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Just a lesser evil, born unequal

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At first, I found myself jealous that all the new set reviews this week have been getting a ton of posts in the talkback topics. I never got any feedback from any of my reviews from this summer, except for the occasional "Oh, I didn't actually read it."   Then I remembered that I posted ALL my reviews during the downtime, so people really didn't have a way to leave feedback.   Oh well. Great reviews, Bfa, BTW.  



Events Of The Day

Today’s been an interesting day. Here are some highlights.   Woke up to watch the lunar eclipse this morning. I was slightly worried I wouldn’t be able to see it; we’ve been having heavy fog in the mornings recently. Luckily, when I got up, the sky was still clear, and I had an excellent view of the moon right outside my bedroom window. (Score, didn’t have to go outside in the cold!) (Also, Rene, we just got the window fixed, after you helped me shatter it.) Sadly, just as the total eclips



Tis Funny In An Ironic Way

The irony is that AFOLs never said anything much about my creations and then a bunch of random kids seem to really like them. Or maybe Irony isn't the right word. Too bad, I'm using it.   Okay, the actual story; the other day I was perusing the Lego Collectible Minifigure site, checking out the stuff on Series 6, and then I saw they had a new section on the site: The Showcase. It's pretty cool, although it's nothing too revolutionary. Basically, it allows you to upload MOC picts that use the



Finished Two Animations

Two of my design classes (coincidentally taught by the same professor) had final projects due tomorrow (today, I guess.) The idea for the first class was to link video and audio together... artistically, or something. The second one was to render a story using digital media. In short, I did animations for both of them. The first one is a scene where a guy flips a light switch, and the background keeps changing on him. The second one is a sci fi story about scientists with a tree farm that gets b



Argument Topic

I'm gonna have an argument. You can try to refute me, but then I'd just delete your posts!   Ha ha, just kidding. I'm not gonna let you post in the first place.   I WIN!!    



City Of Atlantis Review

Hey, what's that on the front page? Is it a review? Not just that, it's a video review! And to make it even more exciting, it's a BrickFair video review. Those are supposed to be super cool, right?   (click image for review)   Well, anyway, it's finally posted. Had to go through a lot of work to finish this, and most of it only happened in the last month, which is when I finally got my weekends back from school and work.   So, background info: Me, CF, NM, and EW all hung out in a hotel roo



Vacation Over

This has been my first real vacation since spring break last March. Since then, I've either been in school, had work, or a combination of the two. I only started getting my weekends free in November, so it's nice to have free time again. (I'm not counting BrickFair or BrickCon as vacation times... those were ADVENTURES!)   Sadly, now my days off are through, and I have a morning class to attend tomorrow. (Why am I still awake again? I should get some sleep.) Also, I have some large assignm



Thoughts For B B C Contest

First of all, this isn't an attack on anybody in particular. Just something I might as well post about, since I don't wanna bog down the voting topic.   So there was the one guy who submitted a virtual MOC for the latest contest. It was okay and all MOC wise. But it doesn't fit in with the rest of the entries. It can use more pieces, plus each piece can be in any color imaginable. Part of MOCing is dealing with what you have. Sure, some guys have more pieces than others, but I still feel i



New Sorting System

Previously, I had my Bionicle pieces sorted into various bins based on color. Some of the bins were easy to sort, like red or white. Others were so numerous that I had to place them in multiple bins, like black and grey. And some I didn't have enough in one color to fill a whole bin, so I combined them, like with yellow and orange and the various shades of green.   I dunno, I probably blogged about it at some point. It's been this way for over a year now.   Since I have the week off for the



Bohrok Episodes

Y'know what, I think I'm going to go rewatch them all. Right now.   They were so awesome. Just wish more of them had been released in 2002. (As it is, like 4 of them were posted in December, which meant there were reeeeeeeeally long waits until the end of the year where they quickly rushed the rest of the stuff to us. But it was quality, so whatev)  



Tv Show Thoughts

Man, I have nothing to blog about. I mean, I have these plans to work on some of my stories (Bionicle ones included) plus I have two movie projects for school that I have to work on (these are the rare fun projects tho) but I don't really have much to say about them that would be better than just posting them. However, I caught up on TV watching, so I'll blog about that instead!         Um, that's pretty much all the shows I'm following, sporadically. I mean, really, I watched three of them



Lego Indiana Jones Ii

I might have mentioned this, but I recently acquired a new Lego game. Indy II. Now, I had the original game, and enjoyed it. (it's probably my favorite out of all the games I've played from Lego and TT) I thought the sequel had the original levels and added a few extra for the forth movie; then I realized this was a misconception on my part, so I decided to buy the game and try it out. (I found it for $4 online, which shoulda sent off warning bells, I guess)   Now, I haven't finished the game ye



Want New Computer

I've probably complained about my computer running slow recently. I've had problems with internet browsers, picture editing software, games (although that was to be expected, since my laptop isn't built for games). I tweaked some of my start up programs a bit, and it's running fine right now, but I don't know if the problem will resurface again like it has this last week. Sure, it sounds like a software issue (probably some legit program I downloaded that the virus scanners won't catch but th



Browser Woes

So I was browsing through search results in IE8 and I tried to right click and open a link in a new tap. But to my surprise, that option was gone!   I did all the usual tricks. I searched for the question on Google to see if anybody else had similiar issues. (Most complaints were never met with a response to a solution, and those that I could find didn't work) Then I went to Internet Options and checked on all the tab stuff... it was all properly checked and everything. I even restored al



Hero Factory 3.0: Overview

So DV posted his latest set review on Raw Jaw. I'm kinda peeved over it. It's nothing DV did (great pictures as always Pat) but the general reaction to it. Member keep saying its the best ever, first review they've read, ext. Heck, everybody I met at the conventions told me they hadn't been reading the BZP reviews... and I did a lot this summer. Guess mine just suck then.   But now that I've got to handle just about all the Hero Factory 3.0 sets, I feel that I should at least blog about the



Chuck Season 5

Wow, that was quite an episode, and certainly makes for an interesting premise for the season. I will keep watching for sure.   Also I guess Grimm premiered before / after Chuck (I'm watching this all via Hulu right now, so I dunno what the original airing was like, since I was at work.) I might take a look at Grimm, because it's supposed to be filmed entirely in Portland, which is of course in my local area. (Although I don't normally identify with it, since I think the Vancouver area is coo



Postponed Projects

So on Tuesdays / Thursdays, I have the same professor for two classes. For the last couple of weeks, we've been working on projects in both classes. Both of them were due on Tuesday (tomorrow... or today, since it's past Midnight). I got an email from the prof sent to the entire class, saying that the project was postponed until Thursday.   This is all fine and great... except she didn't specify which class it was, so I had no idea which project I had more time on!   (I did email her and got



Three Musketeers Movie?

Wait, The Three Musketeers movie is now in theaters? But when I looked it up this summer, I saw that it wasn't coming out until the end of October!   *checks calendar*   It's already almost the end of October!!?!!   Well, I guess I'll be heading to the local cinema tonight next weekend...  



Idea For Lego Games

So Lego's making board games out of lots of their themes, like the Ninjago and Harry Potter ones, and more to come. But I have a new idea for a Lego board game theme.   Bionicle.   Yes, I know RoseArt made a good Bionicle board game back in the day (I still have it). But Lego could redo it; build the island of Mata Nui out of studs, and give us microfigures of the Toa. Instant hit!   And if that doesn't happen, I might as well go and build the island myself. Or y'know, with Swert, using all



I Guess That Answers My Previous Question

In some ways, I kinda want the premier perks to go away so that the blogs aren't so busy. That way it can get down to the dedicated bloggers. And maybe people will look at my blog again. But as it is, the feature for looking at your favorited (followed, whatever) blogs is hard to get to and rather uninformative as to who has a new update and such. It was totally easier when you had the list on the front blog page. I guess I'm still too used to the old way of doing things...   But yeah, I



Reposting Epics?

So I had maybe like three epics that were in progress when BZPower went down. But I'm considering some new options. I would like the story to all be on the new forums, so people won't have to jump back between the archives and new forums and such. So what I could do is repost some of the chapters here (y'know, one day at a time, as per forum rules.)   BUT this could be a problem for my Slizers on Mata Nui epic. (Yes, I still plan to finish it) I mean, I have like 50 or so chapters posted so



Moc Projects For 2012

Having attended 2 Lego conventions this summer, I have come up with a few ideas for future projects. My big one this year was the AquaZone subs, which turned out okay, but I want to do something more. (Also, something that would actually FIT IN with one of the themes, rather than being stuck in Other). Since I'm planning to attend two-or-three conventions next year, I have to organize my thought early, so why not do it here.   1: Bionicle Mosaic   The project headed by CF and Nukaya has been



Hey Look The Forums Are Back

And so are blogs... kinda.   Well, a lot has happened since the forums went down.   I went to work. I went to BrickFair. I went to school. I went to BrickCon. I went crazy.   That about sums it up.   It'll be nice to start blogging here again.  



Aquazone Sets

I recently got in an order that was a first for me in a couple of ways.   1: I bought it from out of the country; from good old Canada. I'm not sure that I'd do it again; shipping was expensive and it took forever to arrive. Stupid customs... 2: I actually purchased some old, used sets in their entirety.   I got two Aquanaut sets (Sea Spirit 9 and Crystal Crawler) and an Exploriens set (Planetary Decoder).   This is my first Exploriens set. (Sadly, I got into Space as it was kind of dying



Mask Collecting

Between my many brick orders for my sub MOCs, I've snagged a couple of masks too. Now I am just one away from having a full set of original great masks. Ironically, it's a mask I've been wanting for the longest time; a Green Hau. I must get one somehow. I know that it's been over a decade since the mask collecting craze started... but gosh darn it I will have all my great masks!   I'm also doing well on the noble masks; have all the orange and dark grey ones. Ideally, I would also like a l



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