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Author Avatars

a goose


As you all know, I put early versions of MOCs I make into my avatar. Well, below is an image of the final versions of every MOC ever to appear in my avatar:



Also, I have some good news and some bad news. Bad news first: I am Dave's release has been put off. It may or may not ever show up.

The good news is that there will be a different series of stop motion animations instead.

You all know that people talk about 'Author Avatars'. Well, I'm going one step further: this stop-motion animation will be made up of all of my avatars interacting with each-other.

Basically, we're talking about six of me, each with a sort-of unique personality, in the same room. What could go wrong, eh? :evilgrin: (and, unlike I am Dave, I've already started working on it)


- Vorex


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So instead of being introduced in his own series, Dave is gonna have his (technical) first appearance in this one?

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So instead of being introduced in his own series, Dave is gonna have his (technical) first appearance in this one?



Pretty much, yeah. XP

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Doctor Wotz, on , said:




So instead of being introduced in his own series, Dave is gonna have his (technical) first appearance in this one?



Pretty much, yeah. XP


Don't worry, I have a totally awesome plan to bring him back as a reanimated corpse.


His last words will be "I don't want to go" and then his will to live will be so strong that when someone with a Tryna reanimates him he will regain his personality and live as a zombie.



...Just kidding.


I'm pretty sure the worst that could happen is his mask is destroyed and all his limbs are cut off. Nuju doesn't just kill chars like that.

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Do you remember what happened to theguy who took on a Rahkshi, one-on-one in Po-Koro?

I'd recommend you ask him, but I think the whopping great hole in his head where the Rahkshi's staff went in would interfere with his ability to speak.

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