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The Bring Back Bionicle Club, Bzpower Branch



Welcome to the BZPower branch of the Bring Back Bionicle Club! We're a group of stubborn Bionicle fans who want the sets back.


Other branches of the club do exist, but BZPower rules prevent me from linking to, or in some cases even mentioning, any of them. You'll have to find the other branches on your own. sad.gif


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I'm in. And if you create any more things related to bringing back BIONICLE, sign me up automatically. :P

You're in! :D


Sadly, :bzp: prevent me from telling you about the other branches. You'll have to find them on your own. :(

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Hey, guys, as creator of the glorious and 100% righteous opposition, I would like to please ask all the flaming from you guys to stop. M_o_Z, we cna work together to keep our members from fighting. I'll try to keep the members of the DBBBC from attacking you guys.
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He's right, you know. While our causes are in direct opposition of each other, that does not mean we can hate or flame each other the way some of you have been. If we just agree to disagree, we can prove ourselves to be mature enough to be taken seriously.


Think about it: if two people were asking you the same favour, one who asks you nicely and one who threatens to throw a tantrum if you don't, who would you rather do the favour for?

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He's right, you know. While our causes are in direct opposition of each other, that does not mean we can hate or flame each other the way some of you have been. If we just agree to disagree, we can prove ourselves to be mature enough to be taken seriously.


Think about it: if two people were asking you the same favour, one who asks you nicely and one who threatens to throw a tantrum if you don't, who would you rather do the favour for?

That was unnecessary.

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He's right, you know. While our causes are in direct opposition of each other, that does not mean we can hate or flame each other the way some of you have been. If we just agree to disagree, we can prove ourselves to be mature enough to be taken seriously.


Think about it: if two people were asking you the same favour, one who asks you nicely and one who threatens to throw a tantrum if you don't, who would you rather do the favour for?

That was unnecessary.

Sorry. :(

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meh, I'll pass.


I see your reasoning though. However, I still think that bionicle ended on the perfect note, and should be allowed to sit on said note. :P

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Hey, just thought I'd pop in and let you know that having members of clubs on "probation" is against Blog rules. According to Blog rules, no members of blogs can be excluded for any reason at any time, "probation" included.
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Hey, just thought I'd pop in and let you know that having members of clubs on "probation" is against Blog rules. According to Blog rules, no members of blogs can be excluded for any reason at any time, "probation" included.


Sorry. :(


I changed it. He's a full member now.

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Hey, just thought I'd pop in and let you know that having members of clubs on "probation" is against Blog rules. According to Blog rules, no members of blogs can be excluded for any reason at any time, "probation" included.


Sorry. :(


I changed it. He's a full member now.

I always just assumed you did that as a joke. :wacko:


~ BioGaia

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Hey, just thought I'd pop in and let you know that having members of clubs on "probation" is against Blog rules. According to Blog rules, no members of blogs can be excluded for any reason at any time, "probation" included.


Sorry. :(


I changed it. He's a full member now.

I always just assumed you did that as a joke. :wacko:


~ BioGaia


It was a bit. I thought he joined as a joke tbh because he's also in the Don't Bring Back Bionicle Club.

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Hey Makuta_of_Oz. Remember me? You invited me to the old BBB club. Well, I want to be in the new one too, please. I really miss Bionicle :(

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Hey Makuta_of_Oz. Remember me? You invited me to the old BBB club. Well, I want to be in the new one too, please. I really miss Bionicle :(


I do remember. I knew you'd find the club soon enough. :)


Of course you can rejoin! :D

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Yay then :D


I'm going to put a BBB Banner in my sig as soon as possible.


Good idea! Maybe you could share it with the rest of the club too! However, if you're gonna do that, please don't make it too big in KB, because I'm gonna put it next to my other banner in my sig and I don't want to go over the limit.

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Yay then :D


I'm going to put a BBB Banner in my sig as soon as possible.


Good idea! Maybe you could share it with the rest of the club too! However, if you're gonna do that, please don't make it too big in KB, because I'm gonna put it next to my other banner in my sig and I don't want to go over the limit.

I'll replace my current MOC banner by one of the BBB banners you made.

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Yay then :D


I'm going to put a BBB Banner in my sig as soon as possible.


Good idea! Maybe you could share it with the rest of the club too! However, if you're gonna do that, please don't make it too big in KB, because I'm gonna put it next to my other banner in my sig and I don't want to go over the limit.

I'll replace my current MOC banner by one of the BBB banners you made.


I'm actually surprised someone still has that! I thought you were going to make a new one.

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Sign me up! :)


The fans do exist all over the Internet. But they don't all agree with you, so you shouldn't try to represent us who disagree with these righteous quests of yours.

How could the people who want it back possibly represent the people who don't?





Nothing I suppose. :unsure:

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