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I guess I'll be celebrating Singles Awareness Day for the next three years -- that is, until I'm able to drive and I'm off to college.


(Also, did anyone else notice that 'Singles Awareness Day' forms the acronym 'SAD'? I won't stand for this. We're single and we're proud!)

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Valentine's Day sucks. Not only because it makes you bitterly aware of the fact that you've never had a legitimate girlfriend for more than a week and that all girls reject you on sight, but ALSO because they (the media) took the death of the martyr St. Valentine and glorified the day of his death into some hormone-crazy over-commercialized holiday that I hate ever so deeply.


So happy day acknowledging the death of the martyr St. Valentine which has been over-commercialized by the media. I wrote a poem.


Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

And poppies let the Wicked Witch of the West horrifically murder you in the drugged up hallucination land of Oz.

Happy Valentine's Day.


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I, too, celebrate Singles Awareness Day, simply by not caring about Valentine's Day one way or another.


(Also, did anyone else notice that 'Singles Awareness Day' forms the acronym 'SAD'? I won't stand for this. We're single and we're proud!)

Yeah, I've noticed that. Also, single and proud stands forms SAP, so that won't work too well either.


~ BioGaia

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Quit complaining, Shadix. Seriously, stop whining and moping. We get the point. :bored:


It's actually kind of funny watching all you guys argue about whether singleness is okay or not. I'm only almost 14, so I don't care too much, although there have been times when I was fooled into thinking that it mattered at my age. But seriously, even at 15, you guys are getting waaaaay too sensitive about this.

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You are snappy, aren't you Thylon?


Anyways, I have not been pursuing girls... at all. It's just depressing when they're all going after guys but aren't throwing you a second glace. Or even a first one, if they can help it.



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I don't see how he's being snappy... Lately it seems to be you. >_>

But I don't find it depressing. Most people who commented here are to young for any of this. You're what.. 15? Think, at least 7 more years before you could get married. A lot can happen.

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