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Brick Bus

Black Six


So just about exactly a week ago, I found myself sitting in Casey's at the Sheraton in Birmingham, AL with Jim Foulds, Kevin Hinkle, Watashi Wa, Emzee, and Abner (an AFOL who I've met at almost every LEGO convention I've been to). In case you're not in the know, Jim and Kevin work for the LEGO Community Team. It has a different name, but they change it every six months so I don't bother remembering.


We came up with the best idea.


Kevin was telling us about the many times he's driven through Texas either for moves or to visit family when he was living out of state and how much 'fun' it was. (In reality he was telling us about the abandoned houses he'd see on the side of the road that he really hoped he never broke down next to one.) He also talked about how much he enjoyed driving a big moving truck while towing a car. (I think he was being sarcastic.)


The logical conclusion from this was that Keven needs to drive a party bus from Connecticut (where LEGO has their US HQ) to the various fan events, picking up AFOLs along the way. He promised Gogurt and Snack Packs and Capri Suns until Jim said the budget probably couldn't afford it. So there will probably only be some cheap knockoff brands. As long as there's food though, I'm on board.


I think this would be the ultimate way to get to an event - it's like the con starts before you even get there. Of course there's the downside that everyone will hate each other by the time you get to your destination, but it's a small price to pay.


So who's ready to hop on the magic brick bus? I hear there will be a mariachi band on the one that goes to BrickFiesta.


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If it crashed the greatest minds of a generation would be lost. Like in movies when the aliens go back in time and blow up Leonardo Da Vinci when he has all his brainy friends over. :-/


- 55555

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I don't suppose these "various fan events" in this theoretical bus tour might potentially include Brickworld, would they? 'Cause seriously, I didn't spot a SINGLE BZPower member at Brickworld last year, even though I was there the entire day. I was wearing a BZP T-shirt and everything!


~ (A VTOAHMKEARH) (the lonely Chicagoan BZPer)

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I know a place where we can get some haircuts!
I know a place...

~I'll take you there.~


A magic brick bus. Built out of actual LEGO bricks. And works. Let's do it!

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