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More Of Cthulhu's Words Of Wisdom...

This one'll make you think...   "Things that aren't cannot be, because then nothing wouldn't be! You can't have freakin' nothing isn't! Everything is, because if nothing wasn't then there'd be all kinds of stuff like giant ants with tops hats dancing down the street!"   This has been (a rather strange) Cthulhu's Words of Wisdom...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Funny Stuff...

ME: Hmm... *Throws Shoggoth* Creature's incomprehencable to humans fight!!!   BK:Go Mi-Go!   ME: Flying Polyps, attack! Yithians, get his left flank!   BK: First wave of Byakhee, ATTACK!   ME: Ghouls, Yuggz, Yugguh, Deep ones, GET HIM!!!   BK: Gugs, Night Gaunts, Hounds of Tindalos, GET HIM!   ME: Cats of Ulthar! Elder things! Formless spawn! Shub-Niggurath's children! Form Voltron! Wait... I mean, ATTACK!   BK: Whatever he didn't already list, GET HIM! DARNIT RATS, GET OUT OF THE FREAKIN

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Novel Stuff Again...

So, iwas working on my novel, and I got a thought... "What do people look for in a fantsy novel that makes it different from other novels?" So I thought I'd ask you guys. What would you like to see in a fantasy novel?

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Alright, This Is Better...

I'm glad the board is back up. That was a rough few hours for me. It's good though that they do that for the Admins/Mods or whoever it's for... Still, I'm glad to be here *hugs computer* Er, uh... I WILL CONSUME YOU!!!   Anyways, anything new?

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


Those are the only people who had to reply to that? Considering two of them were people I greatly respect, and who I knew would answer, and one person frequents my blog (thanks frankin-kal-96, feel free to drop in here any time), no one else has an opinion on my question? No one at all? I need your help, guys. I'm sakin what you'd like to see that's make a fresh new fantasy novel, and not a hackneyed piece of garbage like we've seen over and over again. Grr... I think I'm a little bitter... I du

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Uh... No Title Ready...

So, here it is, another entry... I'm pretty bored, and really don't know what to do. I'm just waiting until I can post in my RPG again. I LOVE that RPG! It's the best thing I've ever created, and there are some creative people who have joined. I'd like to thank BK, KB, Zhou-Xao, and GMan for their participation, and they have some great characters, and some good story going. This is a lot of fun...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Good Morning, Er, Afternoon

So, I just got up at 1:38 this afternoon, and I'm pretty groggy right now. Hmm... *consumes some souls of the innocent* Ah! The best part of waking up is soul-gers in your cup! What? Bad pun? It's a coffee joke, people!!! Come ON!!! Anywho, I'm sitting here, surrounded by MOCs, yet no decent camera to take their pictures... AAAAAHHHH!!!!!! FRUSTRATION! I'LL TAKE OUT MY FRUSTRATION ON YOUR IMMORTAL SOULS!!! Wow, I really need to switch to decaf souls...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Yet Another 2am...

That sounds like a song title... Anyways, I finally got home tonight at about 1am... I had to go to Wal-mart and buy catfood after work... I'm watching Comedy Central, and it's some weird web-clips show... I'm going to get some work done on my novel...   BLOG EDIT: I smell fruitloops...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

The Evil One Is Tired!

Being evil is fun. Being evil and tired stinks. I had to get up at 6:30 so I can be in town for a meeting at 8:00. Now, those of you still in school may say "But CtD, we do it all the time, and we're tired everyday," and to that I say, "Too bad, I'm not used to it anymore!!! I'm old and tired!!! GET OFF MY LAWN YOU DARN KIDS!!!" Oops, got off topic... The good thing about being up this early is that I get to listen to Bob and Tom in the morning, which I missed.   So, the weather today in the la

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Even More Novel Stuff.

So, I've got some more character stuff worked out, and, I actually found some more of the old work I had done on the novel, and it was really good! I don't even remember why I scrapped it! Seriously, I've been finding a lot of old writings I had done, and some of them are good enough that I can integrate into the book. I promise, when this is finally done (and I have started seriously working on it now), it will be a best seller! IT WILL!!! CTHULHU WILL EAT THOSE WHO DON"T PURCHASE IT!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

My Rpg Was Approved!

That's right! My H.P. Lovecraft inspired RPG is up and running! Click the link or I'LL EAT YOU!!! Anywho, for some dark storyline and a really good read (once we start posting), go there. GO THERE NOW, SLAVE PANDA'S!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Don't Read This!

Ha ha! Now your soul is mine! Well, it's early (for me, at least), and I'm actually wide awake! So, what's up? Anybody out there? WHY DO YOU MOCK ME!!? I WILL EAT YOUR SPINE, FOR THE JUICES SUSTAIN ME!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


So I have to work today (leaving at 12:15 my time), and they stuck me with a Nascar race. Despite my IMMENCE HATRED OF THE HILLBILLYS AND MENTAL REJECTS WHo AdORE THIs SPORT OF repetitive Circle driving, I need the money. So, my need for money out weighs my hatred of racing. Like Jeff Foxworthy said, Nascar: Fast Cars and Slow Minds...   Anywho, I will crush your spines and eat your souls, yadda yadda yadda... bad day today...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Your Joke Is Flawed

So what's with all the Board messages, huh? If those particular parts of the forum are the problem, why does the problem persist? ANSWER ME! ANSWER ME OR I'LL EAT YOUR SOUL!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Live From R'lyeh!

It's monday afternoon! Greetings Mindless blog reader monkeys! It's a beautiful day outside, and I intend to fix that! Fire shall rain from the sky and the water shall all be turned to ipikak! (don't know what that is? Ask somebody... It's bad...). Anywho, I'll eat your souls, that's all there is to it!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Yet Another Entry

I just wanted to say... I WILL EAT YOUR SOULS!!! You shall writhe forever within my mighty gullet, screaming in agony until The end of days! I shall digest you slowly, taking thousands of years, but keeping you alive the whole time! Making it really horrifying! I WILL DEVOUR YOU ALL!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

My Good Day Just Went Downhill...

So, I'm on my way to work in my step-dads truck, when it started to stall on me. So, I look at the temp. gauge, and it's raising steadily. I pulled it over and poured some anti-freeze into the engine coolant container like I had been told, and take off. The heat raises more. So, I pull over again and call my grandfather (cause neither my mom nor my step-dad will answer their cell phones), and we find out that the radiator (which I had not been warned about) had lost a lot of fluid, and we had to

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

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