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Don't Ever Do That Again!

I think we're all lucky I didn't see this thread until too late, because if I was able to post there, trust me, it would NOT have been pretty! I, too, would rather see Greg's planned loose ends tied up before they give Bionicle a rest. The GB... the murderer... the Red Star... the Shadowed One... there's still way too much going on to just ubruptly stop just because of some deadline.


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Alex Humva


Sorry mate, but deadlines are what run the world. 2011 was the last year of Bionicle. This is now 2012. You must learn to accept these things and move along.





how dare you miss-spell the name of thy sacred toy line


you should be ashamed



I believe they've decided that the guy who posted the topic didn't have valid proof of what he was saying. So no big deal. Anyway, I think it's almost better to let the fans decide the plotline, at least for the next couple years. Although I do agree with you on some of those things--the Red Star, for instance. ><



@My Little Xinlo: I'M ALWAYS DOING THAT! :annoyed2: Ever since I got my laptop, my typing skills have plummeted, and I keep making the same typos over and over!


@Architect: I know, but the thought still scared me.



They were wrong to create those plot holes in the first place.


Bionicle's ending woulda been a bit better if they just left it at Mata Nui's farewell.


At least in my opinion.



They were wrong to create those plot holes in the first place.Bionicle's ending woulda been a bit better if they just left it at Mata Nui's farewell.At least in my opinion.

I agree to a certain extent, but to be fair some plot points in the serials had been created before the end of the "main" saga and there wasn't time to wrap them properly at that point, so I can respect why some people still wait patiently for serial updates.


As for the creation of new plot points, it's a bit tedious, but really this was done to appease those who were still a shambles after the theme's cancellation was announced, and I doubt these people would have been satisfied with a simple conclusion. After all, the various mysteries are a major part of what gave BIONICLE its charm. If you answer them all at once or even one-at-a-time you risk the story becoming weaker from it.


I myself haven't taken the time to catch up even with what's been posted so far, but I haven't really had much incentive since I was happy with the BIONICLE story as it ended and have enjoyed the themes that picked up the slack after it ended, like Hero Factory and Ninjago. Someday I might catch up, but it's hard to motivate myself when the mysteries and conflicts that mattered most to me have already been resolved, and what's left are loose ends without nearly the same world-changing implications that the main saga had.



dont you just hate those pranks?

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