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Superman vs. Batman

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Area of comparison: Everything. Just argue the heck out of which character you like more, which has a greater meaning, which is cooler, which is the crown jewel of DC, which you aspire more to be like, etc.

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Iron Man is about six feet.


Makuta last we saw him was 2374982317847230984798237498217984723098749821709 or whatever feet.


He probably would forget about Iron Man and accidentally kick him across a universe if they fought.


Now, if it was traditional Makuta, you might have a point, until he breaks out the magnetism. So much for that fight.

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I'd bet my life savings on Makuta winning that fight no matter which of his two godly forms he was in.


Two bad I wasn't around to vote for Mary Poppins when that round was running.

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I don't know about Makuta in his own body versus the Avengers.


I mean, you remember what the Hulk did to Loki, right? Makuta is nowhere near as strong as the Hulk, and Thor's hammer could probably punch into his armor and let loose the antidermis before he could shake both Thor and the Hulk. Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Cpt. America don't even factor in, though.


Since Makuta's giant robot body actually belonged to Mata Nui, I'm going to cast my vote based on his actual body vs. the Avengers. In which case, Avengers win.


So, Avengers.

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I don't know about Makuta in his own body versus the Avengers.


I mean, you remember what the Hulk did to Loki, right? Makuta is nowhere near as strong as the Hulk, and Thor's hammer could probably punch into his armor and let loose the antidermis before he could shake both Thor and the Hulk. Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Cpt. America don't even factor in, though.


Since Makuta's giant robot body actually belonged to Mata Nui, I'm going to cast my vote based on his actual body vs. the Avengers. In which case, Avengers win.


So, Avengers.

Now, I ain't Makuta or nothin', so I don't know how he would handle the situation, but I would assume that, since makuta can possess inanimate objects in AD form, he would just take over the Iron Man armor. That not only keeps him together, but it adds the complication that if they want to damage him, they have to seriously injure Tony.

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First round would certainly go to Makuta. He has enough powers and enough experience to be able to take on the Avengers. Sure, over time they might be able to discover his weaknesses and take advantage of them, but I'm going to assume they don't have a "Defeating Makuta for Dummys" book with them when this fight begins.



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First round would certainly go to Makuta. He has enough powers and enough experience to be able to take on the Avengers. Sure, over time they might be able to discover his weaknesses and take advantage of them, but I'm going to assume they don't have a "Defeating Makuta for Dummys" book with them when this fight begins.



I agree with this. Makuta would win, no questions asked.



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:kaukau: I didn't actually count the votes, but I got the general idea that Makuta would win. I agree with the majority here; Makuta in either form is too powerful. Even in his classic form, he has 42 powers. Personally, I find it BS that between his gravity powers, shape shifting, invulnerability, healing factor, density control, stasis fields, and dodging abilities he was defeated by a wall hitting him (and earlier by Vakama by getting hit by a rock).


Anyway, Makuta vs. The Manas. Area of comparison: Which set would you rather have?



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I don't think there is much comparison. I have both sets, and while the Makuta is more aesthetic, the Manas are freaking remote-controlled battle machines. The Manas are cooler, no contest.

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:kaukau: I agree with Sumiki, down to the very use of the use of the word "freaking". That, and I'm very jealous. "Want. Always have wanted. Always will want." So for me it's the Manas.



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Makuta definitely wins. The Manas were perhaps the most boring Rahi (besides possibly the Nui-Rama) in terms of functionality, and seemingly existed solely for the remote control gimmick. I looked forward to getting the Manas as soon as I learned about them in 2001, then got them, played with them a few times, rebuilt them into the Mana-Ko (which was slightly less boring), took them apart hoping to find something to do with that terrible motor brick they used, and, failing that, hardly gave them another thought. Years later I was able to buy Muaka and Kane-Ra from a vendor at Brickfair, and upon building them I realized that they were a vastly superior set, and the one I should have spent my $80 on so many years before.


What was the functionality of the Manas? Well, they had a motor on the left and a motor on the right, connected by one of the most useless, unwieldy motor/battery box bricks ever devised. The motors controlled their treads and jabbing claw functionality at the same time, giving them awkward robotic movements (fitting, since early story information suggested that they were in fact robots and not Rahi). And when one's masks were both struck, a little gear popped down so their treads were no longer on the ground. Compare that to the Muaka and Kane-Ra sets, whose legs fall off when their masks are removed, and which have a much more fearsome means of attacking than a silly little punch. Or even compare the Tarakava, whose jaws drop when they lose their masks, and which also have a more dynamic play feature to attack one another.


Makuta, on the other hand, still stands out as a gorgeous set design in spite of his woefully-limited posability and inexplicable, hardly humanoid anatomy. He just exudes character, specifically the character of a dark, menacing, and well-guarded villain. His function, a swinging upper body, is very fun and allows for a dynamic range of movement in his torso to make up for the limited movement in his legs. He makes a great display piece, and comes with lots of lovely parts for one's collection.


In short, the Manas is a set that's easy to want but hard to enjoy. Makuta, on the other hand, is the kind of set you never should regret owning.

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As a kid, I never really cared what they look like. I could have spent days on end playing with the Manas if I had one.


One of my friends had one, and unfortunately, I only got maybe half an hour fooling with one of those.


Makuta, even appearance-wise, never was all that impressive. If you ask me, the most intimidating version of him besides the giant robot was his Matoran form from MNOG with the swirling parts. I never really cared for any of the Makuta sets, except for the mask and the fact that it was Makuta.

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Ol' Terry because of gunmetal and what Aanchir said.


I'm not sure if this vote should count, Ballom. I specified only Makuta and the Manas. Third options are not allowed. Who is this Terry of whom you speak?



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Welp, Aanchir persuaded me. I have never seen the Manas in person, but I own Makuta and definitely don't regret it. Besides, he comes with the Kraahkan and two masks of light. Not to mention that he allowed me to build Rahkshi when I had never owned them.


And I also think that every other '01 rahi set looks way cooler than the Manas.


The Master of Shadows wins this for me.

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:kaukau: Makuta: 4

Manas: 7


By the way, I do agree with many of the arguments in favor of Makuta and it wasn't necessarily an easy choice for me, seeing as I love them both. However, I have always wanted the Manas just slightly more, and even though the design wasn't perfect, the Manas are still the only remote-controlled sets. Now, if you could somehow combine that novelty with the Boxer then we'd have a perfect set.


Anyway, new round. The Manas vs. The Boxers. Area of Comparison: Death Match


Because I can already predict who would win a set-wise comparison.



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Um, the Boxors would totally win set-wise??

The Boxor are better than, every set, including Makuta.


However, I don't think the Boxors have quite the gumption necessary to best the Manas in a fight. They aren't quite the pushovers the Bohrok were.

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its hard to say. the manas are strong and ferocious, but the boxor has the advantage of being potentially more agile as well as having the wits of the matoran piloting it.


the boxor wins set-wise though.

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It's a tough call. The Manas are more powerful, but the Boxer only needs to take out the tower to disable it. I think I'm going to vote the Manas, since even the Toa Kaita had trouble defeating them.

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It's spelled BOXOR.


And it wins my vote. It's repairable, doesn't get hurt because it's inanimate, and can change pilots.

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