progress the show at all. We just got a new mystery of that Carl guy, and the fact that Juliette came up with some sort of pregnancy drug. That doesn't really help.... ish....   Okay, today was rather rough. 10:00 -- LOST 11:00 -- Bed 11:45 -- Can't sleep 12:00 -- Calvin and Hobbes 1:00 -- Bionicles 1:30 -- Lego Catalog 1:45 -- The Far Side 2:30 -- My dad comes in 2:40 -- My dad leaves 3:00 -- Calvin and Hobbes

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Lady Kopaka

Odd. No-one's been posting in my blog. Weird.   Anyway, no school today!   Aaaaaaaand today's random member is: Lady Kopaka!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Home From School

Well, I woke up sick today, so I guess I missed school. Although it was another half-day.... Didn't miss much.... No tests today..... Not a lot, really.   Oh boy! Heroes was last night! It was so cool! Nikki's in trouble, trapped by Jessica. Nathan's Claire's real dad, and now Merideth knows that her daughter survived the fire 14 years ago! Peter and Claude are fighting, and Claude almost got him killed.... Simone betrayed Peter for Isaac, who's painted New York post-nuke. Hiro and Ando have co

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Home Early!

Yay! For some odd reason, every class today was only 45 minutes, so we all got out early! YAY!   'Bout my day:   My dog woke up at 6:15. Barked until 7:00. We would have done something, but our new dog trainer said that we should just ignor him.   I'm so tired. Fell asleep at 2:13. Ungh. At least the day was short..... YAY! Heroes and 24 tonight! Huzzah! I'm going to update my blog shortly with some pictures I drew today.   EDIT: Aaaaaaaand here they are!   Took about 10-15 minutes, dur

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Alright! It's da Superbowl! Soda and nuts all around! Yay! Although I only really watch the SuperBowl for the commercials, it's still fun. I know not very many people will be reading this now (on account of the half-time show), but HUZZAH! SUPERBOWL! Go Colts!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Cool Shows!

I have added a new content block entitled: 'Cool Shows'. It says what shows I think are pretty cool.     OBEY.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Alright, the winner today is GMan! Okay.   Well, nothin' much to say...... Yeah.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Random Quotes!

Yup. I'm supplying YOU with random quotes to put into your sig! You don't actually have to use them, but I'm bored.   ^^That one's actually a Far Side cartoon. ^^            Aaaaaaaaand..... that's all I got.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

What A Day..... Not!

First off, today's random member: adolfo cambiasso:toa of polo. I think that's a long name. Anyway, I literally just got up. I've had a good 12 hours of sleep (remember? I stayed up watching Click) and I'm ready to start my day!   ....   Where's the remote?

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

"point And Click...."

Well, I just watched the movie "CLICK" on TV, and let me tell you: it is an awesome movie! It really makes you think, though. You really need to put family first..... That's why I'm on the computer right now!       Meh, yeah.   Oh yeah- forgot about this: I got my language class test results back today. They were TERRIBLE. T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E. TERRIBLE! I got below average, I'll tell you that. But it's not a Latin derrived language, like Italian or Spanish. This is a HARD language! I won't tell

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


And the winner is.....   Danska: Shadow Master! Okay.... Yay! It is the WEEKEND! Huzzah! Jump for joy! On a slightly VERY negative note, I have some homework. After a long day, that's the worst. I need to give in a history paper, study Geography, correct my math test, and review some languages. Dang . Whatelsewhatelsewhatelse.... Today we had ART! Yay! Did NOT do much, though. *sigh*   Well, that's what hapened. Also, it has now been revealed that my friend, Samusaran2311, is terribly fr

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

My Day...

To start things off, we've got an all new MotD! Yay! Say hello to the guy almost everyone knows: Beliwa: Toa of Demons! Now, let's talk about the day itself. Let me think.... My mom got up at 5:30 AM today to take the dog out or something. Ungh. She came back at eight. School was... odd. It was first period Gym, and me and my friend; Brownstien (that is his screen-name), were sitting on a bench off to the side of the court. I turn to Brownstein and say: "What if you had a gun that turns peo

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Home For Good.....

.....I hope....... *gulp*   Got home from an appointement. Check-up type thing. Y'know? Don't know? Yeah. I somehow got out of doing my test. No clue how, though. Maybe I'm such a good student!   ....   Anyway, I was blogging, when suddenly, a multi-dimensional rift opens and sucks in the rest of this blog entry! What will happen? You can find out, but you need to listen very carefully: You will go to the-- *BZZZZZWARP* *SLURRRRRRRRRRRRRRP* *blip*

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Ode To A Boring Day

Yup. Very boring. I just had a language test, didn't do so bad (I think). Now it's lunch. Yay, lunch. Lunchy-lunch Mclunch. Then, of course, I have history. Then Geography. We're studying Earthquakes . Boooo. Well, at least it's a short day today, and we get out and 12:30.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

A Very Short Story By Me.

Whazzah! A very short story, by me:   Once upon a time there was a boy with a very short attention span. This boy went online to write a blog, where he began a story. Whereapon he became bored, and he

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


I'm home sick today. Went into class for 15 minutes, then got sick. Yeah. Luckily, I missed a history test and an english presentation. Yeesh- my braces are KILLING ME! Argh!!!! *splat*   ....   On another note, today's member of the day is......   Drakhan!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Oh No.

Crud. Jut got back from having my braces put in. They're really fun to slide your tongue over..... But they really hurt. They're all sore and stuff. Ungh. Having braces put in is terrible, just terrible. 1. They put pumice in your mouth (yes, the stuff that shoots from volcanoes and buried Pompeii). 2. They slide these weird things in the sides of your mouth. 3. They insert this complicated tubing system over your tongue to suck out saliva. 4. It takes forever. 5. The glue sometimes fa

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Well, I should be at school right now. But I'm not. You see, in a few hours I'm getting my top braces put on. It's no to gum for good. Oh, god, help me! How can I enjoy the meal before the exocution?

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Epic Movie (cont'd)

The title does not say all, exept for those of you who yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, it was odd. Very odd. Funny, and very odd. Random. Here follows a list of parodied movies (or at least the ones I know and recognized): Pirates of the Caribbean The Chronicles of Narnia Click Borat X-Men Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Snakes on a Plane Nacho Libre Scarface The DaVinci Code Star Wars Casino Royal Lord of the Rings (sorta) Harry Potter Superman Returns Mission Impossible Taledeg

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

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