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Let's Talk About Me Being The Proudest Daddy

Queen of Noise







To be quite honest I don't even know where to begin with this. I know that this is going to seem quite sudden, but at the same time I feel as if I've been dwelling on it for a long time. It's something that's been itching, and I think It's about time I oblige myself and finally scratch it.


I've known you for what. Three? Four years now? I think I met you through Wrack or something like that. I owe a lot to her for being a good friend of mine, but I really should get around to thanking her for introducing us. Because really, why shouldn't I? You've proved time and time again that you're a bro among bros, and you're pretty much the best thing to ever happen to me. I mean we just kinda started off as just random chit chats, but it's amazing how we managed to turn "DESU ROZEN MAIDEN ANIME TORLOLOLOLO" into something like this.


And you're MOCs! They're so beautiful! I have no idea why you keep thinking that you're not that good at them but you are. Everyone believes in you and really enjoys them. And you're always like, "I always suck at MOCing." Stop thinking that! You are so blessed when it comes to the bionicles that you don't even know. I'd be lying if I were to say that I don't turn a Kanaya shade of green with envy every time I see something you post. They're magnificent and beautiful and you're one of the best MOCers out there. There are a lot of people that would agree with me, and I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one .


I've just really loved the time we've spent together. We've been almost in constant communication in all hours of the day, whether it be skype or IM or text. You're always there when I need you, and you've just meant so much to be over the past two or so years. You've talked to me when I've sad and you've just been there for me. I really enjoy watching movies with you, and I really wish I could stop being so lazy and just... download some and watch them with you. From Tall Boss to DUCTS! being the new SCIENCE! Just every movie we watched managed to turn into something magical and hilarious. I feel like I've dropped the ball so much with you lately, and for that I can't apologize enough.


I also want you to know just how sorry I am about what's going on with how I've been treating you recently. I keep pushing you with your Sakuya app. I should really lay off and let you do your own thing, but no matter how many times I tell myself that I'm going to back off I just find myself right back there pestering you. And that one time I snapped at you, I don't think I'll ever forgive myself. Just, you needed me and I didn't just let you down. I just pushed you down and said things I shouldn't have. I can't even think about it without feeling bad, and I just wish that I could truly express how much I hate myself for what I did.


In light of what I've just said, I suppose that what I'm about to ask you will seem extremely selfish and petty. But I don't think I can keep it bottled up inside me any longer. You mean more to me than you can even imagine. Every moment I spend talking to you is a moment of pure bliss. I'm more than willing to do anything you ask of me, and I know that you love me despite all my shortcomings. I don't want to spend another moment away from you. You are my amazing Ran-sama. You are the apple of my eye. You are my everything.


Will you marry me?

First off, YES! MARRY ME!! 8D


Now to address the smaller (yet still oh-so-important~) not-question things:


-I think we both owe her a nice thank you for engendering such a beautiful friendship, one that I hope will stand solid forever!


-I really wish I could believe I was good at MOCing, but when there's people like Primus and Shannara and all those guys, I just feel like an inferior rookie. Thank you though~


-You have never dropped the ball with me because I truly treasure every waking moment spent with you. So what if we don't watch things as much as we used to? We're still together and the things we do mean just as much to me. Also, GLOW STICK CONTINUITY


-I don't mind you pushing me with my Sakuya app. I will admit that okay there were a few things you said that did kinda come off a little prickish! But I deserve it, because I am always complaining about this and that and the other thing. And the truth is, the amount of times you might've said something cold is FAR outweighed by the times that you're there for me, whether I'm in a state of high euphoria or on the verge of tears because of some meaningless thing. I don't want you to lay off and do my own thing, because my own thing is to procrastinate and slack off. If anything, I want you to pester me more, because like I said, I treasure every moment with you.


I echo your sentiment about meaning more to me than anything in the world. Every moment with you is a state of pure euphoria and even when I'm in my crummiest mood, it's still nowhere near as bad as it could be if I didn't have you there for me. You are my beloved Chen, my precious treasure, my everything.


I love you, and again, I accept.


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Corey = male name


Shane = male name


Am I missing something?




Smeag = 21


Aho = 19


Gato = 20


How are you a daddy?


(olol look im being serious about this)

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Corey = male name


Shane = male name


Am I missing something?

The only thing you're missing is that those names themselves are androgynous; they can and are also used as girl names :>



Oh and you're also missing the most fabulous wedding ever



edit: also, Smeag adopted us :>

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The only thing you're missing is that those names themselves are androgynous; they can and are also used as girl names :>


Oh... Whoops. I've never seen that used that way, myself.


But don't you two keep calling each other 'best bro' or something along those lines?


edit: also, Smeag adopted us :>


He's one lucky man.

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edit: also, Smeag adopted us :>

No he didn't, he birthed you. How dare you forget that. It was a tumultuous time in his life.

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My sons are basically androgynes, to clear up the confusion. And Pat is right, they're definitely my biological sons, and therefor are Black Six's grandsons (or grandandrogynes). It was a very confusing and painful birth. If the courts of the US find this troublesome at all, we'll just have the wedding in Canada or something.





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My sons are basically androgynes, to clear up the confusion. And Pat is right, they're definitely my biological sons, and therefor are Black Six's grandsons (or grandandrogynes). It was a very confusing and painful birth. If the courts of the US find this troublesome at all, we'll just have the wedding in Canada or something.






No matter where the wedding is




Especially if it's on BZPower. :>

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But don't you two keep calling each other 'best bro' or something along those lines?

I never said we actually were girls, I just said those could be girl names. :>


Anyways, is there a problem with us being best bros (who are now getting married)? :>

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I'm very happy for you all and Imma let you finish but..

Didn't Gato already have the best wedding of all time?

Of all time

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But don't you two keep calling each other 'best bro' or something along those lines?

I never said we actually were girls, I just said those could be girl names. :>


Anyways, is there a problem with us being best bros (who are now getting married)? :>


I think I just took a while to catch on, is all. :P

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