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Ask Mcsmeag

Queen of Noise


Ask me questions and I'll answer


Any sort of question you want






And seriously I mean any question. You can ask me random dumb stuff if you want, or you can ask me personal questions, or you can ask me what I feel about things, or you can ask me about ME, or you can ask BZP-related questions like what my thoughts are on various BZPower policies. This is an intimate fireside sit-down.


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@Legolover361 - thanks! I'll pop back in with my thoughts after I've had a chance to peruse.


Are you going to do any more product reviews? I've always enjoyed your reviews immensely, and would love to see more at some point in the future.


Actually, the made me think of another question (that I probably should have asked first). How often do you buy LEGO sets these days, if at all?


I really enjoyed doing those and would definitely be interested in doing more; I just haven't really had the time in a while. Not being a reporter anymore also makes it more difficult since I'd have to submit it rather than just posting it myself. And I probably wouldn't be able to sneak in all the subtle double entendres in anymore. ;)


JUST KIDDING.......or am I?


As for how often I buy sets, the last Lego set I purchased was the treehouse Friends set (which is fantastic), back in January. I always linger by the Lego aisle when I'm at the store though, to check what is up. I did just get paid today, maybe I'll go get something and review it (probably not).


If you could be a videogame character, WHO WOULD YOU BE?


Uh...I don't know. I don't really play video games. The only video game "characters" I can even think of of the top of my head are like, Mario and Luigi. And Princess Peach? I guess out of those I'd choose Princess Peach; I like her.


Have you ever eaten a cupcake in your sleep?samsavatar.png


Depends. Do dreams count? That's technically in my sleep.


Is this a stupid question?



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What's your favorite type of seventh chord?

Mmn, my first thought was D7 or A7, but I'm pretty partial to Cmaj7 - it's especially beautiful on a guitar. I like to sneak it in places where most people would just go with a C chord.


have you ever fallen of a building?

No, but I have broken into many buildings.

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What's the best thing about you?


What's the best thing about me?


Do you dream of farm animals?


Do farm animals dream of you?


Do you dream of Sumiki?


Does Sumiki dream of you?

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What's your fave pro football team? (GO COWBOYS!)


I don't know the first thing about football, honestly. I doubt I could even name five teams. The only game I've ever seen was this time my ex-girlfriend made me watch some, but all I really got out of it was "big guys in super tight pants touch each other."


I do like baseball though; it's hard not to be romantic about baseball in America. I don't really follow it, but I like the Orioles.


Do you know the name of the man who created the evil that goes by the name of pie?


Pie is fantastic. I'm fond of both savoury and sweet pies. I make a GREAT sausage pie of my own recipe, in fact, and a fantastic pear pie.


Have you ever robbed a bank?


No, but let me tell you a story.


Back when I was in college, one time a few of my friends and I decided to go on a road trip to a nearby city. So we all piled in my car and hit the road, throwing things at each other throughout the trip and rocking out to Jim Croce. On the way, we stopped at my bank so I could get some cash for the trip. As we are walking in, one of the guys, Chris, says really loudly "Hey fellas, wouldn't it be cool if we were bank robbers??"


We're like, "Shut up Chris," but he keeps going: "No I mean wouldn't it be awesome if we were just robbing this bank? All like, 'HEY! Give us all your money!'" And we're like "SHUT UP CHRIS, we're IN A BANK."


Chris was special. Oh man. There are so many way funnier stories about the outrageous junk he used to say.


What's the best thing about you?


Long fingers.


What's the best thing about me?


Your avatar makes you functionally indistinguishable from multiple BZPower members, thus protecting your identity.


Do you dream of farm animals?


I feel this was asked already, and I spoke at length about my experience working on a farm.


Do farm animals dream of you?


Oh man I hope not. I don't want them to know anything about me.


Do you dream of Sumiki?


I don't know anything about Sumiki???


Does Sumiki dream of you?


Probably! I mean, who doesn't? ;)


do you like dr_peper.jpg?


I am, in fact, drinking Dr. Pepper right now. With a shot of Bacardi in it. ;)

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Dear McSmeag,


What is your favorite Bionicle pairing and why? Also, which character from the story just plain rocks out loud?




Anonymous Person Entertaining Rahkshi and Squid Over Nuju

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Are you going to answer no to this question?




Dear McSmeag,


What is your favorite Bionicle pairing and why?


Mn, I'm not really a "shipper" (except of sexy staff), but Nocturn + Pridak is a classic. You've got that big brute in Nocturn and the campy drag queen (that lipstick!) in Pridak. A beautiful couple I wish we had seen more of.


Also, which character from the story just plain rocks out loud?


Uh Pohatu, duh! ;) ;) ;)

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