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Superman vs. Batman

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Area of comparison: Everything. Just argue the heck out of which character you like more, which has a greater meaning, which is cooler, which is the crown jewel of DC, which you aspire more to be like, etc.

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makuta, hands down


EDIT: XD I didn't even read the comment above! great mins think alike, apparently. Or, maybe it's the other way around..

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That really depends. Are the Daleks facing a single Makuta, or a bunch of them?


If the former, I'll go with the Daleks. If the latter, Makuta.

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You could have at least left my vote, Kraggh.



You might also say comparing R2-D2 and the Daleks is like that. Outside of their overall shapes, they're not much alike.


Personally, though, I think the only reason the Daleks kept winning is the same reason Makuta is now. Bias. 'Cuz if you put Makuta next to Mary Poppins, he'd probably lose because he's limited to only 42 powers.

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I'd still vote for Makuta. I don't care if Mary Poppins is the Living Christ or Gandalf the White in drag, a robot the size of Makuta after he possessed Mata Nui would crush them flat in no time.


Also, I think the daleks kept winning because world-obliterating missle swarm =P

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I'd still vote for Makuta. I don't care if Mary Poppins is the Living Christ or Gandalf the White in drag, a robot the size of Makuta after he possessed Mata Nui would crush them flat in no time.


Also, I think the daleks kept winning because world-obliterating missle swarm =P


Yeah, that's part of it, but then I can pull out the apples to oranges excuse you just used. Can't have it both ways. :P

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Thing is that I'm not saying they're objectively better, I'm saying I'd put my money on them in a fight. What Kraggh's "Objectively Better" comment implies is that Mary Poppins is better than the Daleks in every which way, which I'm saying I disagee with.


I'm not having it both ways, I'm having it my way. =P

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Thing is that I'm not saying they're objectively better, I'm saying I'd put my money on them in a fight. What Kraggh's "Objectively Better" comment implies is that Mary Poppins is better than the Daleks in every which way, which I'm saying I disagee with.


I'm not having it both ways, I'm having it my way. =P


So you're saying that since Mary Poppins is practically perfect in every way, the Daleks are literally perfect in every way.


That's going to take a little more convincing. :P

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No, you misunderstand! The Daleks are horrible messes from a biological standpoint, woefully inefficient from a design standpoint, and just silly from any reasonable perspective. But what they objectively do better than Mary Poppins is murder. And that's what this is all about, right?

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No, you misunderstand! The Daleks are horrible messes from a biological standpoint, woefully inefficient from a design standpoint, and just silly from any reasonable perspective. But what they objectively do better than Mary Poppins is murder. And that's what this is all about, right?


Not really. Makuta didn't even actually murder anyone until Mata Nui, and then he started with the lightning from the sky at people he didn't like.


And if this had anything to do with murdering, I doubt Kraggh would have bothered to put R2-D2 and Mary Poppins as options in the first place. 'Sides, if she cared to, Poppins could probably wipe out whoever she wanted with her demon parrot umbrella.

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:kaukau: To clear up a few things, when I started with my initial match-up I was imagining a question more like "could R2D2 foil the Dalek's latest plan", not so much "could R2D2 permanently wipe out the entirety of the Dalek race". I'll clarify from now on the area of comparison.


By the way, I'm sorry about removing your vote, Xaerez. I did my editing in a bit too much of a haste because I decided that I didn't want to get too involved in arguing


Anyway, it looks like Makuta won this round. Next round: Makuta vs. The Avengers.


Area of comparison: Death match.



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Ahhhh, a specified playing field works well. Makuta, again. Giant robot of doom.


Also, no hard feelings, brah. Sometimes I just need to be bitter and that was the perfect opportunity.

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I don't know much about the Avengers, but I'd say Makuta. After all, he has 42 powers and they have, what, five? I can't imagine they'd be anything more than an annoyance to him.

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Makuta all the way. ^_^


Also this:


I would've loved to put it under a philosophical entry, but since this is the most recent I put it here ;D

Haven't you already approved this blog before? *looks at content block to the left*


Anyways, Makuta wins this hands down.

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Haven't you already approved this blog before? *looks at content block to the left*

I can approve blogs as many times as I want! :P


No seriously. I made a new approval, so I just re-approve. ^_^

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Not sure. If it's the giant robot Makuta, yes. If it's the classic Makuta, I think Thor and Hulk could make things difficult for him, considering they're both practically immortal and he's got that antidermis problem.


The Giant robot is no contest, though.

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