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Just a lesser evil, born unequal

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Collectible Minifigs Series 6

Finally. I heard Fred Meyers finally had these in stock. (It's not like I've been checking every other day or anything... ) So I drove over, and sure enough there were like 6 boxes on display! I picked out a few (9 to be exact.) I know I'll probably end up collecting the entire batch again, but I'll hold off completely on the initial rush and allow some others to get their favs first. (And by that I mean I just grabbed the rarer ones and left the lame-os for everybody else. )     So a




A friend and I were just discussing SOPA and the (exaggerated) possibility that it'll bring us back to the days of AOL.   But it won't stop there. The Internet will soon only be usable by the military and university scientists. Pretty soon, electricity will be gone, we'll be using horses for transportation, we'll forget agriculture and move back to hunting and gathering, and then we'll no long be able to use fire. By December 21, 2012 the entire history of human kind will have been reverse so



Jaw Hurts

So these last few days I've had a pain in my neck that feels like I pulled a muscle. Specifically, the sternocleidomastoid muscle. (Or I believe so after I did much research with a couple of Google searches.) Despite numerous treatments (AKA took some medicine) it's still not going away, and hurts when I turn my neck / talk. (Sorry, typing not affected. )   Anyway, this is now a blog to make you aware of pulled sternocleidomastoid muscles. (Or rather, a "Boy, I'm glad I don't have to deal



X Men Evolution

I think it was CF who suggested I watch this series. (Or maybe I just got it from reading his blog, I dunno) Anyway, Netflix has a couple of series of X Men, so I decided to watch some. I remember the show a bit from the 90s and I wasn't too into that. The movies that I've seen have been okay, so I decided to watch the cartoon from 2001 or something.   Anyway, it's addictive good. Lots of fun to watch. My favorite characters are ShadowCat and NightCrawler. Truth be told, I really don't li



Tintin Movie

So FINALLY went and saw the new Tintin movie. I read a few of the comics online first (at Phy's suggestion, I believe) and I would be interested in looking up the old 90s TV show. (I swear I watched it a few times when I was a kid.)   But yeah, the movie was excelent. The animation was great, as were the voice actors. I guess the 3D wasn't amazing; personally, I didn't notice it one way or the other, so I suppose it would be fun to just watch in 2D. But the plot was fun. Some of the pacing



Bionicle Pens

So Swert told me that he got to play with these old Bionicle pens at his job. They had mini masks on them that would attach to the beads. They would be perfect for mini Toa, and now I desperately want to buy one. Problem is, Swert's not selling. (Technically, it's his boss's, who probably won't sell either.)   I look online in various trading places with no luck. So I thought to myself "Where can I found a bunch of Bionicle enthusiasts who might have had these pens from years ago but now ju



Recent Sets I Got

So, between sales on Lego Shop@Home and new sets I've found in stores, I've gotten a couple of products that I could share my thoughts on...   Magma Monster Board Game: I totally got this for the orange base plate, but it turns out to be a very fun game to play, much better than the others I've tried out (Robot Build, Pirate Plank, Frog Hop... although that one was cool too.) It can involve some rather intensive gameplay, which is more than I can say for the other games (Well, we got intensive



I'm Gonna Lose

Well, apparently my entry is gonna lose in the System Building Contest Poll. That was pretty much guaranteed, since I never win in BBC, and I've had a lot of experience to back it up. But it didn't help that NOBODY FREAKIN TOLD ME WHAT THEY THOUGHT OF THE MOC IN THE FIRST PLACE. Is it good, horrible bad, fine but not enough to shine compared to the others? I dunno.   Granted, the same thing happened with my COT short story. (ultraviolence, I thought we had a deal. I read and reviewed your



A Stupid Thought, Really

I was watching some random animated clips online to pass the time, and I had a passing thought that it would be cool to actually watch a full season of a cartoon, since I haven't done that recently. Then I thought, maybe I should post a blog entry on BZP asking for suggestions.   A second later, I remembered what half the avatars and banners are on this site, and decided against it.   I post this here for laughed, but no commenting, cause I just know the arguments will start.  




Happy New Year!   Well, not for me yet, but for somebody somewhere. Maybe.  



Ninjago Snakes Show

Got around to watching it today. The original show was a bit of a letdown, but the second season is looking more promising. There's more character development, other than Kai going "Oh, I should learn teamwork and stuffs." The jokes can get a little childish, but there's some nice action (as far as martial arts minifigures can go.) Lloyd Garmadon is a little annoying... which is primarily what his character is supposed to do, so I guess good job? Plus, the snake villains have been pretty go



City Blocks

So today my family was driving past Tacoma and I managed to convince them to stop by this Lego Art Studio known as City Blocks or something. There's this guy on the forum who really likes them, forget who tho.   Anyway, it was a neat little area. They had a cool train setup on display, and lots of mosaics and other models were to be seen. I talked with the owner, Dan, briefly, and he's a cool guy, but he sure can talk alot. And don't get him started on how to sort your Lego parts. And I



Lego Sales

I dunno why news hasn't reported this yet those reporters must be a buncha slackers.   Anyway, Lego is having some good deals on some sets right now, and I took advantage of it. I got three set: Magma Monster @ 75% off, Build-a-Zurg @ 75% off, and Pizza Planet Truck @ 50% off. I was hesitant to purchase these, but then I realized that I wouldn't find any better deals on them elsewhere. (Convention Lego store sales are now limited to 30% off). So I got them. Plus, I had some VIP points added



Wanna Read

I'm feeling adventurous, so I want to read somebody's stories. I'm still on break, so I could use a good epic or something to read. But I won't do it for free... You see, I have my Sci Fi Christmas story that's being ignored. So if somebody wants to kindly take a look at it, then I'll review their story of choice. (I always try to leave reviews when I read stuff... I just don't read as much as I used to.)   Dunno if there'll be any takers, but I'll throw this out there.  



Wat I Got

So I did get some Lego sets. I got the small City Police / Ranger set, which is cool cause I worked with Ranger all summer. I also got the Airplane Creator set, which is nice. Then I got the Lego figure Alarm Clock. Still not quite sure what to think about that.   I got my sister an airplane set from two years ago (picked it up at BrickCon on sale) because she had said she had always wanted a Lego airplane. I think she liked it, even though she's 19. She hates technic tho; she had a roboti



Building The Aquazone

Okay, this does have to do with those subs I built but not what you think!   Today I tore apart the two subs. Then, since I had most of the pieces to do so, I rebuilt the original sets. I only owned a couple of Aquanaut sets back in the day, but in building these subs, I purchased most of the specialized bricks. So I decided to build the originals, some for the first time.   I build all four of the Aqua Shark sub models. This includes the subs from the models Shark Scout, Spy Shark, Deep Sea



Kai's Blade Cycle

(Click for link)   Yayz another 2012 set review, this time Ninjago. However, I've been seeing a bunch of 2012 sets pop up all over the place. 2012 Ninjago sets at Target, 2012 Ninja booster packs at Fred Meyers, Super Hero, City (Police and other), and Black Phantom (yuck) at another FMs, and then a small selection of Friends sets at a third Freddies! (Strangely, the third one had a super small Lego collection that was made up of 4 Friends sets, Waspix, and Rockah XL. Not the best Lego selec



Aquazone Submarines

System Based Creations Topic Brickshelf (When Public) Flickr Page   Comments would be appreciated, but not necessarily expected. (Given how most people react to my work.)   Anyway, if you followed my blog last spring (before the site went offline) then you probably saw me posting a LOT of WIP picts for this. If you were one of those few people who hadn't blocked my IM name yet, then you probably know all about this because I talked about it nonstop last spring / summer. Suffice to say, I pu



Contest Entry: Christmas Time On Hope V I

Hey, look, there's also a COT Short Story Christmas themed contest! I think I'll enter! I think I'll write a 6 thousand word story. Great!   So yep, my story, despite the title, doesn't focus on Christmas too much... mostly at the beginning and end. But it's there! I took a lot of inspiration from various Sci Fi shows, but the two that were most influential were Firefly and Titan IE. I got the kind-of intergalactic government system from Firefly (although mine is less like the Alliance and



Sci Fi Christmas Story Stats

You know, the one for the COT Christmas Short Story Contest? I've had it outlined for a while, but I decided to start writing it tonight. But there wasn't a part where I could stop writing, and I just kept typing away until I came to the conclusion. I still need to edit it slightly, but right now it's at 12 pages in MS Word with over 6,500 words. So yeah, it'll be a long one. But I felt that I covered all the major themes that I wanted, and the flow feels nice to me, so hopefully it won't b



Done Sorting

I finally finished sorting most of my generic parts into bins based on type and size. I could go into lengthy detail as I describe the whole process... or I'll just list out the categories.   Bricks: Extra Large Bricks: 2x8s, 2x6s, 2x4s, 1x8s, and 1x6s, Bricks: Small Bricks: Modified and Round Plates: Small (with maximum of 6 stud lengths) Plates: Large (with minimum of 8 stud lengths) Plates: Modified Plates: Tiles and Wedge Plates Slopes: Standard Types Slopes: Curved, Wedges, Arches, Cones S



Moar Shopping Today

I braved the mall today. Yes, on a Saturday afternoon. It wasn't too bad; it was crowded but I managed to get by. I have developed a very efficient method of passing through crowds, which includes lots of sudden turns and fast walking and dodging around people, ext. If I were a driver on the road, I would surely get pulled over for reckless endangerment. As it is, I only nearly ran into one guy, and that's because he also made a quick turn and tried to walk down the same aisle I was turni



Secret Service Dentists

Click for Topic   I could go on and on about its inspiration and the build and stuff, but I did enough of that in the topic, so check that out there. But if you're afraid of posting in the SBC (System Based Creations) forum, you could always comment here too.  



One Lego Theme To Rule Them All

I always thought LotR would make for a good Lego theme. But I also never thought it would happen. First off, the movies have come and gone. (But I guess the Hobbit coming out offsets that a bit). Secondly, there's just too much violence. Thirdly, it's a big license to get, and why bother when they have a great Castle theme already going strong year after year?   But hey, guess it was overcome. Sounds like it'll be fun. I just hope they make it easy to gather the entire Fellowship. Or at



System Sorting

A while ago, I blogged about my latest attempt to sort through my Bionicle / technic elements. Well, this is the weekend before finals, but since I've been totally cramming for a while before that, I spent time relaxing and decided to start sorting through my system collection.   For the most part, I sorted my collection into three main categories; bricks, plates, and slopes. I also separated elements that were minifig related or technic, smaller special elements, and then pieces that generally



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