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What the Heck Just Happened?

a goose


So, I've been offline a lot recently, and I think it's time to explain:


I am in at a course which lasts a week. Ten hours a day. You're probably thinking, "Vorex, how could you survive like that?"

Well, I'll tell you: a girl. Yes, you read right. On Saturday I was locked out of BZP, so I decided to try my hand at being normal.

So, there was this girl at the course who I had a crush on, so I decided to try and talk to her. Of course, it didn't go quite to plan, and I ended up talking to her friend instead. And I kept talking afterwards. I barely ever stopped.

Because her friend is brilliant. I have a considerable amount in common with her, so we're able to talk a lot, and according to her friends she likes me. I wasn't sure about asking her out, though, so her friends (and everyone else) started getting a little irritated.

After trying absolutely everything else to set us up, her friends ganged up on me as soon as I was alone, and tried to force me to ask her out. I agreed, because those girls were really scary when they surrounded me an started talking to me in the same tone one might use to make a death-threat.

Then, tonight, I regained access to BZP.


And that's pretty much everything that's happened to me so far. :)


- Vorex


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:kaukau: You are a traitor to all people here on BZP. We're not supposed to have lives! Unless, of course, we're dating a rare female member of BZPower, and it seems only moderators ever do that.


But yeah, I've been there, and if I was in your position I totally would have taken that class as well. No question about it, you just jump right in.


I've also been in the position where a ton of girls teamed up on me, but in that case it was when I was 8 years old, most of them were older, and they were planning on dressing me up as a girl. I can't remember how I got out of that one.


But anyways, that's all awesome! Congratulations on the serendipity, even if you felt awkward at points.



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:kaukau: <span style='color: #0000ff'>You are a traitor to all people here on BZP. We're not supposed to have lives! Unless, of course, we're dating a rare female member of BZPower, and it seems only moderators ever do that.</span>


<span style='color: #0000ff'>But yeah, I've been there, and if I was in your position I totally would have taken that class as well. No question about it, you just jump right in.</span>


<span style='color: #0000ff'>I've also been in the position where a ton of girls teamed up on me, but in that case it was when I was 8 years old, most of them were older, and they were planning on dressing me up as a girl. I can't remember how I got out of that one.</span>


<span style='color: #0000ff'>But anyways, that's all awesome! Congratulations on the serendipity, even if you felt awkward at points.</span>


<span style='color: #0000ff'>Merida</span>

I'm sorry for betraying y'all.


Thanks for the advice? :P


Okaaaayyyy.... :lol:



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Of course not.

I'll be making that when/if she says yes. :lol:




I'll be missing you, even though I barely know you.



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Get in there ladiesman B)


This isn't what I was expecting but you've come a long way since like, a few days ago when you left. I actually learned the word serendipity a few minutes ago.


Timing is my life now :P



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@Pie: I'm just kidding, you're not getting rid of me that easily. :sly:


@Wotz: I've known the word serendipity for ages. And I can't access Steam, I'm still in Donegal. XD

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I've had a similar situation recently. Except it was guys ganging up on the guy to ask the girl out. And I was one of the guys ganging up, as opposed to the one getting the girlfriend.

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I have to wonder why this kinda stuff never occurs to me. =P


Unless, of course, we're dating a rare female member of BZPower, and it seems only moderators ever do that.

Maybe it's the reverse? =O

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That must have been a wild ride. Here's hoping my first relationship (if it ever happens) doesn't start like this.

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At first I thought you said "it's because I'm a girl", and thus I immediately began wondering why you would stereotype yourself like that. =P

Then I read the entry again and it made more sense.

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