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Bzprpg Podcast

a goose


Well, Onarax asked me to post this, due to Hubert's absence (you musta really ticked him off, Hub. He made a meme and everything!).


You may remember him mentioning about getting a group of RP'ers together for a nice little chat, preferably with tea and biscuits. Well, okay, maybe not the last part. :P

Anyhow, the two topics that he expects you, the public, to choose from are:

Character Creation (how people make characters, their inspiration, etceteras);

Player-Created Additions to the game (how people make things such as the Parakuka, and NEX, and those other examples Onarax gave me that I can't be bothered copy-pasting).


Discuss. :)


- Vorex


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Also not just how to make Player-Created Additions but what makes a successful Addition and what players(and maybe Staff?) look for in good Addition.


EDIT: Why is it so lonely here.

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how about both?


Let me rephrase which do you want first.



I like Character Creation. That's usually a good thing to talk about.


Noted one vote for Character Creation.

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(Ha! Beat 'ya to it Onarax! :P)


Think again.



Character creation sounds like a suitable opening topic.




Char creation sounds like a fun topic to talk about! Participants could exchange ideas, methods, inspiration etc. etc.




Well looks like we're reaching a consensus, thanks for all the input guys.

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I think Character creation sounds interesting. It's always awesome to learn about other people's ideas.


Well that's 6, I'll take a few more opinion's and then move on to discussing just when this will be held and everything, that's the tricky part, coordinating this whole thing.

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Well, my first question, is how?


Following that, would when. :P


How is easy, we're doing everything via Skype, this would be a conference call.


Now when, that's the tricky part, what with everyone living across the globe.

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Ah, good. I've got a Skype.


Now, for when, correct me if I'm wrong, but the one has the most abnormal (To me! :P) timezone.


I operate on Eastern Standard time.

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@Hubert, sorry just got impatient.


Well I think that settles it Character Creation it is, I'll start drafting up a schedule/more info soon. Expect a blog post and Status Update soonish.


Due note that whenever we do this it'll be a couple weeks down the road to allow folks to adequately prepare. Also due the length this will take I'm thinking about having this be separate from the actual podcast episode and be realized separately, but remember nothing is set in stone.

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