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1. Question the validity of that statement.

2. If the world will end in six hours, and I've verified it, tell everyone that it's going to be okay, as I believe it all will.

3. Spend the last hours helping out as many people as I can.


-Der Blitzschnitt

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I just realized I forgot to put in what I would do.


First, I would high five the nearest person, and look extremely happy, probably scream something about how glad I was that the rotten world was ended. I would then spend the next four or five hours with friends and family. For the last hour, I would go to the nearest Catholic church, go to confession, and spend the last hour or so praying (I know I sound preachy, but that is what I;d do. :P).

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i would take moneyz out of all the banks amongst the chaos then bribe some russian space guys to send me to marsssssss.


once thar i would plant trees in a air tight dome so i would haz oxygenz, and then set up a windmillz to make energy from the dustdevils n stuff.

id make sure i was near the north pole cause theres ice i could melt into water thar.


of course i would have all this stuff and moar cause i had bill cosby, william shatner, bon scott and jeff bridges helpin meeeeez load up the spaze ship.


george bush knew that the world was gonna aspload way beforehand cuz goverments know everything, so he got us that stuffs originally even though we ditched him when he went back to his house after he forgot his wallet.


and of course i made sure i brought a xboxz with meh and some other stuffs so we could recreate it if we evah found any metals on the planet.


then we'd all enjoy a nice glass of apple juice ( via apple treeees) while we watch the earth continue to go boom on the horizon and lolz at the aztec for being a bit of a year off on there prediction.


and we all lived happily ever after, el fin.


now whats my reward lol.


--Akaku: Master of Flight

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In all seriousness, I would probably sit stock-still, waiting for the end to come.

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