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Ask Me ANYTHING Week - Day 7



I don't think I've ever taken part in this blogging cliche. So it's about time I did!


So go on. All week, I want people to be asking me questions. About absolutely anything.


I'd prefer them posted here, but go ahead and PM me too if you want to stay anonymous. I'll probably post the answers here - maintaining anonymity - unless they're not appropriate/you don't want me to.


So ask away!




ALRIGHTY! It's day SEVEN! I've gotten a good batch of questions so far, but something appears to be lacking. They're all amusing. I want some personal ones! This is your chance to get to know me. So on this last day (well unless I do a day 8 just for this reason :P), feel free to let loose!


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How long do you think it will take before Sumiki asks if you dream of farm animals?

Are you prepared to answer Sumiki's inevitable question about dreaming about farm animals?

I wasn't aware of this impending question and am now slightly worried. Thank you for that. :P


Are you for here or to go?


I'm to go, but then will stick around long enough that I might as well be for here.


Why does Sumiki ask about farm animals?


Alternative: What's so darn interesting about Minecraft?


Everything! I was actually initially very skeptical about it too. Said it looked silly and wouldn't play it. Then I did. And had a lot of fun. I like more of the adventuring and exploring parts of it because, though I've tried and tried, I've neber been terribly creative... So I'm not that great at making wonderful buildings. But I can explore like no other.

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Do you believe old taboos and dogmas should be reinforced and upheld?

Not. At. All.



1. Xemnas, on , said:







Do you dream about farm animals?Are you the new Sumiki?

Why didn't you answer my question?

Touche, good sir, I should not be the one asking questions here.


No, I regretfully do not.

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Have you played any Metroid games? If so, which ones?

No, I have not... I'm a horrible, horrible gamer for ignoring so many franchises, I know. But I've at least played Samus plenty of times in SSB and SSBB. That counts for something, right? Riiiiight?

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Where's Harvey? WHERE IS HE?

I know that's a Dark Knight reference. But I can't remember the scene/find it in a reeeally quick Google search. So I'm just gonna say: The Batman killed him.


do farm animals dream about you

I wouldn't call them dreams so much as nightmares... Their darkest, most terrifying nightmares. Only I have a beard. And I'm Canadian. And I have a hit video series about obscene food concoctions.


...So I guess they don't. But they probably do have nightmares about EpicMealTime. And if not, they should.


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A single 2x4.

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If you dreamed about farm animals, what would the capital of Syria be?


Also, what's with the similar names and numbers on all you drones?


Also hai ET I missed you :3

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If you dreamed about farm animals, what would the capital of Syria be?


Also, what's with the similar names and numbers on all you drones?


Also hai ET I missed you :3



The name thing is because of the release of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance - today, actually! A bunch of us fans took names from Organization XIII, an evil group from the series, as a fun thing to do and to celebrate the game's release.


IF I did, the capital of Syria would be Syria. It's just so much easier to name your capitals after the country, isn't it?

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What games do you have for your 3DS, and do any of them feature online multiplayer?

I only have Ocarina of Time and KH3D right now. But I'll be getting Mario Kart 7 next and that will!


Why are we always here and never there?

Ah, but you are always there. You see, the "I" is here, but from every other point of view you are "there." So you are always over there.


Can you explain the Hugs Boron to us?

Will you explain the Higgs Bison in a manner similar to how the RvB crew did it?

Ya see, there're these particles with a lot of mass. Like fat peopleGrif. And people wanted to know why they had so much mass, when others have barely any and travel at the speed of light. Like stupid peopleCaboose. So to figure it out we laser the fat peopleGrif for science! And *poof* that's the Higgs Boson.

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