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Superman vs. Batman

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Area of comparison: Everything. Just argue the heck out of which character you like more, which has a greater meaning, which is cooler, which is the crown jewel of DC, which you aspire more to be like, etc.

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:kaukau: At its core they're both very similar, but given their differences (and I'm assuming people on this site will know the difference) there's still enough distinction between them. For example, I've seen the Jedi do more killing than the Toa have, but then that was when they were literally on the battlefield. Of course, it makes some difference that they were a prestigous knighthood with legitimate sovereignty over their actions. They definitely play God more often than the Toa, but the circumstances were certainly different, considering the scale of their governance.


So yeah, it's a bit difficult to say who I'd rather emulate, but I'll say that within my own fiction the protagonist organization known as the Defenders is very similar to the Jedi, and I closely identify with this imaginary organization of mine, so I'll go with the Jedi, even though the Toa are certainly ideal heroes. They're both very noble.


On the other hand, it's an unfair comparison because the Jedi have sovereignty whereas most small groups of heroes don't. It's like comparing Superman to Captain America. Superman can't kill and can't work above the law (contrasting him with Batman), but Captain America as a soldier works directly on the behalf of the law and has the jurisdiction to do things such as kill and determine justice for himself. At least, that's how I see it in theory. Then there's the confusion of me not knowing what the official legal status of a Toa is. I guess they were divinely appointed by the highest authority in the Matoran universe, however, that being Destiny, so if my theory is correct they could deliver judgment much like the Jedi do, which of course they did when they come across some of their tougher opponenets.


Though yeah, they both believe in killing only when necessary, but for the sake of coming to an official conclusion, I'll vote for the Jedi. Theirs is far more explicit and developed overall.



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Jedi have stupid rules for their members (although some of those were tossed when Luke Skywalker took over) whereas the Toa Code never did.


Toa Code wins.

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Toa code would win with regards to what I believe is closest to my ideals. The bby Jedi rules were considerably flawed in several respects.

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+ 1 vote for Toa Code.


I seem to remember the Jedi code being flawed, and presumably the Toa code wasn't. Plus, the toa code was probably created by the makers of the universe they exist in, meaning it's tailored to fit that universe. The Jedi code was probably made by politicians or monks or something.

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:kaukau: Alright, so how about this:


Toa Nuva vs. Toa Phantoka/Mistika


Area of comparison: Coolness


It goes almost without saying that I'm a Nuva guy.



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The Nuva. Sorry, but as sets I found the adaptive armor Toa to be mostly unattractive The Phantoka were kind of cool, but the Mistika were ugly. And the Nuva are the much more iconic representation of the characters (in my eyes at least).

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If it was the Mata, it would be no contest. But the Nuva were the first revamps who totally ruined the original characters, IMO. While the Phantoka / Mistika masks weren't great, they were still decent. Plus, the whole Inika-builds were better than the Nuva, even tho they were getting repetitive at the time. Only thing the Nuva had going for them was that they kept the same color schemes, but they themselves were too much of a repeat of the Mata with masks that looked like they had been partially melted or something. :P


In short, I vote Phantoka / Mistika.



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Hm...I am going to have to say Nuva because their design stands out in my mind more and personally I think having gear functions in sets are much cooler than being able to just pose them.


-JMJ 2012

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The Nuva because as a group they look nice together, Phantoka/Mistika look like a bunch of random Toa who teamed up on a whim. Plus CHAINSAW ROLLER BLADES beats big shield any day.


EDIT: Though on the flipside HELICOPTER DRILL CLAWS beats claw rugby ball, so I'm uncertain now.

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:kaukau: Nuva: 6

Phantoka/Mistika: 4


To paraphrase what two others said, they were just more iconic representations of the team that stands out more as an image in my head when I think of them, and as a group they all fit together.


By the way, now that I looked up who Heuani is, no, I will not do anything with characters from the BZPRPG. However, Bulik, I can meet you halfway and do another Modern Armor entry...


Modern Armor vs. The Ewoks


Area of Competition: Battle


Conditions: Those big Abrams tanks that Xaerez mentioned are on Endor's moon. There are a hundred of them. Between the tanks and the soldiers inside of the tanks, do you think they could subdue a town of ten thousand Ewoks?



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im inclined to say the ewoks, only because they canonically defeated the technologically superior stormtroopers on endor.


however, that also had in part to do with the fact that the ewoks were fighting in a familiar area, where they knew the landscape and had familiar resources and knew how to use them to their advantage. had the same battle been engaged on a planet familiar to the troopers and not the ewoks, the troopers would probably have easily flattened the ewoks and had time for tea.


not to mention, it would be really difficult for a platoon of tanks to navigate endors landscape.

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May I assume a certain level of competence on the tank crew's part? Like, the competence American M1 Abrams pilots and gunners are trained to?


Then there is no question. The Abrams would win. The tactics used in Return of the Jedi on the Empire's part were... not so great to say the least. While guerrilla warfare is effective against mechanized infantry and the jungles aren't great for the Abrams, assuming they were smart and used smart tactics, the Ewoks would stand zero chance. You can't take one out by throwing a big rock at it or rolling logs down the hill. The most you're going do is delay them as they dislodge themselves from whatever Home Alone trap the Ewoks brewed.


And if the Ewoks should do something as criminally stupid as try to board an Abrams, they're dead. Besides the hatches being locked and several machine guns (remote controlled I might add) mounted on there, even if they did get in a single pistol shot would suffice, and American tank drivers are trained in defense in the case of boarding.


There's simply too much superior technology going on here. It'd be slow, but it'd be a slaughter for the Ewoks.

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:kaukau: Yes, you can assume competency on the part of the tank drivers. The technology level is supposedly lower, but we're definitely assuming the skill levels of Marines. I mean, seriously, if we were assuming that they had Stormtrooper aiming, I would have had to change the numbers to 100 tanks to 10 Ewoks just to keep it fair.



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The ewoks have had generations to make defences for their large city, so this battle would be like vietnam except the vietcong were midgets and had centuries to prepare.



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The Ewoks would totally be obliterated, without a doubt. They're primitives with only rocks. What kind of defense could they put up?



Giant trees bigger than any trees on earth falling on your army.

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