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Tuesday With A Five



Were you fooled by this year's prank?Were you for or against removing LGD & CoT?What is your favorite vacation destination?How many proto boosts do you need before you reach OBZPC level?Do you enjoy the Tuesday Five?


Recommended Comments

  • Eheh, I knew what it was. (Staff chats behind your backs FTW! :P)
  • Ambivalent
  • Some place with a LEGO store....Washington DC perhaps?
  • Um... I don't think I'm ever going to hit that status.
  • It's okay.


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-No, in fact I still believe the BBC contest is another extended prank! No answers if its a prank anymore, and they would have put it in the first post if it wasn't. Plus no entrants list.

- I don't know, nuetral. Nuetral side wins!

-Um....some place I haven't been too.

-5. I think.

-No, I hate it, that's why have answered about all of them. :angry:


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* Were you fooled by this year's prank?

Nope, though I was kinda amused when they decided to take it on way too long. I know how these things go because I do it all the time. Only instead of on April 1st, it's on every single day of the year. EVERY DAY OF MY LAAAYIIIIFE.

* Were you for or against removing LGD & CoT?

Against, if that was the idea. I would probably just quietly exit BZP, find another Bionicle forum and only post here for the purpose of putting up fanfic and fanart. And I don't post up fanfic and fanart very often. I would, indeed, leave the forum without fuss.

There's nothing I hate more than unfunny drama.

* What is your favorite vacation destination?

Tokyo is the greatest place on Earth. Just Harajuku alone makes it absolutely amazing, but there's infinitely more than that. Yeah, it totally rocks off all socks. Too tired to explain all the miriad reasons why it is the best thing ever.

* How many proto boosts do you need before you reach OBZPC level?

Dunno. As many as the average newbie needs to hit OBZPC, since my proto is dead neutral. Honestly, that's how I'd like it to stay.

Being around for four years and having less than 1000 posts (despite being around all over the place), and having neutral proto is quite the fashion statement.

* Do you enjoy the Tuesday Five?

Is it anything like Hawaii Five-O?

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Were you fooled by this year's prank?


Were you for or against removing LGD & COT?

It it actually went through, I would be against. But there you go.

What is your favorite vacation destination?


How many proto boosts do you need before you reach OBZPC level?


Do you enjoy the Tuesday Five?


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Yes. I'm on staff, and I myself was fooled >.<


Corpus Christi, Texas

None :D . Unless I get kicked off staff, lose one PE point and regain it.

Very much


- :t::l::h:

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Were you fooled by this year's prank? No.

Were you for or against removing LGD & CoT? nah.

What is your favorite vacation destination? ... Your Blog. =D

How many proto boosts do you need before you reach OBZPC level? 5

Do you enjoy the Tuesday Five? Yes.

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Were you fooled by this year's prank?

Were you for or against removing LGD & CoT?

What is your favorite vacation destination?

How many proto boosts do you need before you reach OBZPC level?

Do you enjoy the Tuesday Five?


1. Heck no.

2. Against.

3. My bed.

4. 5.


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Yeah. I thought it was too normal to be this year's prank.


Mexico. But that doesn't count as vacation.

Some. I dunno.

What's that?

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1. For a second, yeah. Then I read all the topics about it, and laughed. APRIL FOOLS' OWNED ME

2. Against.

3. England. Woot.

4. 6. *cries*

5. Sure; it's the highlight of my week! =D


As you can see, I have no life. ;.;



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Were you fooled by this year's prank?




Were you for or against removing LGD & CoT?




What is your favorite vacation destination?


... Florida? O_o Or China, or etc....


How many proto boosts do you need before you reach OBZPC level?


I dunno


Do you enjoy the Tuesday Five?



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I love these questions, they're so fun to embolden...


Were you fooled by this year's prank? About 30%


Were you for or against removing LGD & CoT? Veggietales Topic! IPB Image


What is your favorite vacation destination? Here


How many proto boosts do you need before you reach OBZPC level? One-fourth of eight divided by two


Do you enjoy the Tuesday Five? I don't know, but I like toast




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