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Takuma Nuva


AKA spamming-everyone's-feeds-with-stupid-passive-agressive-rants-spanning-ten-or-more-tweets-several-times-a-week-ville.


Seriously, these kinds of people need to just get a blog and keep it there. :mellow:


In other news: Unfollowing...


«Takuma Nuva»


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Only, that isn't Twitter's intended purpose. Technically speaking, Twitter is supposed to be a single, text-message length, 140-character status update, It's not really designed for multi-tweet rants. Generally speaking, that sort of content is better suited in some other longer-format blog.


That doesn't mean I don't personally use multiple Tweets to express myself, I'm just saying that it's not what it's meant or designed for.

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The point of Twitter is that there is no point. You can say whatever you want however you want as long as it doesn't violate the TOS.

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I don't deny they have the right to say anything they want, but there's nothing that says other people aren't allowed to get offended or annoyed by people's behavior. If someone is spamming up your timeline on a regular basis with content you'd rather not see, I wouldn't blame you for unfollowing them for the sake of making your own Twitter timeline more enjoyable to read through and use.

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If someone is offended by someone else's Twitter content, by all means, unfollow. I just think complaining about it like there's something legitimately wrong with it is kind of silly.


Especially considering a service as popular and widespread as Twitter is a waaay more effective tool when it comes to voicing your opinion than some personal blog in the far corners of the internet somewhere.


in other words



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