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The Call Of Evil (Revision 2)

Takuma Nuva


EDIT: Last chance, people. Writing starts soon.


If you have a name you regularly go by that is different than your current name (or you want to evil-ify you name), please list that below. Frankly, I don't wanna type things like "Hippopotomonstrosesquipeda" over and over again and, let's face it, it just doesn't sound very evil...


The day will come when a dark curtain befalls all of BZ-Koro. Twisted, grotesque creatures will emerge from the shadow and engulf the land in a tidal wave of malevolence. When that day comes, which side will you choose?


Will YOU choose to join Evil Master Takuma's army of Phantom Striders?


(Yeah, sure, I'm already a one-evil-overlord army, but why not have TWO armies at my command? I need a general, demolitions expert, assassins, all kinds of positions. I'm creating jobs here, people, don't wait.)



Takuma Nuva (Supreme Master Evil Overlord)

Xaeraz (Bodygaurd)

Sumiki (General)

Avohkah Tamer (Sonic Sentinel 1)

Zoidberg (Sonic Sentinel 2)

Squish E. Frog (Commando 1)

Bulik (Commando 2)

Roablin (Commando 3)

Vorex: Shadow Master (Berserker)

force_unbleached (Arms Development)

Ddude the Insane (Demolitions/Traps Expert)

Gerlicky (Ranger)

Grimoire Albastru (Venom Shrike 1)

Paleo (Venom Shrike 2)

Bambi (Venom Shrike 3)

Hazmat (Toxins Specialist)

Toa of Smooth Jazz (Assassin)

Scanty Demon (Dark Mage)

Soran (Cybernaut)

Toa of Dancing (Pending)

Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons (Pending)

Unit#phntk#1 (Pending)

Zyke the destroyer (Pending)

JiMing (Pending)





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Hippopotomonstrosesquipeda, on , said:


Why do I feel singled out....

Because it's a dirty, low-down, evil thing to do?



«Takuma Nuva»



Good point

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I will decide who gets which assignment, worthless underlings.

Hahli Husky, on , said:


I am The Feared Overlord of The Other Side and I will crush you all. Just FYI.

This does not fit into The Plan.



«Takuma Nuva»


The Plan does not cater to any one individual or group. The Plan will do exactly as it pleases with you whether you like it or not.



Can I be a double and/or triple agent who no-one particularly trusts but finds helpful anyway.

Awww you are totally welcome to triple agent for The Other Side!

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The Plan does not cater to any one individual or group. The Plan will do exactly as it pleases with you whether you like it or not.

Since I'm the one writing this thing, it actually kinda does cater to me and me alone.


«Takuma Nuva»

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So uh, do I get like a T-Shirt that says "Employee of the Evil Blog Master" on it or something like that? I need people to know who I work for :P

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So uh, do I get like a T-Shirt that says "Employee of the Evil Blog Master" on it or something like that? I need people to know who I work for :P

I prefer emblazoned coffee mugs.

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Sorry, but I'm with HH on this one.

The Other Side had cookies.

Your loss.


I hope you choke on those cookies.


Not to death, though. Just reeeeeeally close.


«Takuma Nuva»

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You know what's really evil, Demons. It never hurts to have a Demon on your side. So I'll join you little organization of Evil to help you with my Demonic powers. Now we can impose some ruuuurrrrrrrs on the world! I'm also good at demolition.

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How evil! The second one bypasses the word filter, and the first one uses Comic Sans!

Somebody knows their fonts

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How evil! The second one bypasses the word filter, and the first one uses Comic Sans!



Somebody knows their fonts

You're thinking in Papyrus.



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If being neutral isn't an option, I'll side with whoever has the most hash browns, or the least cattle prods.


And I call dibs on the hash browns.

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If being neutral isn't an option, I'll side with whoever has the most hash browns, or the least cattle prods.


And I call dibs on the hash browns.

Since the "other side" has none, I'll put you down.


Also, we're far too sophisticated to use such crude weaponry as cattle prods.

Even if nothing comes of this whole discussion, this is still perhaps one of the best blog entries ever xD

Oh this is far from "nothing".


«Takuma Nuva»

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