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Perspective For Non-Bronies And Bronies

Takuma Nuva


*Warning: Massive TL;DR and unorthodox verbs incoming!


Alright, everyone, listen up. I could do like everybody else out there and tell you "Both sides need to chill. If you like the show, watch it. If you don't, don't. Just don't hate on the people on the other side for their decisions."


But I won't.


I could also put a couple lines down the middle of the internet and say, "Okay, all bronies on this side, all brony-haters on this side, and all the neutral people can sit in the middle, stuck in the crossfire of people who refuse to stay on their side of the internet."


But I don't have enough money.



What I intend to do with this entry is give BOTH sides perspective. Everybody here knows WHAT is happening, but not everybody has thought about WHY it is happening.


First off, ever since BZP has come up, when I'm not working I've either been working in the blogs or, on occasion posting in the MLP topic. That said, I have no idea if the rumors are true that other places on BZP are getting flooded with pony.


Bronies, if you want to pony in the MLP topic or your blogs, that is perfectly fine and you have every right to. Those are places that non-bronies have no right to complain about because they can easily avoid them and it won't affect the reasons they want to be on BZP. You're also free to pony your avatars and signatures. Those are like your fashion choice for clothes on the forums and you have as much right as anyone else.


However, if it is true that pony is spilling out into the rest of BZP, it's not necessarilly a good thing. No, you're not necessarilly wrong either, but hear me out.


The non-bronies, they don't hate the bronies (or so I shall convince myself), but when pony is constantly showing up outside of pony-specified areas, it can get a bit annoying. I know this because it's how I felt with MSPA. Much like some non-bronies have no intention to watch MLP, I had absolutely no intention of getting into MSPA. Not because I hated it unreasonably, but I just felt no reason to give it a try and, ergo, I passed no judgement on whether or not it was actually good. I did get slightly unnerved however that no matter where I went on BZP, even if it wasn't the MSPA topic or the blogs, I was seeing the avatars and banners everywhere. BZP was so saturated with it, I simply got tired of seeing it. This is how non-bronies feel about all the MLP avs and sigs.


But now watch me flop the flip again because here we go. I may have gotten sick of MSPA stuff, but I dealt with it. I never once complained (although, I guess I kinda am now, but it's for a good cause, I'm making a point here!) about how it was constantly there in front of me because, as I've stated, they had every right to av and sig as they pleased. BZP comes back up and I see very little trace of it remaining. For that, I am glad, but if it hadn't disappeared, I'd still keep my mouth shut and let other people enjoy something they like.


To kinda wrap this point up (I may have rambled), bronies, even if you have good intentions, try not to pony unnecessarily in the other parts of BZP, even if it's the most obscure of quotes from the show. These other people came to BZP for Lego/Bionicle, not ponies. In return, non-bronies should respect the bronies decisions for ponying in the Official MLP topic, their blogs, and also their avs/sigs.


On to my next point. There are two kinds of bronies. There are those who are all "YOU MUST WATCH IT" and there are those who are "watch it if you want". Okay, there are those in the middle who say "watch if you want, don't if you don't, but I encourage you to give it a try", but they don't count because only having two types keeps it simple. I'm glad to say that, from what I've seen, there hasn't been any of the first type on BZP so far. Let's keep it this way. We wouldn't like it if somebody came in here and started going "YOU MUST LISTEN TO REBECCA BLACK" in our faces, would we?


Now, here's the thing I really wanted to get to (so why didn't I put this at the top?). About ponies on BZPower specifically. The non-bronies here have got to be beside themselves wondering why BZP is getting as much pony as it is. Sure, it's a popular show and has caused quite a frenzy on the internet, but that being said, aren't there other places with even MORE pony opportunity? Why aren't the bronies taking advantage of those instead? Why would they all come to BZP and make a massive pony thread with more posts than any other topic on this LEGO fansite?


There are several reasons actually. One simple one being the (usually) great community we have here. We've all got great friends here, I should think, so it only makes sense that you'd continue discussing the things you like where you know your friends will already be. This is a minor point though.


What's happening right now on BZP? A rift is forming, that's what. Lines are starting to be drawn and it's beginning to look grim. But wait, this isn't just happening here on BZP, this is happening in lots of places on the internet. It's darn near World War Pony out there!


Out there (*waves arms around*), bronies are getting a lot of flak for their choice of animated entertainment. They are constantly bullied, called names, publicly insulted, you name it. It's downright ugly. Many bronies have embraced the (almost cliche now) phrase, "love and tolerate" because it helps us deal with the haters but we keep our honor by not stooping to their level.


But wouldn't it be nice to go somewhere we simply don't even have to tolerate it?


See, this is BZPower. I should think that many of the bronies here are treating this as a safe haven. Why? Because, unlike many websites out there, when we (I keep starting to refer to the staff as "they" instead of "we". I'll never get used to this. xP) say, "No flaming, hating, trolling, bullying, swearing, name-calling etc." we not only mean it, but we actually enforce it. Bronies don't have to worry about being "persecuted" here because the staff, brony or not, will stop these things before they truly break loose. This is why all the pony-lovers here don't just pack their bags and go to Brony Zone Power instead where it's all-pony-all-the-time. We're vulnerable to pony-haters over there!


This is probably the most massive entry I've ever written, so, for fear of becoming the next bonesiii, I'll stop before anything else on the subject crosses my mind. I just hope that those of you who took the time to read this, bronies or non-bronies, have learned something about the other side of the debate. My whole purpose with this entry is to bring understanding. Bronies can understand why non-bronies are getting annoyed and non-bronies can understand why the bronies decided to come to BZP and pony so much. We both have our opinions and we both want the respect we deserve. So let's start by showing respect to the other people before demanding it for ourselves.


EDIT: I forgot something. To those who think bronies are obssessing over this "children's cartoon" and how it's ridiculous/weird/creepy, have we not all obssessed to some degree over a certain "children's toy"? (hinthint, it rhymes with "Triyawnicle")




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I'm in the neutral side of all this. I understand why they are cute, But I don't understand why so many people are obsessing over it.


And no offense, but It's REALLY hard to take someone seriously when you hear the name Bronies. Say it.


It sounds like brownies.


And now I'm hungry.

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nah, bonesii talks about COOL stuff, so theres a big difference here xD

and now im off to press the ignore button on the spammy signatures of brownies bronies




my world is crumbling around me!

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Wait, brony vs non-brony war?What have I missed?

Luckily it wasn't anything too serious, but if you look around, particularly in the "memes taking over" topic and some previous blog entries, you'll see some general animosity.

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I can only hope BZP won't devolve into a huge MLP warzone. But if it does then who knows how many will be banned.


I'm neutral in this silly conflict.

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