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Kirse: City Of The Great Beings

a goose


Okay, this is the place for usins, the staff-dudes, to talk about Kirse. :)







This RPG is focused mostly on mental challenges, and while there will be plenty of fights and tons of violence, the mental challenges will be the most prominent part as the plot unravels. So if you don't like puzzles and trying to unravel mysteries, there is still going to be plenty of fighting.


How the story goes is changed by the players of the game. What happens to the city, and how... is all up to the choices made by the characters. Will everyone live? Perhaps Everyone will die? It all depends on what comes before...




The History



Ancient walls stand firm against the winds that sweep across the desert sands, baked by the heat of the sun as it rises and falls over the passing days. The wall is a shield, but it is not needed to protect, for none dare to reach the city, not even travelers. The desert around them goes on for what seems to be a never ending expanse. It forms a natural barrier against any force that dares think itself able to invade, but reverses to prove itself incapable of being crossed to escape. Trying to leave means certain death in the desert, which to some, is preferred over the current state of their home. It is protection, and a curse.


Welcome to the city known as Kirse, a place where heroes die quickly and violently, and the remains are just tossed aside for the creatures of the night. You either fight, or stand aside as others do the battles for you. Violence is a part of life, and on a good day, the population won't drop by more than one person. On a bad day, the desert creatures will eat very, very well. But, it hasn't always been a worthless pit filled with violence and death, there was a time when it had been far more, but those days were a part of the past that weren't coming back.


The City, once a stronghold and the last defense for an entire species, well defended with most certainty. The war was raging across the entire planet of Bara Magna, violence and fear spread like wildfire. The Great Beings knew that something was going wrong. The planet, they discovered, was going to be destroyed. They set upon a plan to save their world, but never got that far. The entire planet was shaken as chunks of it's once greatness scattered across the cosmos. Two main portions fractured off and went into orbit around what was left of the planet, now called Bara Magna.


The rage of war turned to the scientists that were the Great Beings. Why hadn't they stopped the destruction? Why hadn't they done anything? It was with that mindset that the survivors waged war upon the Great beings. The Great Beings feared for their lives, and created walls, and a city within them. A city built to be self-sustaining for the small numbers of the Great Beings. But walls could only hold an enemy for so long, before they collapsed around you. They needed something more, something to help them fight back.


Machines were created, many machines, each with a different purpose. Machines based upon the Agori, only more powerful, called Matoran, created to help keep the city repaired. Machines based upon the Glatorian species, and given power over the elements, built for defending the city. Large mechanical scorpions, with great strength and dangerous poison, called the Nui-Jaga. And many, many others. Only one of the robot designs built had no purpose to its design, Brakas Monkeys, created by one of the Great Beings as a test. They did not follow commands given by the Great Being, or anyone else. They were created to be as close to fully alive as possible.


But the machines could not stand against the numbers the Great Beings faced, and he city was overrun. The Great Beings completely wiped out, or so it was believed. The victors in the battle took the great city for themselves, a trophy of their success. The machines were left to rust, for no one knew how they worked. But the peace that rose up with the conquest of the city, was not to last. Water and food supplies were not enough to keep the entire city alive, there had been a much smaller number of Great Beings, and the resources were more than enough for them. But now, the people faced the risks of starvation and dehydration.


The city fractured apart into dozens of small groups, each one desperate to get the resources needed to survive. The best skilled and well trained groups rose to power very quickly, amassing numbers and taking many of the resources for themselves. The need for survival divides them, and only a few can even tolerate the others.


Then, among a small group called Nui Jaga, one of the members found a laboratory that had been hidden, one that belonged to the great beings. Inside were machines that looked like the most horrific torture devices ever imagined, along with designs for the machines seen rusting away or still mechanically going about their tasks. Also found were instructions about how to use the twisted devices to literally merge beings with the machines, giving them great power. According to the settings of the device, it had already been used multiple times. Some of the Great Beings were still alive, and hidden throughout the city.


News spread quickly, and each of the large factions either threatened or traded with the Nui Jaga for some of the devices. Then, the Nui Jaga started selling off the machine blueprints. As the number of machines available to merge with dropped, the demand for the blueprints skyrocketed, and the Nui Jaga started to rise to power. The blueprints were divided up among the factions, with each one having access to different machine designs.


Now, the small areas of farmland are starting to become less fertile, as the minerals are removed by the constant growing of plants. Water supplies are starting to run dry. The city is dying, having been abused for far too long, and those inside will die with it.




The Resources.



Underground rivers run in small areas, and without them, there is no water anywhere for hundreds of miles. But the price for water fluctuates, rarely the same for more than a single day. It all depends on who's in control at the time... and how generous they're feeling. Dehydration though, is not as common as you'd think. Somehow, water is getting into the city that doesn't come from the wells. Rumors say that under nightfall, caravans travel into and out of the town quickly, though if they're real, and who they work for if they are, is a mystery.


Small farms are patched throughout the city, certain ones under the control of certain people. Though like the water, this can change in an instant. The food itself is bland, as the crops that are grown are what can grow fastest and produce the most food, taste is not as important as survival. Crop harvest are sometimes burnt to the ground despite the value of the bland food, as for some, striking a blow at a rival is worth more than the lives of those who starve. As with water, there are rumors of food being carried in the mythical caravans.


One of the most valuable items is also one of the most fought over. A simple, and unimportant item that only the rich, and the best thieves, can get their hands on. Spices, that give flavor to the tasteless food. Very few spice growers are in the city, and face fierce rivalries between them. It is one of the most profitable, but most dangerous ways to make a living.




The Factions





A smaller organization that has taken an interest in controlling the smaller farms, which are often less defended than the larger. They have earned themselves a better name among the violence, selling food at the lowest prices of all of the other factions. Despite this, there are rumors that they are planning a takeover of at least one new water source. They are looked down upon by the larger groups as being barely worth their time and effort. The group has been slowly growing in size, as more and more people turn their support to the more reasonable dealings they are known for. Members are known for having a Nui-Jaga scorpion tattooed on them, to show their loyalty



The Freerunners


The Freerunners are not so much an organization intent on ruling over resources as they are intent on taking anything they want from the other groups in the city. If a farm has been robbed of its crops, or a water supply suddenly having the stored water reserves emptied faster than they can be refilled, then it was more than likely the work of The Freerunners. They do not have the largest, nor the smallest number of members. They are hated by all of the other groups, Minus the Brakas. the only problem is that finding them is a challenge. They are divided into four groups all loosely connected together. They have some of the steeper prices due to the risks they must face, but are easily able to delivers good at the expense of other groups. Freerunners are hard to catch, and rarely work in large groups. They have nothing to tell them apart from the normal citizens, and they prefer it that way.



Poisoned Blood


The harshest group by far, and the most dangerous. Whenever Poisoned Blood wants something, they take it. Many water supplies and plots of farmland have been permanently ruined by the violent and treacherous techniques of the Poisoned Blood. Razing farmland and poisoning water are only a few of the tricks held by the feared members of Poisoned blood. They are the smallest group to hold power, but need to trade with no one to get what they want. They control a good portion of both water and food, and completely control the trade of spices. Anyone who does against them is likely to end up dead. The violence and bloodthirst with which they act is legendary, and is sometimes enough to cause defenders of resources to surrender without a fight. But whenever there is a fight, the Poisoned Blood are certain to leave a rather brutal battlefield behind them.



The Shades


The largest faction in the city, but not necessarily the most powerful. The have a majority of the water locations under their control. They are made up of almost anyone who can prove themselves willing to join. The Shades are known for their numbers though many of their numbers are poorly trained and not really battle worthy. The don't charge as high as the Freerunners for their water to civilians, but members of other groups will feel a nasty sting to their currency.They often have to deal with other organizations for food, which they have very little control of. They are not a very strategic group, often trying to overwhelm enemies with sheer number. The Shades all have a mark somewhere on their armor to show their alliance, a golden Iden.





This faction was formed by the former guards of the city banding together to fight against the increasing crime the city was facing. But over time, they have joined those they once opposed in the battle for needed resources. They are of a smaller number than many of the factions, but are made up of skilled battlers and those who despite their current situation, still have the interests of the people somewhere in their minds. They own parts of both the food and water locations, but have been in decline with the rise of the Nui-Jaga. They are often the best trained soldiers of any faction, but old ways die hard and many will still go out of their way to protect innocents from getting harmed in the battles that take place throughout the city. They have an intense hatred of The Brakas.



The Brakas


The Brakas are made up of the low level criminals, con artists, thieves, and thugs for hire. They're the bottom of the crime totem pole, and have the least power out of all of the major groups. They have reasonably good relations with most of the other factions, except the Nightguard, with whom they have a rather poor connection. They are made up of a basic number of beings, not low as the Poisoned Blood, or high as the Shades. They have small sections of the resources, but mostly have to buy from other factions to get what they need. They are the least organized of the factions, and do not hold their people to expectations, other than joining and going through recruitment. It is not uncommon for a member of another faction to also be a member of the Brakas, minus the Nightguard. But when the Brakas leader calls his people together, it is a force to be reckoned with.




The Locations





Nui Jaga's Lair


The main base of the Nui Jaga, its defenses are not overly impressive. It lacks supported or strengthened walls in most places, formed out of buildings in the area, connected together by underground tunnels hidden throughout. Taking control of it would prove challenging, considering the mazes of tunnels. Civilians are not allowed inside, or near the base, and enemies seen in the area will be killed on sight.



Freerunner Outposts


The four bases of The Freerunners, none of them are defended very well, but they are hidden magnificently. There are traps set within each one, that are not visible from outside. And there is always at least a few Freerunners at each base. The only ones who know the location of these bases are the Freerunners themselves and those they trust most.



The Fortress Blood


The headquarters of the Poisoned Blood, it is reasonably well defended. Strong walls have been put into place, along with nasty spikes anywhere that a potential attacker would try to enter trough. But there are few guards, and often the guards will be away at times as well. The main defense comes from ghastly devices that give of an aura of fear to anyone near enough to them.





The central location of the Shades, it is defended by large numbers of troops, though outside of that, its defense is rather poor. The inside of the base is mostly empty, the only furniture being the tables that the members eat at. It is also a very large base, descending deep down into the ground in order to house all the various members of the Shades.



The Watchtower


The fortification and base for the Nightguard, it is by far the best defended of the bases, having specialized military defenses. An imposing building with stained red windows and the occasional spike emerging from the building. Strong, wooden doors stand at the front, and gargoyles shaped like twisted, warped Agori strike fear into the hearts of anyone who ventures too close.





The most impressive buildings in one of the worst parts of town. It is poorly defended by a small number of guards, but the defense greatly improves when the guardian Rahi are taken into consideration. It is not only a base, but a factory which continues to produce dangerous Rahi for use in defense and transportation.




The Inhabitants



Welcome to the wonderful and magnificent city of Kirse, we hope you enjoy your stay, no matter how short it is or how you end up dying. Be sure to prepare a will as soon as possible, not that the thieves will leave anything of yours left to be divided up anyway.


You, are an Agori or a member of the Glatorian species... for the current time, but that can change in a moment's notice. The machines the Great Beings used to defend their city, they are the future. Through a horrific process, which no one really wishes to go too far into detail on... you can use them to make yourself far more powerful.


Are you trying to make a name for yourself as part of Nui Jaga? Maybe you want to just take whatever you need after letting others do the work as a Freerunner? Perhaps you want nothing more than to kill anyone who even thinks about standing in your way like those of Poisoned Blood? Maybe you want to work together with those like you to help rule, as do The Shades? Maybe you aren't as bad as you seem, and have been pulled into this, but refuse to give up helping others, like the Nightguard? Or maybe you just want to cause a little chaos here and there, and be a not all that bad person with a checkered past, because you're a Brakas?


Or you could be a Brakas and part of another group at the same time.







Here is the basic profile Format:


Name: Remember, this is Bionicle... Bionicle-style names only.


Gender: Simple one, male or female.


Species: For now, Agori/Glatorian... but soon... this may easily change. (When/if you are merged with a machine, that machine type will become your species)


Appearance: What your character looks like.


Faction: For now, none... but when you join one, this will change. (Changes when/if you join a faction


Weapons: With what do you arm yourself? Any new weapons have to be approved before you acquire them.


Primary Power: For Glatorian and Agori, none. But soon... This is for the elemental power, or main power of a Character based on species. Keep it reasonable! (Will change if you merge)


Secondary power: Same as Primary Power, only for mask powers, vision powers, or secondary abilities. Keep it reasonable! (No masks are off limits... but many will have severe power level drops)


Personality: What your character is like, how they act, and how they think.


Weakness: Yes, weakness. Everyone has one. And personality issues do not really count as weaknesses of this kind. Arrogance and things like that do not count as a weakness. Multiple personalities and weaknesses of that sort are indeed weaknesses.


Biography: The past of your character. What has lead up to who and where they are now goes here.







These are the basic machines people can merge painfully with. A custom design can be made, but very few know how to do so. While this is a list of many machines, it is not a list of them all.


Matoran: These were the mechanical workforce of the Great Beings. They are stronger and faster than an Agori, and have a low strength secondary ability.


Toa: These were the main fighting force of the Great Beings. The are more powerful than a Glatorian. They have an elemental ability and a secondary ability.


Makuta: Very rare, and very powerful machines. No one has been able to replicate them, meaning the limited number is very small. They have three low level Makuta powers, and a secondary ability.


Skakdi: Stronger than the Toa machines, but much weaker in elemental powers. They were used as support for the Toa machines in battle. They have use of a secondary ability.


Zyglak: As strong as a Skakdi, these machines were used for defense, taking blows from elemental powered weapons and facing little harm. They are immune to elemental abilities and have the ability to produce poison for protection.


Vortixx: Very strong, very fast machines. They were used for scouting, and could escape almost anything they were thrown into. They have a low strength secondary ability.


Lower Class Steltian: Incredibly strong machines, built for lifting and moving heavy objects with ease. They are powerful, and very tough.


Frostelus: Agile machines with great skill at traveling diverse terrain, having two legs and four arms. They can fire beams from their shoulders, with unique secondary ability effects. They are about as strong as a Toa.




The Leaders



Nui Jaga


Despair's Profile


Name: Deveriis


Gender: Male


Species: Toa


Appearance: Tall, with emerald armor and bright green eyes. Has a black tattoo of a stylized Nui Jaga on his right arm.


Faction: Leader of the Nui Jaga


Weapons: Simple, yet slightly elegant sword. Because it is rarely used and is well cared for, it is in excellent condition.


Primary Power: Elemental control of Air.


Secondary power: Kanohi Suletu (in the shape of a Mahiki), Mask of Telepathy. On almost constantly due to his habit of scanning the minds of everyone in the vicinity at all times. As such, he is extremely skilled in breaking into minds and spying on the thoughts of others without being detected.


Personality: Deveriis is an enigma. At a glance he seems easy going, yet he is almost ridiculously cautious -- nearly to the point of paranoia -- due to the difficulties he has faced in keeping the members of his gang safe. He trusts very few people outside of his gang (the members of whom he considers to be akin to family), but still personally engages in the day-to-day business deals with outsiders that keep the group afloat. Despite these traits, he has gained the admiration and trust of his subordinates. He spends most of his spare time away from the head quarters, instead preferring to hang out in the nearby bar for most of the day.


Weakness: Has a very difficult time trusting others, and his habit of leaving his Suletu on for extended periods of time can cause disorientation when in large crowds. Because of the time he has spent mastering the use of his mask and honing his powers, his swordsmanship has become quite rusty. Despite his cautious nature and the lengths to which he goes to protect himself (or perhaps in part because of these things), he has a difficult time accepting the fact that somebody could slip through his defenses.


Biography: Originally a humble Glatorian, Deveriis was exploring the city with a small group of friends when they discovered the machine that enabled fusion with the MU inhabitants. Deveriis, who had always disliked the rampant crime amongst the city's inhabitants, immediately saw the discovery as a chance to change things for the better. After much arguing, he convinced his friends to join him and the Nui Jaga gang was formed.His friends were killed by rival gangs during the next few years, leaving him as the only remaining founder. This fact, coupled with the manner of his friends' deaths, has fueled his determination to not only survive at all costs, but bring to fruition the plan that had been the friends' dream.



The Freerunners


Onarax's Profile



Poisoned Blood


Zoma's Profile


Name: Moros, who was once called Virthee.


Gender: Male


Species: Toa


Appearance: Moros wears black armor with a bright red under-layer. He is thin, having chosen one of the least bulky Toa machine frames available. His armor has hints of purple along with the red and black. His joints are a dark purple, while in areas with multiple armor layers, the lower layers are dark red.


Faction: Leader of the Poisoned Blood.


Weapons: He carries no weapons, preferring to use his mask instead.


Primary Power: Moros has the elemental power of fire, though he is not very skilled in it's use.


Secondary power: Moros wears the Mask of Agony, which allows the user to bring intense pain upon another being through touch or direct eye contact. It requires knowledge similar to that needed by a mask of healing, which Moros is quite well versed. Prolonged use of the mask's powers can kill victims, or seriously injure them depending on the user's will.


Personality: He is very loyal to those he sees as allies, going out of his way to help them when they need assistance. He is rather bossy and short tempered, and he knows it. He is sometimes known for acting without thinking, depending on the situation. He is known for his distaste of taking part in violence, preferring to avoid it himself. he is somewhat laid back, but he knows fully well the risks and responsibilities of his position. Should someone he sees as a friend get themselves in danger, he will often personally get them out of it, which often leaves quite a few bodies behind. He is willing to listen to other, but is even more willing to speak his own mind, unless the circumstances suggest differently.


Weakness: He is not overly strong, and he lacks in his training with his elemental powers, to the point that he rarely uses them in fighting.


Biography: Virthee was a traveling doctor caught up in the sweeping tides of war. As an Agori, he was unable to help in the fighting, which was fine with him. He devoted every minute to helping save the lives of others. While working on the battlefield, he found a group of four siblings who had been orphaned in the fighting, and all of which seemed lost and trapped as their home became a war zone. Virthee helped them along, taking them with him as he traveled to help others.


That was when war started striking not only those he didn't know, but those closer to him. The oldest of the children was struck by stray fire from an elementally powered weapon, charred to ash in a few moments, with no chance to save her from dying an agonizing fate in flames.


The next to die was the second youngest child, lost in a heated battle and found dead as the dust settled, trampled by warring troops. Virthee spiraled into depression, feeling miserable as he continued on his quest to save lives from the violence of the war.


The second oldest reached a point where he could no longer stand the inaction of the doctor. He wanted to end the war, end the bloodshed once and for all. He left, allying himself with the armies of the Elemental Lord of Jungle. Reports say that in battle, Kirgon bravely fought a path all the way to the Elemental Lord of Sand, and took him on alone. He lasted just over a minute in the fight. News of the battle reached the already depressed doctor, pushing him farther towards the edge.


Then came the turning point in his life. In one of the last battles of the war, before the planet fragmented, Virthee reached the point where he had had enough. As one of the opposing soldier charged towards the doctor and the youngest child, intent on their capture as a possible bargaining tool, Virthee struck back. He drove a medical knife into the heart of the being, and continued to stab him in a fit of rage and anger. The youngest child, in horror, fled.


Misery, there were no other words for what he went through as he continued saving lives and as the battles turned against the Great Beings. He liked helping save people less and less with each passing day. Rage and anger built up in him, and he realized one small thing he had missed. With every life he saved, it would only cause more to die. All he had been doing was fueling the war which had ruined his life.


That was when people he tried to save began to die, wounded soldiers who had caused so much war, so much violence. It never crossed his mind that many of them had gone through much worse than he had, and were not connected to what had happened to him in the slightest. It was not their fault.


So much blood had been lost by the end of the war, so many lives ruined by the violence. Those who embraced war needed to get what was coming to them, revenge for all of the innocent blood they had cost. The deserved to die by that blood, that poisoned blood, once pure but tainted by war, by violence. They needed to die by the blood of their victims.


As the violence over resources began, Virthee was one of the first to begin forming his own group. He would put a stop too war, he would kill all those who went along that violent path, only then would there be peace. He knew the path he was taking would put him among those, the ones that would have to die for peace, but he decided that it was worth it. Giving his life so that others may live in peace, was not even a choice. He took upon himself the Name Moros, and Poisoned Blood began to grow.



The Shades


BioBeast's Profile


Real Name: Polúmetis


Known Name: Members of the Shades refer to him by 'Da Boss.'


Gender: Male


Species: Makuta


Appearance: Da Boss has a hulking body, similar to Ultimate Teridax's. (Picture Movie sized, and no wings - Zoma) He wears a black hat and overcoat, that covers his armor.


Faction: Leader of The Shades


Weapons: Kanoka Blade (Reconstitute at Random)


Primary Power: Magnetism, Plantlife, Quickhealing


Secondary power: Mask of Rebounding


Personality: Da Boss's Personality is Da Boss's personality. This is none of your business. Move along.


Weakness: His weapon can harm his chances in a fight along with helping them. His mask of rebounding allows him to bring back his own non-exploding projectiles, but offers no defense, His magnetism is much weaker than a Toa's, as is his control over plantlife.


Biography: 'Da Boss,' was a renowned Great Being, known for his mechanical expertise. He spent most of the war tinkering with elemental weapons, figuring out how to enhance them. But then things took a turn for the worse. The planet shattered, Agori and Glatorian alike turned on the Great Beings, blaming them for the destruction of the planet, not knowing it was their fault in the first place.


Da Boss was forced to hide in Kirse, and started working (Helping another Great Being) on a different kind of weapon. They were Nanotech (Not Nanotech - Zoma) programmed, Metal, machines that were made to fight. But, this did not last. He knew better than the rest of the great Beings that these Machines were not going to last, and that when they failed, the Great beings would be as good as dead.


Da Boss found a way out, by building a machine that merged the biological Great Beings, with the animatronics Robots, forming a 'Bionicle.' He merged himself with the most powerful robot he could find, and started a group known as, 'The Shades.'





Vorex's Profile


Name: Reichenbach. (Not very Bionicle-like, is it Vorex? - Zoma)


Gender: Male


Species: Skrall


Appearance: A mainly black Skrall, with not much armour and some red.


Faction: Leader of the Nightguard


Weapons: Reichenbach carries a long, wicked sword, along with a small, sharp knife and a thornax launcher, which he conviently strapped to a sword, as well. He also carries a shield, in case his abundance of weapons fails him.


Personality: Reichenbach is somewhat of an anti-hero. He has an anti-social personality, can be quite violent, and doesn't always stick to the rules of what the 'good guys' should do. He is obsessed with discovering the workings of the 'automatons', bringing down the other factions, and finding a way of creating new water.


Weakness: Aw, c'mon, do staff char's really need weaknesses? (Yes Vorex, they do. Reichbeach, as a Skrall, lacks any powers, and is not as strong as most of the machine fused beings. - Zoma)


Biography: Reichenbach was not the original leader of the Nightguard, and some do not approve of him now being in this posititon (rumour has it that he himself killed its original leader).


He was an outcast, banished from the ranks of the Skrall for unknown reasons. He took on the name 'Reichenbach', and decided to offer his genius as a 'consulting criminal'. During the two years he was in this position, crime levels increased dramatically.


However, he then joined the Nightguard, claiming he had 'seen the light'. He appears to be telling the truth, despite his often... unusual... methods.



The Brakas


Te3e's Profile


Name: Lashon


Gender: Male


Species: Lower Class Steltian


Appearance: He wears large black armor that covers his whole body and he wears a black helmet. His armor and helmet have some gold designs on them.


Faction: Leader of The Brakas


Weapons: Primitive Electro Chute Blade prototype.


Primary Power: Incredibly strong


Secondary power: Remarkably tough


Personality: Some people might call him... eccentric. He has an obsession with Brakas monkeys, to the point of naming his group after those little Rahi. He is generous to those who he sees as hard workers or allies. He has a mild temper, and doesn't get angry very easily. He's open minded, and enjoys speaking with other Brakas Members and leaders of the other groups. He is friends with most of them, except the Nightguard whom he despises.


Weakness: Despite his strength, he has shown no abilities of powers beyond it. He is a major target for all Nightguard members, as he has been a thorn in their side for as long as the Brakas have existed.


Biography: This History is property of The Brakas, and is not allowed to be viewed by outsiders. The Security grade is: Leader only information. Have a nice day!




The Rules of the Game



Follow the RPG forum rules and guidelines while playing the game!


Other players have feelings too, try to be respectful.


IC: Means that you are posting as a character.


OOC: Means that you are not posting as a character.


NO OOC: ONLY POSTS! The RPG game topic is for gaming. (I know some people have trouble with this one... and no saying 'will edit later' or things like that)


When fighting, remember that you aren't invincible. Avoiding every attack is not fun. (And even with a mask of speed or something similar, you are not invincible. Don't think you are)


Don't try to GodMod... Vorex likes hurting people who GodMod. (And Vorex, just because you like hurting them... you are not immune to this rule)


Killing other players without their approval is not allowed. And don't take blows that should be fatal and ignore them.


When creating characters, be reasonable... Overpowed means out of playability.


If you are going between places in the city, don't just teleport. Unless you have quicktravel. (I hate when people do this)


NPCs are often just as tough, smart, and strong as your characters are. Killing a large number of NPC's is not allowed. (Yes, you are not superior to them)


If something goes wrong... blame Zoma for it.




Rule Enforcement



Follow the rules!


Breaking the rules will lead to a punishment or warning depending on the severity of the rule breaking. Breaking the same rule over and over will result in a worse punishment.


Punishments range from simple warnings to being expelled from the game completely.




Awards for the Good



Those who follow the rules well and help out the staff might see themselves getting rewarded.


These rewards can range from getting access to better Machines, like the Makuta Machines, to getting a high ranking position inside a faction.




The Evil Overlords (Staff)





The Leader. He is in charge of taking blame when things go wrong, and approving staff characters, along with the normal staff duties.





The Vanisher. He may not appear for days on end, but when he does... yeah, when he does appear, he might post.



Toa Onarax


The Roleplayer. He has past experience helping to run RPGs, a useful skill.



Vorex: Paradox Eater


The Madman. He's the wildcard of the group, and Zoma has his eye on him. He's good with puzzles.



Noble Knight BioBeast


The Swarm-Master. He wants to send NPCs out like pawns to die in swarms... he still has to follow NPC rules.





The Writer. A writer of short stories with a skill for wording. He's excellent with descriptive details.



Staff Henchmen


Hubert and Kal Grochi


The Backup with a taste for destruction, they help find rule-breakers and point them out to Zoma. They are likely to be sent to deal out punishment by the staff.




Recommended Comments

Remember they had set of guidelines and rules as to how they worked as well as a certain Hierarchy in terms of who their loyalties lied with.

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@Onarax: ..... They did? I didn't know that. That's not even in their description.


What do the rest of you think about pulling out? I'm undecided... the chances of our winning is slim, but it did get into the finals last time.....

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@Onarax: ..... They did? I didn't know that. That's not even in their description.


What do the rest of you think about pulling out? I'm undecided... the chances of our winning is slim, but it did get into the finals last time.....



It's not? I'm PM'ed TDC about it along time ago and got it approved.

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Actually, all I approved was you being allowed to give away to the citizens, I refused the rest.



No, you said I could keep in the loyalty system.

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I would rather we keep in the polls, and that we don't change everything up too much.


We entered it last time, we entered it this time without too much change. What you guys are talking about involves massive change to the game you made, which is not what you do.


Once you make your idea and enter it once, even twice, you can't go around and change it up like that. You have to stick by your creation, you can't just give up on it. Improve it? Yes. Give up and change it completely? No.


Find a base idea and stick with it. Go until you feel you've got the rough idea of everything, then flesh that out, sand it, make it smooth, like you had. Don't get the base idea, go straight to smooth, set up idea, and then bring it down to the rough idea.


If Kirse loses, I'll stick with it so long as we don't enact those changes you're thinking of.


But if you guys decide to pull out now, or even if you lose and decide to completely change it up, I'm quitting. It won't be the same game once you're all done. Before anybody wants to argue with me, I've been reading through these pages. Weeping angels, portals to the moon, trying to bring Wheatley into this, making the entire planet into various empires run by all the factions, and all the factions are already working together as it is.


One GM keeping secrets from the others, that too. No. Just no.


I'm really only staying for the same reasons that BioBeast are, being that I signed up for this and I can't quit so close to the deadline. But really, this isn't even the same game I signed up for.


Just a word of advice for all of you: Slow down, concentrate on one idea, make sure that the communication between all of you is good. I'm fine for fixing up an RPG, covering any lose ends, patching any holes. But that is not what you're doing.

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Yeah, I wasn't certain about removing it... but...


Well, what we're planning to do is expand the world a little, give it that much more room to explore. We were hoping to improve it greatly.


We've been trying to improve it for a while now, but none of us can think of any ways to improve the game anymore. None of us have any new ideas for the basic city. If we want to improve it, we'll have to give ourselves an opening to do such.


That's what we've done... and I don't know about all the others, but the general idea is that we've made it as good as it can get in the state. So unless someone has more ideas, we're stuck.


That's the problem. If Kirse loses, then we know our most improved model isn't good enough, and then what do we do?


We're not completely going to change it, but hopefully just allow more room for creativity. The weeping angels and Wheatley have been rejected from the game, as I have mentioned. The portal to the moon won't be able to actually be a portal if Vorex is still wanting to try it. The factions working together would limit what we were able to do with them, and each of the factions being an empire would allow people more than just the city.


I'm not liking it either... except my secret plan which I only plan on telling you all if Kirse wins or if I complete the details first.


I've been doing all I can to keep it the same game, we've just been tossing around ideas. That's how we improved Kirse this much, Ideas. Most of them shall be rejected, as expected.


We already did that a while ago, going over each section and improving it, working together to make it better. But now we've reached to point of stalling. And when a basic concept has reached its limit, what do you do from there?

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When your basic concept has reached its limit, look through different sources. Don't keep tossing around ideas if you're just stalling, actively look for something you can use for inspiration, while keeping the same general idea.


That's what I do when I stall on a story. It's like getting rid of writer's block-you can't just sit there and hope to come up with something, you need the inspiration, you have to actively search for something that'll help.


Not just throw around random ideas that'll change up the game. Take a look at some video games, for example, like Assassin's Creed and somesuch. They didn't change up the game too much, or anything, they just updated it and kept the good story going, that's why people were such fans of the game. If they had done some of the things you guys seem to be planning, it would be nowhere near as big of a success as it was-In fact, I doubt it would have continued past the first game's DLC.


The original idea is a great concept and has a lot of potential, you just have to know how to unlock that potential and make it reality.

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That's what I've been trying, but I have found nothing that can help, nothing that needs changing... and I been searching for anything that can inspire me to do better, but I've found nothing but the idea to expand.


I do the same, I try to keep the story moving, but Kirse could be compared to a completed story right now, I have nothing more to add without changing it in a similar way to sequels.


The problem is that the game had a large enough number of fans to make it successful, Kirse doesn't have that, really. They're both very different in that regard.


Which is what we've been working on since the last contest... but ow we've got nothing else to add.

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What if the city was was on the verge of falling apart? The Great Beings had to get their power from some source, right? Well, without them around to maintain the power source, the entire place is running the risk of destruction, and naturally everyone is essentially trapped there.


I dunno, just an idea...

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...... Isn't that what is already basically happening with the food and water supplies?


I feel that the main reason this game isn't as popular as the others is because of the limited possibilities for characters. In the current mode, the game requires you to be a criminal, and the only location is a single small city surrounded by lifeless desert. If you have any ideas on how to fix that, I'm eager to hear them.

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No, I mean the city itself is on the verge of something akin to self-destructing.


Of course, the story that would likely entail doesn't really fit with the the tone of what we already have, so just forget I said anything. :P

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@Cadias: Not true.

For example, Fatal Error has three locations and only one character faction (to start off with, at least). In that respect, it may be even MORE limited than Kirse. And yet it has more fans than Kirse does. And why is that?

My friends, it is because Kirse does not have a 'hook'. It has nothing truly unique, nothing that stands out to the reader — it has nothing to set it apart from everything else. FE has its survival aspect (and aliens). Kirse needs something of its own to work like this.

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I've got one way to make this game better: Make the city bigger.


You can still have basically the same game, just a different map. Have what we know of the city now be the central portion.


@Vorex: Alright, what's the hook for Shadows of a Doubt?

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Vorex: We're not withdrawing just so you can get more votes.



Despair: An interesting Idea. Perhaps what the people of Kirse didn't know was that the great Beings had failed to save the planet, but managed to stabilize it from breaking into more pieces, and without them, the world is crumbling.



Cadias: Yeah, the limited options aren't that pleasant, though I thought maybe the option to take over factions would be interesting.



Despair: It could fit with what we have... possibly.



Vorex: Funny, aliens are considered a hook? I see them as the opposite myself, having aliens as enemies just seems too... bland for my tastes. But it appears that quite a fer people like aliens as enemies... but I don't. XD



Grochi: That's what the empire idea was, increasing the city's size won't do anything. Though a slightly different idea has just come to mind. What about having the ruins of the invasion on Kirse turned into small cities built by factions. They wouldn't exactly be real cities, but it would expand the game.

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@TDC: Even just making it possible to survive without being a gang member or thief/murderer would do a lot as far as opening up character options and adding conflict.


Vorex also has a point with the hook. Why not add the first clue in or give people a hint about it in the description? Puzzles are supposed to be important in the game, but they're not mentioned very much.

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Vorex: Funny, aliens are considered a hook? I see them as the opposite myself, having aliens as enemies just seems too... bland for my tastes. But it appears that quite a fer people like aliens as enemies... but I don't. XD


I feel the same way. Also, just the way Vorex has been describing it in the forum makes it seem like it's being thrown together as more people show interest in it.

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I personally agree with Cadias, you don't need to expand Cities, we need to expand options and plots. One thought that occurred too me, we currently have everyone trapped within a single area that they barely understand. So why not give them a method to explore said area, that way they don't have to be a gang member perhaps now they could be an explorer or archaeologist.


And for the record aliens as enemies are boring, I need a massive empire a place where the Aliens are just a flushed out as the humans. A full conflict with there own inner turmoil and conflict between there own nations and only just now did they unite and emerge from their world, and only now are they meeting new nations. Then I want to see the racial tensions slowly emerge as humanity has it's first encounter with a new sentient species and ....


tl;dr Aliens as enemies are boring.

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Aliens with mind powers that are incredibly dangerous? So, Species 8472? Meh. Voyager already figured out how to deal with them. Give me some nanites and some torpedoes and I'll send them back into the dimension from which they came!


Back on topic... well, that pretty much all I have to suggest. Anyone else have anything they'd like to add as far as improving Kirse?

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@Despair: Actually, as Wotz can tell you, I have a full timeline of fixed events (with ???'s for player-controlled stuff).


@Pyrrhon, Onarax & Cadias: That is, of course, assuming that I will use the aliens boringly. If it wasn't an alien, but rather an undiscovered species from the MU, or just any MU species, you wouldn't be acting like this. You people are prejudiced against anything labelled as an 'alien'. It's true.

For all you know, I could handle them brilliantly and treat them like any normal character species, giving them personalities and characterisation, even though you immediately dismissed them as hive-minded simpletons.

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... Species 8472 aren't hive-mind simpletons. They're incredibly dangerous aliens that encountered the Borg, owned'd the Borg, and then decided to kill everything in our galaxy because the Borg originated here.

Yes, I'm prejudiced against plots involving aliens. Especially aliens that can use mind powers to make you not kill them and rip you to shreds without so much as a second thought, unless you're staff. When something is that powerful, you no longer have to roleplay well to beat an opponent or even kill them.

Now, is it possible to RP well with this species? Yes, it definitely is. But one of the main focuses of your RPG is clearly combat, and if you feel that a battle is taking too long or whatever it might be, hitting the 'kill switch' would be all too easy. I've learned not to trust people with massive advantages like that- even if I feel that they probably won't use them.

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Cadias: That would be a good idea.


That would also work.



Despair: My thoughts are similar.



Onarax: Nothing ever stopped anyone from being one of those in Kirse. No one ever said you had to be a gang member at all.


Aliens are boring.



Cadias: I've got nothing without making somewhat large changes...


Vorex: It is nothing to assume that you will use aliens boringly, merely that I find aliens boring. It changes nothing if you use them in the greatest way aliens have ever been used for a story, aliens have been burnt out, overused to the point that I have reached increasing lack of interest in anything based upon aliens. So I suppose I am opposed to anything labeled alien, and I'm not ever the slightest been upset by that.


And when did I ever mention hive-minded simpletons? It appears that it is not us who is exaggerating in this situation about aliens. I merely stated my opinion that they have lost nearly all appeal to me anymore, and you return with suggesting that it is you at blame here, when it is not, and that we expect nothing but basic drones from your aliens.


Why must you try to make us all look like the villains in a neutral discussion about a lack of interest in alien based stories and films?

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