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Superman vs. Batman

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Area of comparison: Everything. Just argue the heck out of which character you like more, which has a greater meaning, which is cooler, which is the crown jewel of DC, which you aspire more to be like, etc.

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Neither. Tufi Piyufi wins it every time.


Her VP would be Kaiapu, because he also wins every time, even though people are like "Who's that guy?"

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Neither. Tufi Piyufi wins it every time.


Her VP would be Kaiapu, because he also wins every time, even though people are like "Who's that guy?"

What about Janus riding a Puffin-Dragon on Yanni's head? I'd vote for that candidate.

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Wish I knew anything about Dimensioneer. But B6 seems like a cool guy (not voting for him without knowing about the oppposition though).

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Black Six. Or Binkmeister if he's running (but not if he's not, because I'm not wasting my vote on a write-in candidate. Also it'd suck if you were happy with your job and life and the government knocked on your door to tell you that you had to be president now).

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:kaukau: Well, to break the tie vote I'm coming in and casting a ballot for Dimensioneer, because he's the freakin' poker-playing admin who travels through time and space! Also, I love the name in a very geeky way. Also I have him to thank for this blog...That's about it with the also's.


Admiral Kirk vs. Captain Picard


This is the only question I ever thought was hard. Also, the running mates are Spock and Data, respectively. For this sake of this election match-off, the birth-places of the candidates won't be taken into account. This is also the 2012 election and not in the distant future, which shouldn't be too difficult to imagine since they've both been known to time-travel.



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Nukaya, on , said:


Neither. Tufi Piyufi wins it every time.


Her VP would be Kaiapu, because he also wins every time, even though people are like "Who's that guy?"

What about Janus riding a Puffin-Dragon on Yanni's head? I'd vote for that candidate.


You don't understand. She wins every time. It's those queenly powers of hers. You cannot stop them. She's already here.

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:kaukau: It seems there is a tie, again. In which case, I;m voting for Kirk. Okay, I'm from Iowa and that gives me some bias and it's 50% of the reason I vote for him, but he beats Picard on multiple fronts.


Alright, new theme for today...


Obama vs. Romney


No, just kidding. The real theme is...


Atticus Finch vs. George Bailey


While ideally I always saw them as running mates, what would happen if the two worthiest icons in American literature each ran on their own ballot?



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George Bailey was a great guy, but Atticus Finch was a hero. He'd get my vote.


Also, would you say Bailey was an icon of American literature? I've never read the story the movie was based on, but I imagine it was the movie that made him famous.

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:kaukau: It depends on how you wish to view literature. I see movies as literature in an audio-visual form. Although I guess there is a play based off of the movie, which would count as literature in a more literal form. Movies have scripts, too, though...


I see George Bailey as a hero, too. A great personal hero for me, in fact. Perhaps it's the way you view things, though, but then, he counts in the same sense that Atticus Finch did in that he saved a town from debt even when Mr. Potter looked to give him a whooping.


Food for thought.



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Finch, hands down. I don't know how many 'heroes' I've seen in stories, but very few of them have felt so needed, for lack of a better word, as that southern lawyer.

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:kaukau: On a side note, Gregory Peck, who played Finch in the movie, also played Abraham Lincoln. But what I really enjoy saying is that Atticus Finch is secretly Clark Kent in an alternate lifetime.


So is George Bailey, though, who also set forth an example of selflessness and altruism all his life. I think either of the actors who depicted the two characters would be perfect for Superman if they were still alive and young. It's kind of hard for me to say "hands down" for either, since they're just about tied for the perfect ideal for a candidate.


Although if we were to go with Jimmy Stewart's other iconic role, Jefferson Smith, I think I'd vote for the Senator from Montana any day. We need a Mr. Smith in Washington.


*is a Superman nerd*



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:kaukau: Watch It's A Wonderful Life. Now.


You know, I'm beginning to change my mind on a few things. Jefferson Smith should be President, Atticus Finch Vice President, and George Bailey should be the Secretary of the Treasury. Really, I should compose a list:


President: Jefferson Smith

Vice President: Atticus Finch

Secretary of State: Spock

Secretary of the Treasury: George Bailey

Secretary of Defense: Admiral James Tiberius Kirk

Attorney General: Lt. Daniel Kafee (although I presume that by now he'd be a Colonel)

Secretary of the Interior: Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr.

Secretary of Agriculture: Clark Kent (who should keep in close cahoots with the Defense Secretary and the Secretary of Homeland Security)

Secretary of Commerce: Data

Secretary of Labor: Caesar the Ape

Secretary of Health and Human Services: Leonard "Bones" McCoy (or he could be the Surgeon General)

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Paul Bunyan

Secretary of Transportation: Scotty

Secretary of Energy: Tony Stark

Secretary of Education: John Keaton (from Dead Poet's Society)

Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Former General Obi-Wan Kenobi

Secretary of Homeland Security: John Conner

White House Chief of Staff: Mary Poppins (Just ship her in from Britain. It would be worth it to keep people these goons in check.)

Press Secretary: Lois Lane

Ambassador to the United Nations: Jean-Luc Picard


I'll probably look some stuff up on TV Tropes later on just to edit that list later and perfect it.



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Haven't seen the entirety of It's a Wonderful Life, so I'll vote for Finch. But uh, Thrawn should really be somewhere in that list of prime candidates. Probably as the Secretary of Defense.

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I'm submitting my write-in of Richard Nixon, Prrrrrrrrrresident of the Univerrrrrrse.


Yeah, he'll have to travel back in time from the 31st century, but it'll be worth it for Futurama almost a millennium early.

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