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Bzprpg: The Zodiac Group

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Here's the blog post for discussing the zodiac group, which was thought up by the guy whose name I can't really remember due to the random letters. Let's call him the GDF for now, 'Global Defence Force'. Well actually, he's called gdfgdfgdfice, but I like Global Defence Force.


We're also not naming it the Ensigns, because that makes no sense.


Claimed Zodiacs:

  • Aries: Airias (gdfgdfgdfice)
  • Taurus: Unnamed Character (Krayzikk)
  • Gemini: Unnamed Character (Captain Marvel)
  • Cancer: Zuriana (Wotzinaim)
  • Leo: Phyrrex (AuRon)
  • Virgo: Unnamed Character (BenLuke)
  • Libra: 'Vaisaga' (Hubert)
  • Scorpio: Rit (Toa Onarax)
  • Sagittarius: Kalios (Kal Grochi)
  • Capricorn: Endriin (Toa Zealokan)
  • Aquarius: Jedenast (Vorex)
  • Pisces: Kadaka Fo (pokemonlover360)


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I would like to take time out of my vacation to use my phone to say that I would like to claim pisces and would prefer that nothing major happened until I'm back from my vacation after monday. yeah.

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Their powers should correspond to the different signs, not just be random. Example, you suggested that Capricorn would have cloning, wouldn't that be more suited to Gemini (the Twins)?

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This looks interesting...and I feel like Gemini would be a fun char to RP because of the multiple personalities variable. Can I take Gemini please?

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I'll make the Leo character, seeing as I only have two characters in a plot right now. This is gonna be cliche for me, but Leo should be a Toa of Fire with a Paraki, mask o strength. I think that works for leo... *maybe not*

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I think that Gemni will have clones, how about each clone has a different personality? And I have stated that members of the group are going to be a custom race of sorts, with only there Zodiac power(which we need to decide for most of them)



Leo=Super speed(slightly better then Kakama)

Taurus=Super streanth(same)

Pisces=Water breathing

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While I may not join this group, I would like to add something.


I wouldn't recommend having original powers. Especially ones that are more powerful than a Kanohi. (Clones, Extra-Super Strength, etc,etc) You could create fascinating and original characters out of the already approved species/powers.

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Guys, look it up, each Zodiac already has one of 4 different elements. Fire, Earth, Water, Air.


For example Scorpio is Water.


Also guys let's try and avoid completely custom powers.


EDIT: Here's the list:

  • Fire — Aries; Leo; Sagittarius - hot, dry, ardent
  • Earth — Taurus; Virgo; Capricorn - cold, dry, heavy
  • Air — Gemini; Libra; Aquarius - hot, wet, light
  • Water — Cancer; Scorpio; Pisces - cold, wet, soft

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This man speaks words of wisdom.


I'd like to know, though, how would a sea-goat translate into a character? And what the heck is a sea-goat? o.O


Maybe, instead of custom powers and stuff, maybe they just excell in certain fields? Here's my proposed list.


Aries: Adaptable, hit-and-run

Taurus: Aggressive, heavy weapons

Gemini: Quick-witted, strategist

Cancer: Loyal, combat support

Leo: Courageous, leader

Virgo: Strong-minded, weaponsmith

Libra: Voice of reason, negotiation

Scorpio: Secretive, spy

Sagittarius: Wise, chief advisor

Capricorn: Resourceful, hunter-gatherer

Aquarius: Stubborn, elementalist

Pieces: Sensitive, reconnaissance

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Honestly I don't want to start as a team but rather with characters spread out through the Island.


Also about custom powers, I'm not going to be a part of the group if we're going to make them. The Zodiacs are symbols, all we're doing is substituting our characters for what each Zodiac represents. I'd advise each of you too look up exactly what you're particular Zodiac represents and then incoporate it into your character. You don't need custom powers to do that.


Captain Marvel hit it real well by making the Gemini bipolar as opposed to clones. If you can't take of a way to incorporate it, look to Zealokan's list for inspiration.

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OK, we'll go with Zelokans idea. And should Capri be a prankster? Also, how 'bout they start in small 1-3 groups, and get pulled back together by plot?

PLOT draft1: They used to be a team, and then an event(to be decided by us) breaks the group up.


Hows that?

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That could be too restricting though, because my idea for the Libra character has him with his own plotline.


Because he was developed before this idea came up.

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I don't think they should have ever been part of the group, rather circumstances should draw these members together. Having them once been members of a group is just going to restrict their past, and make their uniting together boring. First time feuds as different personalities clash will be gone, and that my friends is one of the greatest things about a group.


Also I disagree with specializing so much as symbolizing, I mean if it fits in then it works, but don't make them jobs, make them more of skills. Allow their personalities to shape what they excell at, but above all personality does come first. For example make a Virgo a civilized being with the greatest manners. Make him introverted but very receptive to others ideas. Make them very worried about any criticism, yet they don't allow others to notice it. This is the essence of the Virgo sign, not that they have some job or the other. This Virgo could have whatever other skills you wish to give him, but he still remains true to the Virgo.


@Bio Their really isn't much you need him to be, however do look up your Zodiac as it explains much of what the personality for that character should be, along with the element.

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I think my Gemini is going to be a sort of wild card. Because he's bipolar one self might not be able to access the memories of the other self. This would mean that while one self would be beneficial to the group, the other self might be working against it secretly. I don't know, this is just an idea.

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