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It's my blog. I'm still alive. Probably.

Entries in this blog

The Vengence Of The Ages

While I'm off for awhile, I'll take the time to make a few customer service things... good things. Things that we don't have.   Things that I would love to sell if we, you know got more.   Guess what we don't. And even when we do we don't.   Can you guess which items they are?   If you guessed Nintendo Wii you'd be right! I might spare you from becoming a tasty morsel for my good friend Mr. Kanohi Dragon.   Now can you guess the other one?   It's the converter box. Also known as that box t



More Nintendo Stuff

So last week, the Nintendo rep showed up at my Wal-mart. And well, we talked about some future games and such.   Yes, Super Mario RPG came up as a topic. Yes, he also wants that game to be re-released.   Now there are some games which are the big pushes, such as Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Mario Kart Wii, and Wii Fit. I'm sure most of you have heard of these games. Of those, I'll only be getting Mario Kart, although I wouldn't mind trying Wii Fit.   Now I did get something for free too, this




So... yeah. I got a raise today!   Needless to say I'm in a good mood. So, I'm gonna rundown a list of few possible future entries. Most of which will appear this week, if not all of them. As I'm off the next few days. A baseball game this Thursday? In freaking awesome seats which will be half-off. Some more Nintendo stuff, including a bit of a Pokemon related one. A Customer service entry! (Dragons cost extra!) A Brawl related rant. A new Smash Factor entry. (Non-Tournament related) A new ve



Brawl: Round 2

I should have had this up last night, but I was slacking off (read: building my new Lego set) and so I didn't. Even now I'm getting it up so to make up for it, round two ends Monday the 28th at 11:59 CT. If it is finished before that the semifinals will start earlier.   Any here is the updated super fancy bracket.     ~Match Details Round One~ Match 1: Kinali Vs. Watashi Wa, Wawa forfeit to Kinali. Match 2: Ouch Vs. CzaR, Ouch forfeit to CzaR Match 3: Bohrak Kaita #1(Link) Vs. Slota(Toon



The Many Deaths Of Tabuu

Just a few minutes ago I played some Brawl, more specifically, the Subspace Emissary.   Why is this important? Well I beat Tabuu on Intense, which was needless to say difficult. Even if it only took me about 5 tries. What makes it more awesome is I haven't even played Brawl at all in the last few days.   In the run where I killed him I used two characters, Yoshi and Fox. I dodged most of his attacks, I was at 108% when I killed him with Fox. Then after he is dieing that's when the Trophy Sta



Small Extension

The small extension I'm talking about is for a few reasons. First, I'll be busy this weekend and second there have been a few small problems.   So this first round of the Brawl tournament will actually end tomorrow at midnight. (Central time.)   My original plan was to have this posted last night... then I lost my wireless internet for a few hours. Anyway, I'll try to get PMs sent out to a few of you in some way or another.   Kohaku




So as you may have heard the Southern part of Illinois had an earthquake today. At 4:30 AM Central Time.   I did wake up at that time but I didn't notice it. Honestly I thought nothing of waking up that early as I have before. Of course others did as it was felt in Wisconsin.   Is weird if I actually want to know what it is like to actually feel an earthquake? Did anyone actually feel it?   Expect another entry later.   Kohaku



Update: Tournament Prizes

~Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament Prizes~   Prizes. Everyone loves prizes. Ok, almost everyone loves prizes.   Here is a list of prizes winners will receive.   1st Place: 1-Year Premier Membership, Nintendo DS lanyard, Super Mario Galaxy Pin or Professor Layton and The Curious Village Pin (You only get one which you have to choose.) 2nd Place: 6-Month Premier Membership. 3rd/4th Place: Good Intentions and you will get to have something to do with my blog. (Pitch an entry idea, get fed to



A Crate Of Oranges

No, I did not go out and buy a crate of oranges.   I bought something better.   The Orange Box. Which I am installing right now.   Kohaku



And So The Brawl Begins...

~Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament~ With all the entrants in the Tournament I figured I'd start it with a bang. ~Rules~ First things first, I'd like to ask you all to review the rules. There are some important things in there so take a few minutes to review them. In there is the rules for the matches so it is important. ~Bracket~ Who do you battle? Find out here! ~Match Information~ The second thing is a few of you have had some questions as to the scheduling of matches. So,



Brawl Tournament Bracket

~Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament Bracket~   And now the moment you've been waiting for the official bracket. It was randomly chosen by our team of sophisticated monkeys to make the tournament run smoothly...   Click here for the bracket: Link (Yes it was made in paint. With the cost of the monkeys I couldn't afford a better program. )   Also... I've considered making a slight change... and that is best out of three matches for the semi-finals and final match? Any objections to this?   Ko



Updated: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Entrants

~Super Smash Bros. Brawl Entry List~ Bumped for final entry list... If they have a friend code next to their name, a spot in the tournament is guaranteed for the member unless they drop out or get disqualified. Please keep in mind that this isn't the Bracket order. This is the order in which they entered. Bracket order will be determined randomly. Entry List:.:Sora:. - 2277-6343-9365 Alku - 0258-9975-3446 Kinali - 4081-5174-0151 Slota - 3995-6186-7310 Jedi Master J. - 0903-2419-7626 Av:




And now... for a Smash Factor Special Edition...     I had planned this for awhile, but I didn't have the Meta Ridley trophy until last night... I got Tabuu right after.   Here's to the Subspace Army!   Expect some tournament stuff in the next few days. I'll probably send a PM with some questions out to all of you entrants, expect that tonight or tomorrow morning.   Kohaku




5. Or five for those of you who like words that are numbers instead of just plain numbers. The number shall be explained in this entry.   I went to the Brewer Game, and saw them sweep the Giants. The Brewers are now 5-1.   They also had the Prince Fielder bobble head, we got one of him in his standard jersey and in the pinstrip jersey. The latter being rare.   Then we had to get a Ryan Braun Rookie of the Year Bobble head... searched three of the shops found it in the third... they had five l



Spoiler Tag Usage

There is one thing I've been noticing way too much recently, both in the Blogs and Forums. That thing is the misuse of spoiler tags. There is a helpful little topic here that many people seem to have forgotten, so I think it is time for a short refresher.   Spoiler tags are only for spoilers. Not for hiding images to make things look nicer, not for hiding paragraphs. They aren't for hiding anything, except spoilers.   The second thing I've seen way too much of is when someone has multiple sp




Some things happened last night which made me quite happy.   I'm not gonna say what just yet though.   Kohaku



Brewers Baseball!

It's baseball season, and well like always, I will blog about the Brewers. I figured I'd give a list of the games I'll be attending, of course the list is subject to change. All games are at Miller Park.   Date - Team - Time of Game (Central Time)   4/6/08 - San Francisco Giants - 1:05 6/1/08 - Houston Astros - 1:05 6/22/08 - Baltimore Orioles - 1:05 7/6/08 - Pittsburgh Pirates - 1:05 8/24/08 - Pittsburgh Pirates - 1:05 9/7/08 - San Diego Padres - 1:05   When I say the list is subject to



Acen 2008

I'm all registered and paid up for ACen. For those of you who don't know it is a convention with cosplay and all that good anime stuff. And it'll be my first! *is excited*   It'll be May 16th-18th and does take place in Rosemont, Illinois. Besides being down there for Anime... there are three Lego Stores down there... and I must get to one of them!   Lego, Anime, Gaming! What's not to love?! *dies from the awesomeness*   Anyway, I'll be going down with some friends, staying in a hotel, and al



Tournament Rules

As promised, here are the rules, please read through them all. General Rules and RegulationsAll characters may be played, including unlockable characters. If a player doesn't make contact with their opponent for their match, or myself it will go down as a forfeit. In the case of a console/TV/Routing malfunction, the match will be restarted from the beginning, no matter what time it crashed. Entrants must conduct themselves in a reasonable manner. Basically show respect to all players on BZPo



Screenshot Fun!

Full rules are expected to be posted tonight, if I can pull myself away from the game. Got most of it written, I just need to test some things, before I post it. On a related note, I'll be doing an entry for custom stages later on. Complete with download links for those that have SD cards, normally I'd send it through WiiConnec24, however, I get an error code when I try to send stuff.   That isn't what I posted the entry for... for the Brawl owners out there a lot of fun can be had with screen



The Evil Apple

Instead of posting the rules of the tournament today they will be posted tomorrow. Instead I bring you another look inside my head while I'm at work. Dealing with customers.   And... *shudder*   Other companies which are supposedly experts on Wal*Mart policies.   Let's just say that at the end of it all, I was angry. Very angry. And when I'm angry, it takes awhile for me to calm down, luckily I had my lunch break. There were no casualties.   The day started out like any other day. I was dea



Tournament Update

Today I'm talking more to those who entered. Right now there are 16 spots and 17 entrants. However, there is a small problem. Early in the week I sent out PMs to everyone entered and I tracked them, so I made sure everyone got it. However, there is a problem one person I am unable to PM due to the fact that their inbox is full. I'm not asking for much, just make sure I can send you messages related to this, however, if I am unable to send messages I won't hesitate to disqualify you after a certa



I'm So Evil...

So, it was my older sister who had a birthday recently... she wanted Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I delivered.   It was wrapped in the best way ever.   -The game itself was wrapped. -Then it was wrapped in tissue paper which was wrapped in tape. -This was in a box, which was taped -That box was then wrapped in Duct Tape -Said box was then in wrapping paper... which was taped so it couldn't be ripped off easily.   I can't wait till they try to get revenge. Which won't work as I am expecting it



Effects Of Mata Nui's Awakening

We know that Mata Nui's awakening will affect the Av-Matoran, until now we didn't know what those effects were...   The effects are: Drastically reduced attack power Greater launch distance when hit Increased likelihood of slipping Steady increase in damage percentage Flower growth on head Dizziness Uncontrollable taunting Sudden sleepiness Decreased movement speed ...And so on.  The Av-Matoran are in for a rude awakening...   Kohaku




So, there are a few conventions I'm looking into going...   The first is ACen or Anime Central, which will take place in Rosemont, Illinois, it will take place on May 16-18. If I make it it will be my first Con. This one should be the easiest for me to go to... as I will be going with some insane friends from work.   The second is Brickworld, odds are I can make it to Brickworld... that would be easy as it is in Chicago which is close...   ...Unless, I find a way to make it to Brickfair... p



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