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Bionicle, Raccoons, And Other Miscellaneous Items Contest #1 *updated*

a goose


Well, you've all enjoyed the caption contest, and it will continue once I've got everything sorted out.

However, I have a competition for y'all!




You have to create yourselves a character. The character entries should be given in the comments section, and I will choose the winner.


The winning character will appear in my epic, Dark Mirror (Part I) and inside a short story that I will publish in my blog.


Describe your characters however you wish. You can do it BZPRPG-style, you can just write a paragraph, heck, you can even draw your character and write about them! Don't just draw the character on their own, though.


Entry period closes 15th April.


- Paradoxophobia


PS: If any of the images above are copyrighted, they belong to whoever copyrighted them. I didn't make them.


UPDATE: Okay, barely anyone posted here, so I'm extending this competition to this day next month, the 5th of June. Please enter. Please. For the sake of my sanity, if anything. Also, as Dark Mirror: Part I is over, the character will instead star in my upcoming epic, The Eleventh Hour.


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Then here is the updated, Dreamland-style profile of...



Species: Toa

Gender: Female

Appearance: Blue armour with grey accents a light purple highlights. Wears a skirt and a cloak, both brown. Relatively attractive.

Weapon: A staff adorned with various textures, with a silver Gali hook on one end, and a silver Pridak blade on the other.

Mask: Kanohi Rau, Mask of Translation

Power: Water

Secondary Abilities: Agility, Strong Will, Skilled Negotiator, Skilled Kanohi User

Personality: Whatever she lacks in physical form Solia more than makes up for in force of personality. She is tough as nails at all times, always ready with a snarky quip even in the face of death, not afraid to bend the rules every now and then, and seemingly never, ever scared.

Solia can be rather stubborn and secretive at times, and is also rather antisocial around people she does't know. She often takes things far too seriously and can get in a temper over nothing.

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Sure, Automaton. XD

Wotsiznaim, thankyou for entering. Your entry will be judged alongside the others, until I only have the top three, at which point the readers will vote. Yay.

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Of course, not that I would use Harmaisis. He's not all that translatable into anything else, besides The Before trilogy. :P


But I shall think this through. I need to think of a character fun enough for your epics. :P

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Name: Pirok's camera


Species: ​Camera of unknown manufacturer, presumed to be old phone camera due to low-quality pictures


Strengths: Pirok's camera can show it's grainy images to threats to burn their eyes out of their sockets


Weaknesses: Most cameras take somewhat medium-quality images, but Pirok's camera takes terrible low-res images that makes other cameras laugh at Pirok's. Thus, Pirok's camera has very low self-confidence, being teased all its life.


Personality: Pirok's camera is very shy and ashamed of the horrid quality photos it takes, and is constantly teased by other cameras.


Power: Pirok's camera can take extremely low-quality photographs.


Secondary abilities: None, although rumored to also have the ability to make videos.


Biography: Unknown, but widely thought to have been mistreated during it's early life and never was able to fully develop its picture-taking skills.

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Here's an as-of-yet not used character from the BZPRPG!


Name: Gevira

Species: Toa of Air

Alignment: Good

Appearance: Slightly thinner than the average Toa, and has a green mask, body, hands, and feet, and grey limbs.

Mask: Matatu

Weapons: A Cutlass which he keeps sheathed on his hip.

Powers: Control over air, excellent agility, telekinesis(from mask).

Weaknesses: He REALLY hates extreme heat/cold. He can also be caught off guard quite easily.

Personality: Very gentlemanly, and treats almost everyone he treats with respect. He refuses to speak in treespeak because he considers it to be unsophisticated. Despite this, he is a very capable fighter, though he never uses his full power when fighting someone he considers weaker than himself.


Because Gentlemen Toa with cutlasses are fun. :P

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Yup. Also, the character will no longer have a chance to star in Dark Mirror: Part I. They will be in The Eleventh Hour, though.

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