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Ask Toa Igniter III: For the Toa Inika!

Nathan Evo


I have returned, PIRAKA SCUM! And once again, I, TOA IGNITER, have hijacked PIRAKA VEZOK'S blog in order to start an ASK COLUMN to secretly find information on where you are keeping the TOA INIKA!


So if you, the PIRAKA menace, are bold enough to challenge the great hero TOA IGNITER, then ask me QUESTIONS!


(Disclaimer: If you take ask columns way too seriously, this ask entry is not for you. If you take dreaming about farm animals way too seriously, BZPower is not for you. Just sayin'.)


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PIRAKA VEZON, where have you hidden the TOA INIKA?

Hmm... PIRAKA REIDAK has mistaken me for a PIRAKA! I could be closer to finding the TOA INIKA than ever!


Uh... I did not do that, PIRAKA REIDAK, for I have only recently been accepted into your PIRAKA ORGANIZATION.


do you dream about farm animals

No, because I never sleep. I cannot find the TOA INIKA if I take the chance to sleep, PIRAKA HAKANN!

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How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Enough to build your PIRAKA STRONGHOLD before being crushed beneath your heels, PIRAKA ZAKTAN!

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How dare you call me PIRAKA REIDAK, TOA IGNITER! For I am obviously PIRAKA AVAK.

Don't try to mess with my head, PIRAKA REIDAK! I know for a fact you are PIRAKA REIDAK!


My what large teeth you have.

The better to show after I defeat you PIRAKA and save the TOA INIKA, PIRAKA ZAKTAN!

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How have you hacked the evil piraka vezok's blog? -matoran

I never hacked this ACCOUNT at all, PIRAKA REIDAK. I snuck up on PIRAKA VEZOK with his back turned and hit him on the head with a MONKEY WRENCH. With PIRAKA VEZOK out of commission, I am now free to use this ACCOUNT in my quest to rescue the TOA INIKA.

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Too bad, TOA IGNITER! for I, PIRAKA AVAK, have captured your precious MATORAN SCUM! Tell me your opinion on the DRAKE EQUATION or I will EXECUTE your precious VILLAGER!

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Too bad, TOA IGNITER! for I, PIRAKA AVAK, have captured your precious MATORAN SCUM! Tell me your opinion on the DRAKE EQUATION or I will EXECUTE your precious VILLAGER!

Never, PIRAKA REIDAK! You stop trying to confuse me or I will give you a ZAMOR to the face!

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What's your favorite kind of milkshake, BUB? And do you trade in widgets or some other form of NEFARIOUS CURRENCY? Just saying, once I have these two pieces of information I will be unstoppable.



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What's your favorite kind of milkshake, BUB? And do you trade in widgets or some other form of NEFARIOUS CURRENCY? Just saying, once I have these two pieces of information I will be unstoppable.




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Do you search for the inikia to fill some void in your life Sir. Igniter?


You need to talk about these things.

No, PIRAKA. I am searching for the TOA INIKA. I've never heard of any INIKIA.

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