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Obligatory staff warning telling everyone to keep things civil, followed by my own humble opinion.

Ah, we're just a bunch of people having fun.


... right?

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Of course you are, however this debate has become rather heated and I'd rather not start docking proto for such misbehaviour. :>
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Obligatory staff warning telling everyone to keep things civil, followed by my own humble opinion.

Ah, we're just a bunch of people having fun.


... right?

I'm pretty sure that was just a part of the fun and not a real warning. :P


His opinion is wrong though.

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Of course you are, however this debate has become rather heated and I'd rather not start docking proto for such misbehaviour. :>

since when could you dock proto 0_o

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terminallyCapricious [TC] began trolling BZPower [bP]


TC: i ThInK yOu GuYs ShOuLd AlL cHiLl.

TC: YoU'rE tAkInG iT aLl To A lEvEl It ShOuLdN't Be At.

TC: wHaT iS wRoNg WiTh AlL oF yOu?

TC: Is ThE sOlUtIoN nOt ObViOuS hErE?

TC: jUsT sLaM a FaYgO aNd JuSt EnJoY tHe MiRaClEs Of WhAt YoU hAvE.

TC: LeT's JuSt aLl Be OnE hApPy FaMiLy HeRe.

TC: hOnK hOnK

TC: :o)


terminallyCapricious [TC] ceased trolling BZPower [bP]

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I'm pretty sure that was just a part of the fun and not a real warning. :P

It was.


obligatory "Sumiki you are a nub" comment



caligulasAquarium [CA] began trolling bzPower [bP]


CA: i think

CA: a bit a conquerin wwill do some good

CA: better than sittin around and drinkin that swwill


caligulasAquarium [CA] ceased trolling bzPower [bP]

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terminallyCapricious [TC] began trolling caligulasAquarium [CA]


TC: bRo ChIlL.

TC: ThAt ObSeSsIoN oF yOuRs Is CrAzY sTuFf, It'S nOt GoNnA gEt YoU aNyWhErE.

TC: aLl YoU nEeD tO dO iS jUsT rElAx WiTh A nIcE iCeCoLd AnD jUsT wAiT fOr A mIrAcLe.

TC: ThEy'Re EvErYwHeRe, It'Ll HaPpEn.


terminallyCapricious [TC] ceased trolling caligulasAquarium [CA]

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I'm pretty sure that was just a part of the fun and not a real warning. :P

obligatory "Sumiki you are a nub" comment


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This is comment #37


therefore my opinion is correct and all of yours are stupid




37 is a prime number, and thus anything related to it is wrong.


This is comment 38, and because it is divisible by 19 and 2 as well as 1 and itself, my opinion is correct.

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Hey your opinions aren't allowed to differ from mine! You just all jumped onto a bandwagon of hating my favorite movies/TV shows/musicians/video games and consoles/books/etc. because your dirty TRAITORS.


ps i never said this was facts, its opinions. but its still the truth, so there.

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guys opinions are bad and disagreeing with people is mean so you all better stop >:[

They started it for not agreeing in the first place >:[

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guys opinions are bad and disagreeing with people is mean so you all better stop >:[

They started it for not agreeing in the first place >:[

no, MY opinions are the RIGHT opinions, so there the ones you have to submit too. :angry:

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Guys, you should agree with me. And even if you say you disagree with me you are agreeing with me. You only think you are disagreeing with me, when in fact you are mistaken. You're simply experiencing an illusion caused by the limits of your comprehension. If you were able to fully comprehend both the question and my opinion, you would agree with me. So what appears to be a difference of opinion is just you wrestling with your own defective brains.


Additionally, I apply multifarious locution, connoting my trenchancy is predominant to your nugatory expatiation.

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I've seen enough. Guys, stop. Just stop. This is silly and immature. I really expected more from you guys. But you're just acting like children. There's nothing to argue about, I'm right, you're wrong. Where is the argument?

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I've seen enough. Guys, stop. Just stop. This is silly and immature. I really expected more from you guys. But you're just acting like children. There's nothing to argue about, I'm right, you're wrong. Where is the argument?

youve got a shandera in ur sig i dont have to kisten to u. :angry:

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I've seen enough. Guys, stop. Just stop. This is silly and immature. I really expected more from you guys. But you're just acting like children. There's nothing to argue about, I'm right, you're wrong. Where is the argument?

youve got a shandera in ur sig i dont have to kisten to u. :angry:


You used bad grammar on purpose; thus, my opinion is the correct one. :)


EDIT: Is it just me, or is this getting a bit out-of-hand? =/

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Your expostulations solely augment the inconsequentialness of your suppositions juxtaposed to the undeniability of my apperception.
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This is comment #37


therefore my opinion is correct and all of yours are stupid




37 is a prime number, and thus anything related to it is wrong.


This is comment 38, and because it is divisible by 19 and 2 as well as 1 and itself, my opinion is correct.

No. 49 is the only correct number.


The ONLY one.




So I'm right and you guys are all noobs. :angry:



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