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What You Are Listening To At This Very Moment



A topic which has absolutely no point whatsoever.


I'm sorry if this comes across as mean, but that topic in COT is, in my opinion, rather useless. Does anyone here actually care about what other members are listening to as they're typing their posts?


I can see the point of COT games - I have had spurts of activity in a number of them - but can someone please explain to me the exact purpose of knowing what other people are listening to?


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it's an enjoyable topic for those of us who are really into music, and there is discussion that occurs there. it's not useless by any means.
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I've actually found use for it a few times when people name a song that I find sounds familiar but can't really remember.
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I like it.


There's a rule in COT that says no "At The Moment/Right Now" topics are allowed... is that an exception?

Yes, the original topic (the current one is the third iteration I believe) was created before the rule was instated.

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Couldn't agree more. Although it seems that displaying what song you have playing is a pretty popular thing, so I can see why they have it.


I know some IM programs that display what song you're running on your PC. It'd be pretty cool to get a blog widget that does the same.

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I like it.


There's a rule in COT that says no "At The Moment/Right Now" topics are allowed... is that an exception?

Yes, the original topic (the current one is the third iteration I believe) was created before the rule was instated.

Oh, alright.

Well, with that cleared up, I've never had a problem with it. I don't participate, but it's not like it gets in the way or anything.

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Ah, I was not aware of discussion that went on there. All the times I've gone there, it's just a seemingly endless list of songs and artists.
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admittedly discussion can be scarce and somewhat rare, but it's there.. you find a lot of people with similar taste/interest in music to you through that topic, and from time to time people comment on each other's song choices and such.
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Blitzkrieg by Audiomachine.




Wait, you mean you're bashing the topic? :P

Yeah, I personally don't find much use in it either, actually. XD



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My Brother and Sister Talking - My Brother and Sister




But yeah, it's just a fun little game. Like Immediate Association and How Well Known Are You. Except... Well, yeah, I see how there really isn't any interaction (besides mentioned discussion).

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