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So Frustrating



So a friend of mine, who's engaged, walks up to me a little while back and asks,


"Hey, Tim, do you think you'd be willing to run the sound system for my wedding?"


Knowing I can make about $100 off a wedding, I eagerly agree.


"Great! Now we don't have to pay someone like $100 to do our wedding!"








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I agreed to help him, not knowing whether I was getting paid or not.

Yeah, um, that's kinda why you need to get those things out in the open before you seal the deal, dude. :P


«Takuma Nuva»
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@DV: Alright, so yeah, it was rude of his friend to automatically assume he'd do it for free. You're right.


But that doesn't change the fact that it's equally rude for him to act like he HAS to be paid to help his friend. This isn't his career, he doesn't do it for a living. He's 15, I doubt he really even NEEDS money - he's not really losing much by doing it for free, so it comes off as selfish for him to act like it's a horrible thing that he isn't being paid to help somebody.

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@DV: Alright, so yeah, it was rude of his friend to automatically assume he'd do it for free. You're right.


But that doesn't change the fact that it's equally rude for him to act like he HAS to be paid to help his friend. This isn't his career, he doesn't do it for a living. He's 15, I doubt he really even NEEDS money - he's not really losing much by doing it for free, so it comes off as selfish for him to act like it's a horrible thing that he isn't being paid to help somebody.

I didn't really see him acting like he HAS to get paid or he won't do it. Besides, what's wrong with him wanting money for his work? even if he doesn't ABSOLUTELY need it for essentias, is it such a bad thing for him to have extra money? To spend on hobbies and things?




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He's acting angry because he isn't being paid to help out a friend on his wedding day. That seems very selfish to me. You shouldn't have to get something in return every time you do a nice thing for somebody, and to outright complain when you don't (on an internet blog, no less) is just not right.


What ever happened to helping for the sake of helping? Being nice for niceness' sake?

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Dudes, I'm Laughin'Man. "Blunt" is my thing. Actually, I prefer to think of it more as honesty.

Honesty is definitely not always the best policy. Just sayin'.


Also, "being nice for niceness' sake" doesnt seem to apply to you...


I'm actually starting to think that I had better not get any more involved in this, as I might get Proto-zapped.

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Also note we aren't exactly IMing eachother or even having conversations that often. We're on good terms and he seems pretty fun.


Seeing as people aren't exactly relenting on how selfish I am on this, I'm locking this. Don't want this kind of atmosphere in my blog.



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