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From: Bionicle Zone Power Or Hero Factory Power



No. I am not the biggest HF fan, so that's a contributor, and I understand Bionicle is 100% dead with no return in the next 10+ years, but BZP did start on Bionicle, and I'd much rather have a Lego/Bionicle focused forum then an HF/Lego focus, as that wouldn't do anyone any good.


Source: Bionicle Zone Power Or Hero Factory Power


I should just stop looking at that thread. The more I do, the more insulting the posts get. :annoyed:


Apologies to Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen for doing this to his post, but I am just that sick of people being so defeatist regarding Bionicle's future.


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Honestly, I agree with the crowd. Nobody's telling you you have to like Hero Factory, but you are way too deeply invested in BIONICLE's return for your own good.


If you're going to invest yourself so deeply in BIONICLE, invest in things YOU have control over. Put your love for BIONICLE towards things like MOCs, fanart, or fanfiction. You don't have to give up BIONICLE now or ever, but there's a difference between investing yourself in the theme and investing all your hopes and dreams into the whims of the company that made it (and has expressed a desire not to bring it back).


I don't think BIONICLE is ever coming back. The complexity of bringing it back after it's been gone is even greater than the complexity of continuing it from where it was would have been. Even though yes, TLG has the potential to go back on their word, it makes no sense to waste your energy passively waiting on that slim possibility when you could be putting that energy towards something more productive and meaningful.


I don't want you to take these things as insults. Really they're more like well-intentioned warnings. Better to turn your attention towards what you CAN control-- your own interests, including BIONICLE, and how you express them-- and not what you can't control like the whims of an international corporation.

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I don't want you to take these things as insults.
Well, then you guys have a messed up way of saying it


Please go ahead an explain how we have "messed up" ways of saying it. We've been quite civil how we've been saying things, along with giving thorough reasons and explanations. It may seem to some like insults, but it's by far not the intention.



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Believe me, these aren't insults. Insults would be calling MoO, or his self-professed BIONICLE obsession, insults and epithets. The most we've done here is, somewhat bluntly in some cases, tell him that his obsession isn't healthy.


In the case of Aanchir's post, he put it in just about the nicest way that he could have - far, far from insulting.

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I don't want you to take these things as insults.
Well, then you guys have a messed up way of saying it
Please go ahead an explain how we have "messed up" ways of saying it. We've been quite civil how we've been saying things, along with giving thorough reasons and explanations. It may seem to some like insults, but it's by far not the intention.sig.png

I think he's referring to the first few posts, as "insulting."

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