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Join the club. We were going to have badges, but none of us are able to make a design that doesn't look like MS Paint had a seizure.

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That's why you have friends who are artists and you go commission them. You get your art idea and they get paid.

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I need talent at drawing.


I can actually draw pretty well when I try hard enough, but I usually can't be bothered enough to do so.

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Okay... then I'll pay you to write something, which you can then use the money to commission an artist for your art.

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I'm just going to leave a quote from brilliant artist SkepticArcher here.


Good artists are not born that way. Everyone sucks at one point. The only way to improve in art is to keep doing it. There is no secret to drawing, there is no special art gene or deciding factor that makes someone pop out "talented". While everyone learns at a different pace and in different ways, the most important part of learning to improve your art is to KEEP drawing, painting, sculpting, sewing: Whatever you enjoy working with.
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I've tried keeping at it, VB, but it seems my artistic talent lies solely in sketching geometric shapes. When doing a pile of mechanical bits and bobs I'm all well and good, but the stuff I actually want to draw? No dice.

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Well, have you ever posted any of your drawings here for critique? They may not be as bad as you think. CoKK has always claimed to be awful at drawing, but he showed Kumata and I an image of Hivemind that was pretty darn good, even though he thought it was terrible. (Kumata's drawing of her isn't too much different, actually.) Artists are their own worst critics; I think you should see what other people think of your artwork before you say it's not that good.


And if everybody else thinks it needs to improve, they'll all still be more than willing to tell you what you can do to fix the issues. That's what I've always liked about the art community of BZP; everyone's always friendly and helpful.


~ Rumpelstiltskin

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What's the nature of these ideas? Like, funny things, character designs, what? Give us some insight. One of us might be able to steal these ideas draw them for you, if you think they're worth coming to fruition.

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Usually its comics of things that simply work better in a visual medium than in writing.

Or images of individual characters that I have in my head


And then there's Doctor KrakWhoa which is both

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