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The Weekly Cool #3: Sandboxes

Takuma Nuva


When I'm thinking about nostalgic things, sandboxes always come up eventually. Many hours were wiled away playing in the sandbox when I was 4, 5, 6, 7-ish years old.


Our sandbox wasn't one of those fancy, cheap, plastic deals either. Our sandbox consisted of four long pieces of wood. Sort of like square logs, for lack of a better description. Worked for us because it was a decent size, too.


Let me tell you, we knew how to have fun in the sandbox. We would get sand everywhere. I don't remember how many times my parents would shout at us from the house, "Keep the sand in the sandbox!" We would get so dirty that, for a while, unless we had special permission we were only allowed to play in the sandbox on Saturdays because we'd be taking baths anyways (weekly bathing, haha :P). Heck, I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I'd tuck my shirt in, fill it with sand, and then walk around saying, "Hey, look at me! I'm fat!" xP


Water. It was great for sandboxes! After a rain we'd gather up water that filled any of the yard toys and use it for the sandbox. Water could make moats, rivers, lakes, and such. Or you could take some sand, clump it together with water, and then when it dried out it would hold it's shape if you were gentle. "Fossils", we called 'em. Of course, our parents always told us to dump it out, so it was a race to find all the water and have as much fun as we could before we were told to dump it.


Then there was the year with all the ground hornets(?). They loved to burrow in the sandbox so we could never play in it. Made us sooooo mad. :angry:


But yeah, there's no denying the awesomeness of a sandbox. You guys ever do anything crazy in a sandbox?




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We had one of those awesome wooden plank sandboxes too! Ours even had wooden seats on each corner! I remember when my dad built it, the same day he built a playfort thing in another part of the yard. (That should be another "Weekly Cool", if you had fun times on playgrounds/forts/stuff growing up too...)


In my area, there were quite a few toads due to some nearby ponds. We'd frequently find them in the garden, and me and my brothers loved playing with them until we would release them again at the end of the day. One of our favorite things to do with caught toads was to build them a complex city/fortress in our sandbox with wettened sand, with tunnels and bridges and towers, and even a nice, high wall to make sure the toads couldn't escape. (Poor toads! At least we kept them fed with ants and other bugs we dropped in! XD)


We had the problem with wasps too (probably since I live in about the same geographic area as you). Maaan, I hate wasps.



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I never had a sandbox, but there was this pit full of sand near my elementary school playground where me and some other kids would play with our BIONICLE sets (or Bionicles, if you're the type that feels better by that).


Poor Pahrak will never be clean again. :(


Closest thing I ever got to a sandbox, and yet it still packs the nostalgia.

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That reminds me of the time I took my only Golden Hau outside. Tahu fanboy here, so it was obviously my favorite mask.


It was lost for the longest time and I was just devastated. I think it must've fell out of my pocket or something...


Finally found it again driven half-way into a muddy spot below a swing set. Washed it off and now I'm happy again. :)


«Takuma Nuva»
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That reminds me. I actually lost my silver Hau that came with the BIONICLE CD, along with my black Hau, Gali's arms and legs, and Onua's torso.


With the exception of Onua's torso which came with Onua Nuva, I never saw any of those pieces again. :(

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