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On The Subject Of Swearing



Why would you want to swear here? I don't see what's wrong with heck or darn. If you want to cuss, why not join one of those other stupid websites.




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That would not be the main reason. Most forums that I've seen allow sexual references, allow their users to post offending comments, and such.

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Well cussing is normaly more helpful then allowed words to either show more serious notes. Or more comical ones. I'd take someone using a cuss work a little more serious when their talking about a problem, then them using heck, or dang, or darn :P


its showing intensities of emotions bud :)


Lord Oblivion

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Well cussing is normaly more helpful then allowed words to either show more serious notes. Or more comical ones. I'd take someone using a cuss work a little more serious when their talking about a problem, then them using heck, or dang, or darn :P


its showing intensities of emotions bud :)



There are better ways of registering intensities of emotions.

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Well cussing is normaly more helpful then allowed words to either show more serious notes. Or more comical ones. I'd take someone using a cuss work a little more serious when their talking about a problem, then them using heck, or dang, or darn :P


its showing intensities of emotions bud :)



There are better ways of registering intensities of emotions.

Yeah, but those ways normally need more forethought. And as most teenagers dont feel like doing so, we take the more offensive and short, shortcut. Or thats at least what I notice in most of my high school friends and peers.


and no offense bricky (and wonka) personally I dont like seeing people use that picture for reactions. Very similar in concept to swearing, except its allowed :P Although I know your not intending what I'm about to say, the picture almost gives me the feeling that it's user is being slightly ignorant. Sorry, again, I'm not trying to insult you or those who use it, thats just almost what the picture implies.


Lord Oblivion

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Well cussing is normaly more helpful then allowed words to either show more serious notes. Or more comical ones. I'd take someone using a cuss work a little more serious when their talking about a problem, then them using heck, or dang, or darn :P


its showing intensities of emotions bud :)



There are better ways of registering intensities of emotions.

Yeah, but those ways normally need more forethought. And as most teenagers dont feel like doing so, we take the more offensive and short, shortcut. Or thats at least what I notice in most of my high school friends and peers.


and no offense bricky (and wonka) personally I dont like seeing people use that picture for reactions. Very similar in concept to swearing, except its allowed :P Although I know your not intending what I'm about to say, the picture almost gives me the feeling that it's user is being slightly ignorant. Sorry, again, I'm not trying to insult you or those who use it, thats just almost what the picture implies.


Lord Oblivion


[i don't like reaction pictures period.




Or swearing.




On public websites.


'N such.



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Hah, uhm...I used to swear a lot...but I've gotten out of the habit lately...cos I realised I don't really need to most of the time, and I can still get a point across without sounding nasty. I just avoid even using "replacements" - heck and darn and dang and freakin and such - cos I really think those sound weird when you say them out loud..so, yeah..it's rather unnecessary, except when you're quoting something or someone.
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It's just words, man. Who cares?


Swearing doesn't mean, by any association, stupidity or any such nonsense. If you have a problem with someone swearing, then you ask them to knock it off. If they don't, then that's their problem.

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Thinking that using words that we have arbitrary designated to not be used in polite company makes something stupid is pretty immature and can keep you from recognizing the intelligence of a person just because you disagree with something they do.



tl;dr don't write someone off because they use coarse language

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I agree. I don't care if anybody thinks they can get the point across better by swearing, I don't want to read that stuff. In my opinion, yeah, people can find better ways to show emotion, and if they don't want to put work into it, then that emotion isn't strong enough to require a swear word.


I would have left BZP years ago if swearing was alowed. It's just about the one thing that makes BZP different from other sights now.



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I think the filter, along with some other rules, have actually encouraged the community to be, for the most part, fairly tame and enjoyable.


I do admit to swearing sometimes, but usually only when parroting someone or when I really need emphasis.

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Honestly, I'm often more offended by the thoughts being expressed than I am by the words. After all, there are only bad intentions--not bad words.


Still, swearing is basically a sign of mental laziness. If you can't think of any other way to express anger or whatever, then you obviously aren't thinking much of it.


~ BioGaia

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I was brought up never to swear at people, so I've never seen the point of using such words. Besides which, they were meant to carry negative, offensive annotations; so really, judging people (partially, of course) because they swear is actually justified because they're being both offensive and uncreative with words.


I could say, "Darn it!" or I could say something much worse. Saying a bad word doesn't get my message across any better; in fact, it's impolite to say something much worse than that. Thus, curse words should never, ever be allowed on BZPower. I don't appreciate use of them, and I'm positive many others will agree with me.


Of course, I don't consider 'heck', 'darn', 'dang', 'crud', or even 'freaking' curse words...

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Okay, if you don't like it when people swear, fine, whatever. It's your choice.


But when you start judging people as being offensive and whatnot, then why shouldn't I judge you as, hiding behind a veneer of sophisticated calmness and culture with a hint of politeness, simply being butthurt when your tender ears get violated? They're words. They can be used for emphasis as well.


And it's hardly a sign of 'mental laziness' if I swear when angry or something. They're, again, only words. That people use.

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