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Just a lesser evil, born unequal

Entries in this blog

Safety Report: Di-hydrogen Oxide

"This is a safety report concerning Di-Hydrogen Mon-Oxide. Lawyers are calling for the abolishment of all Di-Hydrogen Mon-Oxide in the United States because of the immense threat it causes society (many drowning every year!) People are advised to dispose of any local Di-Hydrogen Mon-Oxide right away. Additionally, lawyers also wish to stop the Di-Hydrogen Mon-Oxide from sinking into the ground, accumulating Sodium Chloride, and then contaminating our oceans. If something is not done right aw



S S #5

I have an idea for the next short story contest. It's supposed to be a love story, but I don't see why that can't include a romantic comedy. Anyway, I will be milking my character Triki yet again, if anybody still remembers him. (After all, I think all the people who adored him in my writings have left BZPower by now)   I wonder if anybody else will try to include comedy into their story, or if they'll all be sappy love stories. *I am kind of glad I'm not a judge this time around, as love s



Rubber Bands

I need more Lego rubber bands.   I've been rebuilding some of my older Titan sets, ranging through the various Rahi I now own. But as I pulled out rubber bands, they kept breaking. And I can understand why; they're roughly ten years old and have had a lot of use. But the thing is, how do I replace them? I could go order them online I suppose from some Lego enthusiast, but even then the types I'm looking for are gonna be a decade old, and while plastic parts don't degrade over time, I've fou



Rose City Comic Con

So I went to my first Comic Con yesterday. I found it to be a combination of something I disliked greatly (crowds) and something I’m only mildly interested in (comics.) I would probably not go again on my own, as it was expensive and I would rather attend a Lego convention, but it would be fun to go with a friend or something. (I was planning to attend with some people, but they all dropped out for various reasons and I ended up going alone.) It was an okay event, but not quite worth the money a



Room Change

Here is why I hate my University's Housing a Food Service.   I won't know if I'm accepted into my major at the school until mid July. If I'm accepted, I'm staying in school. If I'm not, I'm leaving. SO I have to make preparations for both scenarios. That means I've applied for housing here for next year.   And I have to know exactly where I'll be living by next week, or else I'll have to pay heavy cancellation fees. Yes, I have to decide by May on whether I'll be living on campus in Octob



Road Trip?

I am feeling weirdly nostalgic about Colorado. I haven't been there in like 9 years, even though that's where I define myself "growing up." (Growing responsible... I've done that over here in the Pacific Northwest for almost the last decade) I remember a whole bunch of the cool natural features of where I used to live, but you don't really appreciate that kind of stuff as a kid. I wanna go back as an adult and re see all the stuff from my childhood. Even if it's a little disappointing. (Li



Risin' High

LOL. I finally achieved a full 5,000 posts. Yeah, it took me 5.5 years, whereas I got my first 1,000 in just 1 year. But, hey, being constantly active has its rewards, even if I only have like 2 posts a day (if that).   And even cooler, I'm not the 60th top poster. So if you go into the members section, order them by total posts (descending) and set the number to 60, then I'm at the very bottom. First time I've ever been on the first page like that for posting. (Even if you have to extend



Rip It Up

A continuation of my blog entry from yesterday...   Follow the Link. It will take you to a happy place   Or it'll take you to my Bionicle music video on Google. If you have time, watch it, and then tell me what you think. It's only three something minutes long, although my slow home modem makes loading time somewhat prolonged. In the end, it's not much. It Toa Mata, Toa Nuva, Bohrok Kal, Rahkshi, and Toa Metru clips merged together around the song "Rip It Up" by Jet. I'm addicted to that



Rip And Tear

RIP and Tear   For Botar   You try to figure out exactly what I'm saying here.     What, I have nothing better to do than post this play on words. Anyway, I'm sleep deprived and have English final stuff to do.  



Revival Of Creativity

Well, not that my creativity ever went away, but it just hasn't been posted in a while...   Anyway, a nice, big, NEW chapter of Slizers on Mata Nui has been added. Big battle scene. Lots of Matoran characters. Toa! (Yeah, but not the right kind). No Slizers, but they're still in there. This puts some of our favorite villagers back into the action. In fact, there's no worms present at all in the chapter.   Plus, sometime soon, I'll be posting my BBC 42 entry. Sure, I built it on like



Reviewing The Bionicle Legend Books

I’m feeling rather bored right now. Since I just figured out a few new ways to mess with my Blog settings, I decided to write a few more reviews. Since I don’t have any Inika yet, I’ll go over my feelings on the books, Bionicle Legends by Greg F. I’ll try to keep it Spoiler Free, but I’m sure there’ll be a few that make it through. So be warned. And read at your own risk. It’s pretty long.   Spoiler Warning!                   Island of Doom. The first book, bringing back the Toa Nuva



Review: Superman Vs Power Armor Lex

(Click for link)   Power Suit Lex has challenged Superman to a disco contest: may the best dancing robot win!   Or rather, I wrote up a set review on the Superman vs Power Suit Lex set. Go read it, and then go buy the set. It's that good!  



Review: Spinjitzu Burst Packs

I got a handful of Ninjago sets this last month, so I'll start out the new year by looking at some of the Ninjago "Master of the Mountain" sets from last year! First up: The Spinjitzu Burst spinner packs. More photos and videos on Instagram In case it wasn't obvious, I'm a sucker for exclusive Ninjago figs, and the various spinner packs are always enticing for their new figs, even if they are generally lackluster in the builds.  This batch is another spinner you set off by s



Review: Series 12 Collectible Minifigures

Click for Review   Well, THAT was more work than it was worth. I mean, I don't know if anybody's really excited for these anymore / wants to know how to feel for them. But then, I kind of feel the same about all reviews I do lately. Like, is it really worth stressing out to get these done quickly when other sites have done the same thing already and nobody here really gives a care anyhow.   Granted, it's the only time I seem to do news anymore, so I guess I need to do it if I want to keep my job



Review: Rattlecopter

(Click for link) Actually don't because it's broken right now.   Anyway, cool Ninjago set! It's a snake helicopter that looks like a fish! Awesome designs. And I even took lots of pictures! You'll see them when the database gets fixed, I'm sure of it!  



Review: Raptor Rampage

So the other day I finally got my copy of 75917 Raptor Rampage (otherwise known as the Chris Pratt V3 parts pack) in the mail. I had ordered it for double VIP points in June, but it was backordered, so it took three weeks to get here. Full disclosure, I haven't seen the film, and don't feel inspired to see it in theaters either. I just assume that the raptors chase and eat people. And Owen takes them on friendly motorcycle rides.     The figs are... decent. Owen's okay, pretty much like a cros



Review: Ninjago Master of the Mountain

Yeah, so this isn't quite a standard review, but rather a discussion about the theme and the TV series. I actually fell behind on the Ninjago TV series and recently caught up with it on Netflix.  The shorter episodes were a bit off-putting, but they still tell a decent story, with the occasional break to focus purely on side characters.  (And the fact that sometimes they switch to a more anime-like animation style was neat too.)  The fact that the last season heavily focused on Cole was bit



Review: Naida's Epic Adventure Ship

Click for Review TL/DR, it's a great set, lots of rare pieces, go buy it now.   NOW!   Unless you already have it. I mean, you could always buy a second one, but let's not go crazy here.  



Review: Loki's Cosmic Cube Escape

(Click for Link)   So... I have a couple of sets to review after my spending spree at Bricks Cascade, and here's the first. This has pretty much been the one Avengers set I just had to have, and it turns out the truck is just as cool or cooler than the figs! And you can read all about it on the front page... or rather, just briefly scroll through all the picts.  



Review: Lasha's Bite Cycle

(Click For Link)   Yay, another Ninjago Review! Last one from me (for this year at least.) Unless somebody wants to send me the Ultimate 4-Headed Dragon Battle set to review (and keep.) That is such an epic set and I want it but I don't really have money and if I do buy a large set this year it's going to be Helms Deep.   Also, with this set I now have Cole ZX, which means that I have a complete set of Ninja. (Well, missing the green one, if you count him, but I'll grab his spinner pack when



Review: Jasmine’s Exotic Palace

The Disney Princess theme has reused the Friends Mini-doll design, but while the characters were recognizable, I never really got into the theme last year. But then they released an Alladin set, 41061 Jasmine's Exotic Palace, and since itwas one of my favorite Disney movies, I decided that I should pick this one up.   There are quite a few small builds, and most are fairly unimpressive. There’s a tree, a stand for the lamp, a fountain, the magic carpet, a shopping stand, and a palace entrance. M



Review: Heartlake Hot Air Balloon

I’ve gotten a few new sets recently, and since I’m not up to writing full front page reviews, I’ll provide a couple of short ones in my blog here.     Let’s start with 41097 Heartlake Hot Air Balloon from the 2015 Lego Friends line. This is cool because we haven’t seen a hot air balloon since the days of the Adventurers line, and this one gets some new pieces to help pull off the look. While the balloon pieces are obviously designed for one purpose, they offer enough connection points that I co



Review: Harry Potter Collectible Minifigures

Technically the Harry Potter Collectible Minifigures aren't supposed to hit shelves until August, when the whole Wizarding World line releases worldwide. But my local Fred Meyers scoffs at such release dates, and there were at least five boxes to choose from, three unopened! So I spent way too much time feeling out my favorites... which accounts for most of the series!     For the record, I did not get Dobby, pajama Harry, or Credence because I don't want them. I did miscount and so I didn't bu



Review: General Grievous’ Wheel Bike

Hey, heres a short review of 75040 General Grievous Wheel Bike. It's short cause I want to talk about the set, but am too lazy to draft up an official one for the front page.     If you hate repetitive building, avoid this set at all costs. Like seriously, there's a lot of repetition in this build. But while its annoying, it makes sense. I mean, you're BUILDING the wheel, not just using a pre-made tire. So embrace the repetition, from the two similar bases on either side of the wheel to the fou



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