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Welcome back, ladies and gents, to the polls for Eyru's next name!


I received a lot of submissions this time around (21, to be exact). so I've come up with a twist to the voting system. Every day, I will eliminate the bottom four names from the list, and I will repost the voting entry, allowing you to vote again!


That's right- you can vote up to five times if you vote once every day!


If more than four names have the lowest score, I will choose and eliminate at random.


Every day, the list of names will drop, from 21 to 17, to 13, to 9, to 5, and, finally, to 1, which will be the name I will use. In the unlikely event of a tie, the polls will be extended an extra day, and voting will commence between the two names with the highest number of votes.


Without further ado, here are your choices!


Eyru - 0

Eyru Salad - 0

Eyrumpelstiltskin - 1

Great and Powerful Eyru - 0

Delicious Chocolate Milk - 2

Mushroom Exterminator - 0

Guy Who Licks Gravy - 0

Fabulous Salmon - 0

Eel Your Rump Understands - 0

A Wonderful Pistachio - 0

Deodorant - 0


Pumpernickel - 0

Simon - 1

And Then Depression Set In - 1


Tuna Flakes 20 - 0

A Malicious Individual - 1

Meh - 1

Fullmetal Eyrchamist - 3

Sneaky Peeky Eyru - 0




(a note on the entries: I eliminated any names that were similar to names I have held in the past, such as strings of gibberish or "___ is Awesome")


You may vote once in this blog post. Tomorrow, this blog post will be closed, and you may vote once in the new blog post that will be opened. You may not vote twice in one blog post, or both votes will be disqualified.


Please do not edit your post, or your vote may be disqualified.


With all that out of the way, LET THE MADNESS BEGIN aagh.gif


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Also, you may want to remove "A Malicious Individual." KNI changed his display name to the same thing and it got reverted. =/


Thank you for telling me.

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