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This Maybe Shouldn't Get To Me

Scanty Demon


In the popular game topic called "Describe the avatar of the person above" I've noticed a trend where people simply do: A le-Matoran. I really don't like it when people do that, I mean maybe I'm just used to people having a jokey response or maybe I'm way to sensitive but I don't think you should just post a generic response in the topic. What sounds better this: "A freak" (seriously someone actually described my avatar with those words and only those words) or this: "Sure that girl looks nice, but I bet she wants to rip my face off" (a lot of people have said Scanty wants to rip off their face or something but she doesn't actually goes so far but she is evil). I'll let you decide the answer, but is it really hard to come up with something witty I mean you could at least add make the discription more than generic and more than just a basic description. And don't get me started on the whole "hey everybody I hate ponies so I'll call it everything except a pony for no reason and I'll emphasis on it too" thing since it's starting to die down.


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haha yes that is a problem.


I noticed the counterpart signature thread has a 5-word minimum rule. This is sometimes ignored, but trying to keep that in mind helps create better responses.

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:kaukau: Back when I used to describe banners it would take me five paragraphs. It got to a point where I realized I should stop.


Although it was still cool every once and a while when someone posted after me and said "Kraggh has inspired me to write a full review". Knowing that I influenced someone to try harder was a great self-esteem booster.


As for your complaint, I completely agree. I'm probably the principle person to agree with this because I think I'm the only person who ever habitually went into the level of detail I did.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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You're not alone there. I've noticed a surge in bland responses, which while it seems minor, just appears a little dull in comparison to anything with more effort put in. But still, what can ya do? I guess we're all guilty of it from time to time.


Also, Scanty! Now I finally know her name! Glorious! ...And it was right there, all along. I'm not very observant.

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I try to put in more effort, but then I get beaten out by the simpler posts. That's largely why my activity there declined dramatically. (That, and you can only say so much about one person's avatar since there always seems to be "that guy" who has responded to every posts at some point.)

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's Mostly the reason I'm not all too active in there anymore, heh.


Especially the "hey everybody I hate ponies so I'll call it everything except a pony for no reason and I'll emphasis on it too" part. It's an insult to my arts. <.<

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I see the problem, and getting the same 3-words description 10 times in a row surely is annoying.



On the other hand, sometimes it can be hard to come up with something witty, new and exciting every time.


I shall, however, keep an eye on my posts in those topics in the future.


PS.: The pony hating part is definitely not okay. :uhuh:

Even though I'm not a fan of MLP-

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I usually try and come up with something witty and/or clever. :P


I haven't really run into the pony problem, or maybe I just don't notice it as much.

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