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I think a better question is why anybody still gives any of the cares about this.


Does it KILL you to not be able to use a mild insult here? I guess if you're into the fanfiction it's a bother, but not an overwhelming one and anyways far as I know you are not an author.


And anyways, the staff have already said they will change the filter someday, so what is the use of complaining further? Whether LEGO, or any of the themes LEGO adapts have used this word or any others has no relevance to the site. If it's not high on the priority list then just wait it out.


why did i write this much



"Please stop acting like a #####"


The filter makes this statement look so much worse than what I actually wrote, which only makes a mild statement sound really offensive. It's self-defeating, really. :|



I think a better question is why anybody still gives any of the cares about this. Does it KILL you to not be able to use a mild insult here? I guess if you're into the fanfiction it's a bother, but not an overwhelming one and anyways far as I know you are not an author. And anyways, the staff have already said they will change the filter someday, so what is the use of complaining further? Whether LEGO, or any of the themes LEGO adapts have used this word or any others has no relevance to the site. If it's not high on the priority list then just wait it out.why did i write this much

This was a one-off for me, and I've heard no-one else talk about it. The question was sparked when I reread Federation of Fear on BIONICLEStory.


*knows what entry will be next in this blog*



Because it's BZPower, we need to protect kids from what they hear every day!

Alex Humva


[Alluding to filtered words isn't allowed either -Takuma Nuva]


Because, this is BZP. The staff promise a word filter upgrade for ages and don't do it. I'm sure they have their legitment reasons all the same.


It is rather annoying, not being able to use a simple insult. And it doesn't even need to be insulting. There's been so many times when someone is being such a person, and the word would be perfect. Stop being an *insert*, if the guy is actually being an *insert*, then it'd be fine.


But alas, because people misused it early on and BZP's word filter hasn't been truly upgraded in years, it's banned because... people misused it. It was back in the early days of BZP though, when the authority system was rather odd. I just wish someone would remove the archaic stuff; not to mention, it only covers American English insults. Queens English isn't covered at all, so I could conceivably insult someone using Queens English to my heart's content until someone who actually knew it came along and reported me. Considering the amount of UK and Australians we have on this site, probably wouldn't be long.



Personally, I'd like at least a loosening of the rules for the Library, since it can be a real pain going through and making sure nobody's tripped the filter.



Hah, good thing that when i follow this blog, the notification says the original name of this entry!

I agree with what chols commented in this entry

Takuma Nuva


Suffice it to say, I completely understand the frustration. I would like nothing more than to have that dad-gum word filter updated. It makes writing fan-fiction a little more difficult, since you can't go with the "natural flow" and have to edit accordingly.


As for other places, I don't personally see what the big problem is. Using synonyms isn't that difficult. For comedies, the word filter has actually been of use for jokes even.


The problem is that we have this big ol' list of stuff we need to get done and we have the whole thing prioritized. Unfortunately, almost every time something comes up, it has to take a higher priority.


And it's not like it's something Sixxer can just toss at one or two of us and say "here, do it," y'know? Different people have different opinions of what should and shouldn't be allowed, so we need to work together and decide, as a group, what is best for BZP. Believe me, if it was something that could be done by one person, I'd have done it ages ago.



lol, I just realized what the word filter does for a certain word most people use to describe somebody fails. they really need to fix that.



Takuma, I don't think BZPower could decide anything as a group.



Takuma, I don't think BZPower could decide anything as a group.

Sorry I have to rudely interrupt, but are you saying that the staff of a Bionicle forum are not following the three virtues of UNITY, Duty and Destiny? :P

Takuma Nuva


protip: Bionicle =/= real life.

:blink: Surely you jest!


Why was I not told!?



Not the staff, just everyone on the site in general. We'll argue about the dumbest things, so I don't see how we could make any important decisions as a group.



Not the staff, just everyone on the site in general. We'll argue about the dumbest things, so I don't see how we could make any important decisions as a group.

You didn't get it.


Here we are in a Bionicle forum, and we don't have the three virtues of Unity, Duty and Destiny (Unity being the point here) down pat.


A joke is bad if you have to explain it... -_-

Alex Humva


Three Virtues don't apply to real life, because if they do that assumes destiny exists.


Don't wish to offend anyone who actually believes in a religion where destiny/fate is concrete, but I make my own decisions.



*cue angry Molinists hunting down Humva*

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