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A Detailed Review Of America



It's hot.






This concludes my amazing review of America.











(twiggy was here)


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You're on the East Coast; they've got nothing on us Mid-Westers. There's a good chance I'm going to spontaneously catch fire out here.

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Gah, the Midwest, whatever happened to the saying "Don't like the weather, wait a day." Today's the first time in weeks it rained.


The Temperatures have been ridiculous.

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Here on the West Coast, forget about low temperatures! Our temperatures are like, super moderate. If I tried to go to other places in the world, I would either burn or freeze to death.

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And here on the west coast it's apparently between 66 and 73 degrees outside. The rest of America should be jealous.


Gah, the Midwest, whatever happened to the saying "Don't like the weather, wait a day." Today's the first time in weeks it rained.


The Temperatures have been ridiculous.


I picked the perfect summer to move out west, it seems.

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And here on the west coast it's apparently between 66 and 73 degrees outside. The rest of America should be jealous.


Gah, the Midwest, whatever happened to the saying "Don't like the weather, wait a day." Today's the first time in weeks it rained.



The Temperatures have been ridiculous.




I picked the perfect summer to move out west, it seems.


I am going to kill all three of you and steal your weathers because I am DYING here.

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As others have said, the West Coast is pretty "okay" right now. Not exactly nice (that's just my opinion, though. I prefer cold weather), but completely tolerable.


And Xaeraz, that sounds awful. Just... awful.

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Yeah, you haven't hit the northwest (not that I have anything to say about it because I'm in Europe right now) but it tends to be pretty dang cold there (although it was a balmy 80 when I left, so it could be worse).

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While the rest of the country was either in the oven or on fire, the northwest was getting pured on. :P


Granted, that wasa couple of weeks ago, and we've dried out a bit since.


But yeah, out east is hot.



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