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Weekly Update - 1/14

Black Six



I'm back again, dear readers, for another weekly update. Next week's update may be iffy, so cherish this one while it's here!



The reviews keep on coming! Arpy reviewed Jetbug and xccj took a look at Scarab Attack. What's with all the insects? We should have at least one more review this weekend, so keep your eyes peeled. Here's a hint: it's from a super-popular licensed theme.


If you haven't already, you should take this survey from LEGO. Be sure to leave your comments in the Talkback thread so I can send it back to LEGO so they can improve the experience in the future.


If you like telling stories or playing games, you should read about the BZPRPG reboot. Friar Tuck and the others have been putting a lot of time and effort into this and I'm a fan of the direction it's going. Everyone is welcome to join, so check it out!



1.Who's your favorite Doctor?

2.Who's your favorite assistant?

3.Who's your least favorite Doctor?

4.Is your least favorite assistant not Rose Tyler?

5.Have you been missing mailbag love from me?

1. I've only really seen the first, ninth, tenth, and eleventh doctors, so I can't make a well-informed decision. Out of those though, David Tennant is my favorite.

2. Martha Jones or Amy Pond, I would say.

3. They're all awesome.

4. I was never a fan of Donna Noble. Her personality always grated on me.

5. I love mailbag love from everyone.


  1. Did it ever occur to you that if BZP were a country all that it would need would be a currency and it would have an economy? :bzp:
  2. What would you think if there was a "Miss Spherus Magna Pageant"? :blink:
  3. Do you find it weird anyone would come up with the idea of a Bionicle beauty pageant?
  4. What did you think of Hahli Inika's moustache?
  5. If resigned as an admin and Tufi Piyufi got your job would BZP stand for "Bionicle Zone Piyufi"?
  6. What does Hapori Tohu do all day?
  7. Do you rent out your Star Destroyer for partys?
  8. Can I preorder tickets to rideout the end of the world on your Star Destroyer in 2012?

    8A. And how much are those tickets?

    8B. And are dogs aloud on your Star Destroyer?

  9. Have you read The Bz-metru Story

    9A. What do you think of it?

    9B. Did you know that you're one of the main characters?

  10. Where's the beaf?
  11. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
  12. To be or not to be?
  13. Why do the good die young?
  14. Why do fools fall in love?
  15. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  16. Why am I asking you all these questions?
  1. I'd like to announce that we are introducing the 'widget' as the official currency of BZPower. ;)
  2. Whatever makes them happy I guess?
  3. Yes, I might suggest that they get some help.
  4. Poor planning on the part of the set designers.
  5. That's like saying BZPower currently stands for, 'Black Six Zone Power.' Actually, that's not a half-bad idea...
  6. Builds with LEGO brick and watches soap operas. To each their own.
  7. No, sorry. Orbital bombardments only.
  8. It'll be in dry dock. I plan on being at Milliways.
  9. Nope, sorry.
  10. What's 'beaf'?
  11. I'd like to be, under the sea, in an octopus' garden, in the shade.
  12. That is the question:

    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

    And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;

    No more; and by a sleep to say we end

    The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

    That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation

    Devoutly to be wish'd.

  13. Only the good die young.
  14. Because they don't know any better.
  15. It was sick of people asking which came first.
  16. Because you're bored, probably.

Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



I think that's enough for this week. I'm tired and have a lot to do. It's okay though, because I'm kind of on vacation right now! Have a good weekend everyone!


Recommended Comments

Donna Noble shined brightest of them all. :(



Rose Tyler's personality always grated with me. She just seemed so whiny.

Like I said, she wasn't my favorite. She just wasn't my least favorite either.

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That Scottish redhead Amy Pond is hotter than a supernova. If the show were just about her adventures, I would watch it. And this is coming from the guy who hates television.
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If I read your blog more often, I would have replied to this earlier.


Anyways, the B.S.Z.P. joke was funny, and since when do you have a reservation at Milliways?


Then again, when was the last time you read the books?

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If I read your blog more often, I would have replied to this earlier.


Anyways, the B.S.Z.P. joke was funny, and since when do you have a reservation at Milliways?


Then again, when was the last time you read the books?

The beauty is that if I decide to go, I can go back in time to make the reservation whenever I want.


About a year or so ago.

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