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Finally, Some Good And Selfless News!



I'm considering giving blood on the holidays! :D


The topic was initially brought up at TAFE (before you start, TAFE = Training And Further Education, kind of like College for Australians) when I gloated stated that I have an extremely powerful immune system (one that saw me never take a sickie from school for 3 or 4 years in a row!), and was later mentioned a few times in an ad on TV.


One in 3 Australians need blood, but only one in thirty donates. I think it would be quite worthwhile for me to become one of those 1 in 30 and greatly help a lot of needy people with my super-blood. :P


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Protip: When you say you're doing something selfless, it's automatically not selfless anymore.


A positive. Awwww yeah.

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Props to you. I gave blood once, and the experience afterwards was so unpleasant for me that I have yet to repeat the process. But it's certainly a worthy thing to do!



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Props to you. I gave blood once, and the experience afterwards was so unpleasant for me that I have yet to repeat the process. But it's certainly a worthy thing to do!



Probably shouldn't ask, but what was afterwards like? I remember one of my primary school teachers gave blood once, and the only bad aftermath she stated was being grossed out by seeing a large sachel of her blood.

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Getting blood pumped out of you isn't that bad... the arm just feels a bit numb afterwards. No biggie, really, unless you feel queasy looking at a bag o' gore.

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I'm farly healthy too, I haven't gotten badly sick since a while before I moved(Which was August 1st 2009)and have pretty much no allergies except cats(And even that isn't as bad as it used to).




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